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  • 救护车的简介



    - Ambulance [æmˈbjuːləns] - 救护车
    - Emergency Medical Services (EMS) [ɪˈmɜːrdʒənsi ˈmɛdɪkl ˈsɜːrvɪsɪz] - 紧急医疗服务
    - Paramedic [ˌpærəˈmedɪk] - 急救医生
    - First Responder [ˌfɜːrst rɪˈspɒndər] - 急救人员
    - Siren [ˈsaɪərən] - 警笛
    - Stretcher [ˈstretʃər] - 担架
    - Life Support [laɪf səˈpɔːrt] - 生命维持设备
    - Oxygen Tank [ˈɒksɪdʒən tæŋk] - 氧气罐
    - Defibrillator [ˌdiːfɪˈbrɪlɪteɪtər] - 除颤器


    Ambulances are the lifelines of emergency healthcare, rushing to the scene of accidents and medical crises with lights flashing and sirens wailing. They are mobile medical units equipped with state-of-the-art equipment that can stabilize a patient's condition before reaching the hospital. The team aboard an ambulance is composed of skilled professionals who are trained to handle a wide array of emergencies, from minor injuries to life-threatening conditions.

    The journey inside an ambulance is a race against time, where every second counts. The paramedics work tirelessly to administer first aid, monitor vital signs, and perform life-saving procedures. Their goal is to provide the best possible care to the patient, ensuring a smooth transition to the hospital's intensive care unit.

    Ambulances are a testament to the dedication and expertise of the emergency medical services. They are a symbol of hope in times of crisis, a beacon of safety guiding the way to recovery.





    Caller: Hello, this is an emergency! There's been a car accident on Elm Street. Someone's hurt!
    Operator: Stay calm, sir. I've dispatched an ambulance to your location. Can you describe the situation?
    Caller: There's a car flipped over, and I can see a person trapped inside. They're unconscious.
    Operator: I understand. The paramedics are equipped to handle this. Are you able to assist until they arrive?
    Caller: Yes, I'll do what I can. Please hurry!
    Operator: They're on their way. In the meantime, can you ensure the scene is safe for the ambulance to approach?
    Caller: I'll try. There's broken glass everywhere, but I'll clear a path.
    Operator: Thank you. Help is coming. Just stay on the line with me until the ambulance arrives.

    呼叫者: 你好,这是紧急情况!在榆树街上发生了一起车祸。有人受伤了!
    接线员: 保持冷静,先生。我已经派出了一辆救护车到你的位置。你能描述一下情况吗?
    呼叫者: 有一辆车翻了过来,我可以看到一个人被困在里面。他们不省人事。
    接线员: 我明白了。急救医生有能力处理这个情况。在他们到达之前你能提供帮助吗?
    呼叫者: 可以,我会尽我所能。请快点!
    接线员: 他们正在路上。与此同时,你能确保现场对救护车来说是安全的吗?
    呼叫者: 我会尝试的。到处都是碎玻璃,但我会清理出一条通道。
    接线员: 谢谢你。救援正在赶来。在救护车到达之前,请继续和我保持通话。

    上一篇:国际生物多样性日(International Day for Biodiversity;IBD)