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路虎(Land Rover)捷豹(Jaguar)是英国汽车制造业的两大代表品牌。路虎以其越野车和SUV车型而闻名,而捷豹则以其豪华轿车和运动型轿车而著称。这两个品牌的汽车不仅在英国本土畅销,也远销国际市场,在全球范围内享有极高的声誉。


进入21世纪,英国汽车制造业依然保持着强劲的竞争力。诸如迈凯伦(McLaren)阿斯顿·马丁(Aston Martin)等高端跑车品牌,以及大众、本田等国际品牌在英国设立了生产基地,使得英国汽车制造业拥有了极高的技术含量和全球化的生产布局。





The history of British automobile manufacturing industry

British automobile manufacturing industryOf long standing and well established, can the car of 19 centuries end invents restrospect to earlier. Automobile manufacturing industry of England got developing flourishingly during two world war, become Europe's mainest at that time car to produce one of countries. Till today, england still is famous in the world with the car of its masterly craft and high quality.

The delegate brand of British automobile manufacturing industry

Lu Hu (Land Rover)AndNimble leopard (Jaguar)It is the brand of two big delegates of British automobile manufacturing industry. Lu Hu with its cross-country car is proverbial with SUV model, and nimble leopard criterion with its luxurious car is celebrated with motile car. The car of these two brands sells well in British mainland not only, also sell as far as to an international market, extremely tall reputation is enjoyed inside global limits.

The hair of British automobile manufacturing industry develops form

Enter 21 centuries, british automobile manufacturing industry still is retaining driving competition ability. Such asMaikailun (McLaren), Aston Martin (Aston Martin)Wait for brand of high-end racing bike, and the international brand such as this the masses, cropland created manufacturing base in England, make the manufacturing position that British automobile manufacturing industry had extremely high technology content and globalization.

The future of British automobile manufacturing industry is looked into

As the development of electric car and automatic road-sense, british automobile manufacturing industry also upgrades in active transition. Numerous car manufacturer is thrown in the research and development of car of new energy resources and production, while British automobile industry is meeting new challenge also coruscate gives new energy. In the meantime, british government also is passed a series of policy supports and invest, industry of the automobile that help strength achieves the green, progress that can last.

Thank you to read the article, brand of the long history that hopes to let you know British automobile manufacturing industry more through the article, delegate and prospective development are looked into.

