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  • 《健康小卫士》:图文并茂地介绍了常见疾病防治知识,让孩子在阅读中学会保护自己的健康。
  • 《小狐狸不生病》:通过小狐狸的故事,向孩子传递了正确的饮食和生活习惯,培养了孩子的健康意识。
  • 《爱牙小卫士》:以有趣的方式讲解了牙齿保健知识,帮助孩子养成良好的口腔卫生习惯。






Draw is children originally one of important way of illuminative education, pass rich drawing and vivid story clue, can draw the child's attention, help them learn all sorts of knowledge happily. The draw that draw of children health knowledge regards a kind of special form as originally this, have amusement not only, still can pass the important information about health to the child. The article will be discussed how to teach the child healthy knowledge originally through draw, introduce draw of a few outstanding children health knowledge this.

Why to choose draw to teach the child healthy knowledge originally

In the process that grows in the child, healthy knowledge is crucial. And the reading material that draw regards a kind of dramatic image as originally, can arouse strong interest of the child, let them learn healthy knowledge in reading a process happily. Compare at common teaching material, draw of children health knowledge draws the child's attention more easily originally, let them master knowledge in exert a subtle influence on.

How to choose appropriate healthy knowledge draw this

It is very important that healthy knowledge draw is taught to the child's health originally. Draw of outstanding children health knowledge should have the following characteristic originally: Information accurate, content is vivid interesting, painting is exquisite, can cause the child's reflection and curiosity. The parent is choosing healthy knowledge draw this when, the commendation of OK and referenced professional personage, the age that also can join the child, interest and healthy education demand undertake choosing.

Draw of outstanding children health knowledge is recommended originally

  • " healthy small bodyguard ": Tuwenbingmaode introduced knowledge of common disease prophylaxis and treatment, let the child learn to protect his health in read.
  • " small fox does not fall ill ": Carry the story of small fox, delivered proper diet and habits and customs to the child, fostered healthy consciousness of the child.
  • " love tooth small bodyguard ": Explained knowledge of dental health care with interesting kind, the oral cavity sanitation with help child good nurturance is used to.


Passing draw to teach the child healthy knowledge originally is a kind of vivid and interesting education kind, can arouse the interest of child learning, heighten the absorption of healthy knowledge and understanding. The parent and teaching staff should take draw of children health knowledge seriously this application, help child grows in the health in joy.

Thank you to read the article, through this article we hope to be able to help the parent and teaching staff use paint of children health knowledge better this, hand healthy knowledge to the child.

