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  • 暑假计划充满了多彩的活动,旨在丰富而有意义。计划包括家人一起度假,探索历史地标,体验志愿者工作,享受露营乐趣,以及学习新技能。这些活动将让我度过充实的假期,创造珍贵的回忆,同时拓展我的视野,提升个人成长。以下是三篇关于暑假计划的简短英语作文范文,一起来看一下吧!

    作文一:My Summer Vacation Plan

    This summer vacation, I have exciting plans. Firstly, I will spend some quality time with my family. We plan to go on a trip to the countryside, where we can enjoy nature and relax. Secondly, I want to improve my English skills by joining an English language course. I believe this will help me become more confident in speaking and writing English. Lastly, I plan to dedicate some time to pursue my hobbies, such as painting and playing the guitar. Overall, I am looking forward to a fun and fulfilling summer break!



    作文二:Summer Vacation Dreams

    As the summer vacation approaches, I am filled with excitement thinking about all the things I want to do. Firstly, I plan to visit some historical landmarks and museums in my city. I believe this will not only be educational but also enjoyable. Secondly, I want to spend time volunteering at a local charity organization. Giving back to the community is important to me, and I hope to make a positive impact. Lastly, I look forward to relaxing at home, reading books, and watching movies. This summer, I aim to make the most of every moment and create lasting memories.



    作文三:Summer Adventure Ahead

    This summer, I am ready for an adventure! Firstly, I plan to go camping with my friends. We will set up tents, make bonfires, and spend nights under the starry sky. It will be a great opportunity to bond and create lasting memories. Secondly, I want to learn a new skill, like photography or cooking. I believe learning something new will enrich my life and broaden my horizons. Lastly, I aim to stay active by playing sports and going for long walks in nature. This summer promises to be full of excitement and discovery!


