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Changsha cate culture

Changsha serves as the provincial capital of Hunan Province, famed with its rich cate culture at the world. Changsha cate with hemp hot famed, shirt-sleeve the gust such as Hunan dish, plain dish, taste is distinctive, sweet hot delicious, love by deadbeat.

General situation of 51 square cate

The 51 square that are located in center of the Changsha City are one of ground mark of Changsha, also be cate collects the ground. Square periphery gathered together shop of numerous cate meal, covered the characteristic cate such as dish of of all kinds Hunan, plain dish, chaffy dish, barbecue, it is the reachs surely ground of cate lover.

51 square cate is recommended

If you want to appreciate Changsha tunnel cate, might as well the fascia that foretaste tastes place is fastfood. Around 51 square, you can taste savor place famous strong-smelling preserved bean curd, hemp is hot cate of first class of fish of any of several hot spice plants of very hot, chop, satisfy your taste bud.

In addition, square periphery still has numerous characteristic dining room, wait like inn of red chaffy dish of old name wine shop, net, supply delicate and delicate Hunan dish and plain dish, can sample for you and experience.

51 square cate experiences

Regard cate as heaven, the cate meal amount of 51 square is numerous, breed is various, you can choose the cate that you like to the top of one's bent, appreciate the distinctive glamour of culture of Changsha characteristic food. Here, you can taste the Hunan cate with authentic savor not only, still can experience grumous local characteristic and humanitarian lasting appeal.


51 square are the superexcellent delegate of Changsha cate, it gathered together to abound diversiform cate, no matter be of all kinds and fastfood,still be pure dining-room, be here to be able to find the option that makes you satisfactory. If you are a cate lover, so come 51 square scarcely can make you disappointed, it will become you to have a good swim of the brigade of Changsha cate not 2 choices.

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