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历史上的今天 ‧ 美国石油大亨洛克菲勒逝世


历史上的今天 ‧ 美国石油大亨洛克菲勒逝世

  • 约翰 D. 洛克菲勒(John D. Rockefeller, Sr.)是美国历史上著名的石油大亨,也是标准石油公司(Standard Oil Company)的创始人之一。他出生于1839年7月8日,逝世于1937年5月23日。洛克菲勒家族在美国乃至世界历史上都具有重要地位,其家族成员在商业、慈善和政治等多个领域都有着显著的影响力。以下是一些关于美国石油大亨洛克菲勒的英语资料。   John Davison Rockefeller, often known as John D. Rockefeller, was an American industrialist and philanthropist who is widely considered the wealthiest American of all time. He was born on July 8, 1839, in Richford, New York, and died on May 23, 1937. Rockefeller is best known as the founder of the Standard Oil Company, which revolutionized the petroleum industry.   约翰·戴维森·洛克菲勒,常被称为约翰·D·洛克菲勒,是一位美国实业家和慈善家,被普遍认为是美国历史上最富有的人。他于1839年7月8日出生在纽约州的杨佳镇,并在1937年5月23日去世。洛克菲勒以创立标准石油公司而闻名,该公司彻底改变了石油工业。   In his early years, Rockefeller worked in various jobs before becoming a produce commission merchant. His big break came in 1863 when he and his partner, Maurice B. Clark, ventured into the oil business. Rockefeller's keen business acumen and strategic decisions allowed him to dominate the oil industry, leading to the creation of the Standard Oil Trust in 1870, which controlled 90% of the refineries in the United States.   早年,洛克菲勒在成为农产品交易商之前做过各种工作。他的重大突破发生在1863年,当时他和他的合伙人莫里斯·B·克拉克进入石油业务。洛克菲勒敏锐的商业头脑和战略决策使他能够主导石油工业,导致1870年成立了标准石油信托,控制了美国90%的炼油厂。   Rockefeller's business practices were controversial, and he was often criticized for creating a monopoly. However, he was also known for his philanthropy. He believed in giving back to society and donated much of his wealth to various causes, including education and medical research.   洛克菲勒的商业活动曾引起争议,他因创建垄断而屡遭批评。尽管如此,他同样以慈善事业闻名。洛克菲勒坚信回馈社会,将自己大部分财富捐赠给各种事业,包括教育和医学研究。   After retiring in 1897, Rockefeller focused on his philanthropic endeavors. He established the Rockefeller Foundation in 1913, which has had a significant impact on global health and education. His contributions to society have been recognized worldwide, and he is remembered not only for his business success but also for his generosity.   洛克菲勒在1897年退休后,便将注意力转向了慈善事业。1913年,他创立了洛克菲勒基金会,该基金会对全球健康和教育领域产生了深远的影响。洛克菲勒对社会的贡献得到了全球的认可,他不仅因其商业成就而被铭记,也因其慷慨的慈善精神而被人们所怀念。   John D. Rockefeller's legacy is a testament to the power of innovation, the importance of strategic business decisions, and the value of philanthropy. His influence on the American economy and society is undeniable, and his life story continues to inspire generations of entrepreneurs and philanthropists.   约翰·D·洛克菲勒的遗产证明了创新的力量、战略商业决策的重要性以及慈善的价值。他对美国经济和社会的影响是不可否认的,他的人生故事继续激励着一代又一代的企业家和慈善家。