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Camera of Ni Kang number operates a guideline

Regard a Ni Kang as the new user of digital camera, you may feel bemused to how using it correctly. In the article, we will provide complete operation guide for you, include fast left-hand seat, film skill and common problem are solved.

Quick start

When you take watch for a chance of Ni Kang number for the first time, should ensure above all already mount the batteries of camera inserted memory card. Next, press power source pushbutton, camera will begin the work. You can be familiar with all sorts of filming through browsing the menu of camera mode and setting option. Additional, reading camera manual also is very important, it can help you know the function of camera and operation method deep more.

Film skill

When film, want to notice radial use. Camera of Ni Kang number matchs what stock differs to film normally mode, be like full automatic mode, aperture is preferential mode and shutter are preferential mode. In addition, understanding exposure is compensated and install evenly in vain to filming the promotion of the effect is crucial also. Besides, stable watch for an opportunity is likewise significant, use tripod or stabilizer to conduce to rise film quality.

Common problem is solved

In process of camera of number of use Ni Kang, may encounter a few common problems, memory card is for instance wrong, film blur or batteries cannot charge etc. We suggest you carry camera manual, there is the means of settlement to common problem inside. In the meantime, there also are a lot of solutions to be able to offer inquiry on Internet, search relevant technical support and FAQ on Nikang government website for example.

Hope to carry the article read, you can know the use method of camera of Ni Kang number better, rise film skill, can solve the problem that in use encounters well. Thank you read!

