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1. 哑铃推举: 手持哑铃,双臂下垂,然后将哑铃推举到头顶,再控制放下。这个动作可以有效刺激肩部中束的肌肉,增加肌肉力量。

2. 侧平举: 双手持哑铃,身体挺直,然后将哑铃从身体两侧抬举至肩平,再缓慢放下。这个动作可以有效训练肩部中束的侧面肌群。

3. 倒抓船式: 双手持哑铃,弯腰身体前倾,然后将哑铃向后抬举,再缓慢放下。这个动作可以有效刺激肩部后束,同时也能够加强肩部整体的稳定性。


1. 训练过程中要保持呼吸顺畅,不要屏住呼吸。

2. 选择合适的重量进行训练,避免过重导致受伤。

3. 注意姿势和动作的标准性,避免因姿势不正确而引发不适或伤害。




Humeral ministry is medium bundle of importance of training

Humeral ministry is medium bundle of muscle that is a key group, it is crucial to the stability of humeral ministry and force. In carrying special humeral department bundle train, can strengthen the muscle of this one area effectively, increase humeral ministry stability, decrease get a place difficult of access of catch a cold, also can increase humeral ministry power at the same time, for sarcous of other shoulder ministry training lays next good foundations.

Humeral ministry is medium bundle of training method

1.Dumbbell choose: Hold dumbbell, double arm is flagging, carry dumbbell choose in the end on the head next, control again put down. This act can stimulate humeral ministry effectively in bundle muscle, increase muscle power.

2.Side is smooth lift: Both hands holds dumbbell, the body is erect, next from the body dumbbell two side favour sb is made the same score to the shoulder, again slow put down. This act can train humeral ministry effectively in bundle flank flesh group.

3.Catch boat style: Both hands holds dumbbell, bend girth body pitch, next dumbbell backward favour sb, again slow put down. After this act can stimulate humeral ministry effectively bundle, also can reinforce the stability of humeral ministry whole at the same time.

Humeral ministry is medium bundle of training note

1.Breath should hold in training a process smooth, do not want screen to live breath.

2.Choose appropriate weight to undertake training, avoid overweight bring about get hurt.

3.Notice the standard sex of pose and movement, because the pose is incorrect,avoid and cause unwell or harm.

In carrying these humeral departments bundle train a method, you promote a shoulder effectively the stability of the ministry and force, for integral muscle training lays next more solid foundations.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can help you promote humeral ministry muscle effectively stability and force. Skoal, fitness is happy!

