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  • 1. 生物:利用鸟鸣声或昆虫的叫声进行生物多样性教学,让学生通过声音来认识不同种类的动植物。
  • 2. 地理:通过大自然的声音,引导学生了解不同自然环境下的声音特点,比如森林、海洋、草原等。
  • 3. 艺术:将大自然的声音与音乐、绘画、舞蹈等艺术形式相结合,激发学生表现大自然的创作灵感。



  • 1. 带学生到自然环境中,让他们闭上眼睛,专心倾听各种声音,并记录下来做成声音地图。
  • 2. 利用录音设备录制不同自然环境下的声音,让学生通过聆听来辨别不同环境的声音特点。
  • 3. 邀请音乐老师或艺术家来学校,与学生一起创作将大自然声音和音乐结合的作品。






Nature is the most wonderful musician beside us, her sound is the valuable resource in education. The voice that uses nature has teacher and student, can arouse the student's curiosity and interest not only, return the observation that can enhance them and aural susceptibility. How does this teaching plan use explorationThe sound of natureHave teacher and student, offer a few education give a demonstration that can use for the teacher.

The sound education purpose of nature

Have teacher and student through using the voice of nature, susceptibility of the observation that trains a student, hearing and the passion to nature. Let a student feel nature to hand-in-hand travel learns interdisciplinarily and be explored through sound.

Education content reachs a method

The voice that uses nature undertakes education can involve many subject, for example biology, geographical, art. It is the proposal of content of a few education and method below:

  • 1.Biology: Use twitter or insect cry to have biology diversity teacher and student, let a student come to those who know different sort use a plant through sound.
  • 2.Geographical: Pass the sound of nature, guide a student to understand the sound characteristic below different environment, for instance forest, marine, prairie.
  • 3.Artistic: The artistic form photograph such as the sound of nature and music, will painterly, dancing is united in wedlock, the creation that inspires a student to behave nature is inspirational.

Education give typical examples

It is a few give a demonstration that use nature sound to have teacher and student below:

  • 1.Take a student to arrive in environment, let them close an eye, absorption listen attentively to all sorts of sound, record come down map of make it sound.
  • 2.Use recording equipment collection to make the sound below different environment, let a student discern through listen respectfully the sound characteristic of different environment.
  • 3.Invite musical teacher or artist to come to the school, create the work that combines nature sound and music together with the student.


The voice that uses nature undertakes education can allow a student more the beauty with natural perception of ground of be personally on the scene, also can promote the confluence between course and interdisciplinary exploration. Hope this teaching plan is helped somewhat in education practice to teachers, also expect students can understand nature better through this kind of means, have deep love for nature.

Thank you to read chrestomathy piece article, the sound that hopes to be able to help teachers use nature better through this teaching plan has teacher and student, arouse study interest of the student and the passion to nature.
