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  • 分辨率:决定照片的清晰度,常用单位为“万像素”;
  • 传感器大小:影响画质表现和高感光度表现;
  • 光学变焦:影响拍摄远景的清晰度;
  • 镜头品质:直接影响照片的成像效果;
  • 功能和性能:如防抖、对焦速度、拍摄模式等;
  • 体积和重量:决定携带的便利性。



  • 迷你数码相机:体积小巧,适合随身携带,但通常牺牲了一些拍摄性能;
  • 高级紧凑型相机:功能丰富,画质优秀,适合日常拍摄和旅行使用;
  • 单反相机:拥有出色的成像质量和拍摄性能,适合专业摄影师和摄影发烧友;
  • 微单相机:介于高级紧凑型相机和单反相机之间,兼具画质和便携性的优点。






The choice guideline of digital camera

In current number age, digital camera has become people to record the life, main tool that shares the instant. However, face the digital camera product of the full of beautiful things in eyes on market, how should choose a digital camera that suits oneself?

Above all, we need to use the end of digital camera clearly. It is the record tool that serves as daily life, where is the necessary equipment that still photographs as major? This are crucial, because different utility needs the digital watch for an opportunity of different type.

Crucial factor

When choosing digital camera, a few crucial factors need a consideration:

  • Resolution: Decide the definition of the photograph, commonly used unit is " 10 thousand like element " ;
  • Sensor size: The influence draws quality performance and high speed performance;
  • Optical scorch: The influence films the definition of distant view;
  • Camera lens character: Affect a picture directly into resemble the effect;
  • Function and function: If prevent,tremble, spend to Jiao Su, film mode;
  • Bulk and weight: Decide the convenience sex that carry.

Common type

What the basis uses demand and user group is different, digital camera can divide roughly for a few kinds of common types:

  • Confuse your number camera: Bulk is cabinet, suit to be carried, but sacrificed normally a few film function;
  • Advanced and compact model camera: The function is rich, the picture is qualitative outstanding, suit to film with brigade exercise is used daily;
  • Sheet turns over camera: Have become outstandingly mix like quality film function, suit professional cameraman and photography to have a fever friendly;
  • Small only watch for a chance: Interpose at advanced and compact model camera and sheet turn over camera between, hold a picture concurrently to be mixed character the advantage of portable sex.

Choose a proposal

Finally, according to individual demand, the choice suits his digital camera. If just film daily, advanced and compact model camera is right choice, and faster to pursuit picture pledges and more films functional user, can consider sheet to turn over camera or small only watch for a chance.

Anyhow, camera of number of choose and buy needs to consider oneself demand, budget and product performance integratedly, ability finds the digital watch for an opportunity that suits his most.

Acknowledgment is read! Hope this article can help you choose to suit his digital camera better.
