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Chongqing city teachs exam courtyard brief introduction

Courtyard of exam of Chongqing city education is whole town of responsible organization, guidance and management the omnibus administration that exam of various and of all kinds education works. Held water 1982, it is institution of directly under of system of Chongqing city education, belong to the educational administration orgnaization of municipal government.

Educational exam information is released

Chongqing city teachs exam courtyard to be in charge of releasing the information of exam of of all kinds education inside whole town limits, talent of the self-study exam of phase of education of the average college entrance exam of phase of the examination of enter a higher school of middle and primary school that includes compulsory education level, higher education, adult, skill grooms the exam. Through official website, government the channel such as date of small letter public announces the relevant news such as policy of examination program, time signing up, exam to the society.

Teach exam management center

Chongqing city teachs exam courtyard to set special exam management center, be in charge of making the exam outline, propositional organization, arrangement that take an examination of Wu, exam supervise wait for the job. In the meantime, the statistic of achievement of responsible still exam, analysis and release, cogged to the exam behavior undertakes investigate and be handlinged.

Teach exam reform and innovation

Chongqing city teachs exam courtyard to devote oneself to to teach exam reform and innovation, the diversity that promotes education to evaluate means and science are changed, perfect exam system ceaselessly, carry the university entrance exam to try fair sex and diaphaneity, provide more just, fair exam environment for extensive candidate for an entrance examination and teaching staff.

Service society teachs evolution

Courtyard of exam of Chongqing city education is the orgnaization that teachs exam management not only, also be the fundamental strength that serves a society to teach evolution. Through holding education exam major grooms, release educational policy to unscramble, develop the way such as activity of educational scientific research, promote urban and rural education actively balanced development, for the educational enterprise health of Chongqing city development provides strong support.

Thank you read

Thank you to read the introduction that teachs exam courtyard about Chongqing city, the hope understands Chongqing to teach an exam to work to be helped somewhat to you.
