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中国教育考试院(China National Education Examinations Authority)是中国国家教育部直属事业单位,负责全国范围内的教育考试工作,是教育制度改革和发展的重要推动者。




  • 组织和管理全国教育考试
  • 研究和制定教育考试政策
  • 制定和修订各类考试大纲、试卷和评价标准
  • 推动教育考试信息化建设
  • 开展考试研究和国际交流合作




China teachs exam courtyard: The drive person that system of education changes

China teachs exam courtyard (China National Education Examinations Authority) it is institution of directly under of Chinese country Ministry of Education, the educational exam inside limits of responsible whole nation works, be reform of system of education and development is important the person that drive.

Courtyard of exam of state religion Yo is in charge of an organization in and supervise countrywide of all kinds education to take an exam, include the university entrance exam, medium one's deceased father, exam of professional qualification exam, foreign language level (like English 46 class) , matriculation of Master graduate student (abbreviation take an examination ofing grinds) etc. Its working limits involves the throughout the country the education of each layer class takes an exam, influence a move in chess or a movement in wushu with the student of ten million plan and teaching staff.

China teachs exam courtyard to answer a country actively to teach reform policy, push the reform that teachs exam system ceaselessly, just be a target in order to promote the educational fairness, person that raises education quality and education to have competition ability more. It devotes oneself to to explore more scientific, juster, more effective exam to evaluate a system, the disequilibrium that eliminates educational natural resources hard distributings, promote quality education and the concept that lifelong study.

China teachs the main responsibility of exam courtyard to include:

  • Organization and education of administrative whole nation take an exam
  • Consider and make educational exam policy
  • Make and edit outline of of all kinds exam, examination paper and evaluation standard
  • Urge construction of educational exam informatization
  • Begin exam research and international communication collaboration

Courtyard of Chinese education exam is taught in China the place that hold the balance is had in the system, its work to matter to destiny of educational quality, student and national development directly. Innovate through ceaseless exploration, it devotes oneself to to drive educational exam institution forward juster, more scientific way develops, the long-term evolution that teachs a career for China is contributing fundamental strength.

Acknowledgment reads chrestomathy piece article, teach the job of exam courtyard through understanding China deep, hope reader can teach exam system to have clearer knowledge to China, and more thorough to teaching the development direction of reform to have reflection.

