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  • 骄傲用英语怎么说?

    "骄傲"在英语中通常可以翻译为 “pride”,但具体用法和表达方式可能会因语境而异。以下是关于 “pride” 的一些常见用法和表达:

    1. 当我们谈论对某件事感到自豪时,我们可以说 “take pride in” 或 “be proud of”。例如:
    • I take great pride in my work.(我对我的工作感到非常自豪。)
    • She is proud of her achievements.(她对自己的成就感到自豪。)
    1. 当我们谈论自豪感时,我们通常会说 “pride”。例如:
    • He has a sense of pride in his culture.(他对自己的文化感到自豪。)
    • The team showed a lot of pride in their performance.(这个团队为自己的表现感到自豪。)
    1. “骄傲” 也可以表示自负或傲慢,这时我们通常会说 “arrogance” 或 “cockiness”。例如:
    • He is too proud to apologize.(他太自负了,不愿意道歉。)
    • Her arrogance alienated her from her friends.(她的傲慢使她与朋友们疏远了。)


    1. 自豪和满足:

      • I’m proud of what you’ve accomplished.(我对你的成就感到自豪。)
      • She beams with pride at her child’s success.(她对孩子成功时露出的自豪笑容。)
    2. 自尊和自信:

      • He walks with a pride that commands respect.(他带着一种赢得尊重的自尊走路。)
      • She has a quiet pride that is inspiring.(她有一种鼓舞人心的低调自信。)
    3. 团体或国家的自豪感:

      • The community takes pride in its cultural heritage.(这个社区对其文化遗产感到自豪。)
      • We should all be proud of our country’s athletes.(我们都应该为我国的运动员感到骄傲。)
    4. 过于自负或傲慢:

      • His pride got in the way of his relationships.(他的自负妨碍了他的关系。)
      • She was too proud to accept help when she needed it.(她过于骄傲,以至于在需要帮助时也不愿意接受。)
    5. 羞愧或失望中的自豪感:

      • He left with his head held high, pride wounded but not broken.(他高昂着头离开了,虽然自尊受到了伤害但并未破碎。)
      • Despite the loss, the team maintained their pride.(尽管输了,团队还是保持了他们的自豪感。)
    6. 家庭或个人的自豪感:

      • My parents’ faces were shining with pride at my graduation.(我毕业时,父母的脸上洋溢着骄傲。)
      • The child’s drawing made her parents swell with pride.(孩子的画让她的父母感到无比自豪。)
    7. 历史或传统的自豪感:

      • The residents of this town take pride in their history.(这个城镇的居民对他们的历史感到自豪。)
      • We should all be proud of our ancestors’ sacrifices.(我们都应该为我们的祖先的牺牲感到骄傲。)

