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南方科技大学(South University of Science and Technology)是一所位于中国深圳市的创新型学术机构,于2009年由中央和地方政府合作创办。作为一所年轻而充满活力的学府,南方科技大学以其开放、创新、国际化的办学理念,吸引了来自全球各地的学生和教师。











Brief introduction of university of southern science and technology

University of southern science and technology (South University Of Science And Technology) it is an orgnaization of the innovation that is located in Chinese Shenzhen city learning, 2009 by in the center of with local government collaboration establishs. As a young and red-blooded institution of higher learning, university of southern science and technology is opened with its, the managerial concept of innovation, internationalization, drew the student that comes from global each district and teacher.

The managerial characteristic of university of southern science and technology

University of southern science and technology with its particular " Trinitarian " managerial mode and famed, namely learning and research and education photograph union, innovation photograph union, undergraduate course and photograph of graduate student education are united in wedlock. The school encourages a student to have interdisciplinary study and research, provided vast development space for the student.

The course advantage of university of southern science and technology

University of southern science and technology is mixed in science, project, medicine management learns to wait for a domain to have powerful course advantage. The school pays attention to the education of course across and innovation ability, promote academic research and practice innovation ceaselessly.

The internationalization characteristic of university of southern science and technology

University of southern science and technology devotes oneself to as top-ranking as the world university and scientific research orgnaization to begin collaboration, provide the academia of internationalization and platform. The school is introduced and trained the teacher of large quantities of one internationalization setting and student, promoted academic communication and cooperation, promoted the promotion of international learning fame.

The future of university of southern science and technology is looked into

University of southern science and technology devotes oneself to to become a the research with top-ranking international college, develop cacique of innovation of prospective science and technology and internationalization person with ability. The school will continue to take the concept of open, innovation, promote academic research and intellectual innovation, make due contribution to promote social progress and development of science and technology.

Thank you to read the introduction about university of southern science and technology, hope the article can be you to have clearer knowledge to university of southern science and technology.

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