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be Greek to me 不是对我来说是希腊语


be Greek to me 不是对我来说是希腊语

His lecture was Greek to me. 误译:他的讲座对我来说是希腊语。 正确:他的演讲我一点也听不懂。 说明:be Greek to sb. 的意思是“对某人来说一窍不通;全然不懂”。 例句:When you start talking Shakespeare I really get lost. It's all Greek to me. I just cannot understand any of it. 当你说莎士比亚的时候,我真得一头雾水。我完全不懂,我一点都不明白。

上一篇:great and small 不是伟大而渺小
下一篇:The grass is always greener on the other side 不是另一边的草总是更绿