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  • 内向(Introversion)是一种性格特征,指的是个体倾向于从内在世界,如思想、感受和观念中获取能量,而不是外在的刺激,如社交活动。内向者通常更喜欢独处或在小团体中,他们可能在大型社交场合中感到不适。内向并不意味着害羞或不善社交,而是表明他们恢复精力的方式和外向者不同。


    Introverted (adj.): 内向的 Reserved (adj.): 矜持的,保守的 Shy (adj.): 害羞的 Solitary (adj.): 孤独的,独自的 Reclusive (adj.): 隐居的,避世的 Private (adj.): 私人的,私下的 Contemplative (adj.): 深思的,冥想的 Introspective (adj.): 内省的 Prefer solitude (phr.): 喜欢独处 Quiet (adj.): 安静的 Thoughtful (adj.): 深思熟虑的


    作文一:The Quiet Strength of Introverts (内向者静谧的力量)   Introverts are often misunderstood as being shy or unsociable. However, introversion is a unique personality trait that offers a different kind of strength. Introverts may not be the life of the party, but they possess a quiet strength that can be incredibly valuable in many situations. Introverts tend to think deeply before they speak, which means their words are often well-considered and meaningful. They are also excellent listeners, giving their full attention to the person speaking, making others feel truly heard. This quality can make them great friends and confidants. Moreover, introverts are comfortable with solitude and find peace in being alone. They use this time for self-reflection and personal growth, which can lead to a rich inner life. They are often the creative minds behind some of the world's greatest innovations and works of art. In the workplace, introverts can be the thoughtful planners who carefully consider all aspects of a project before moving forward. Their ability to focus deeply on tasks can lead to high-quality work and effective problem-solving. It's important to recognize and celebrate the strengths that introverts bring to the table. Their quiet influence can be just as powerful as the more outspoken members of society.






      作文二:Embracing Introversion (拥抱内向)   In a world that often favors extroversion, embracing one's introversion can seem challenging. However, recognizing the unique qualities that introverts bring to the table can lead to a more balanced and fulfilling life. Introverts are not good at socializing; they simply have a different approach to social interactions. They may prefer one-on-one conversations over large group settings, allowing for deeper connections and more meaningful exchanges. This preference can also extend to their hobbies and interests, often gravitating towards activities that promote introspection and creativity. The ability to enjoy one's own company is a true gift that introverts possess. They do not rely on external validation to feel content and can find joy in simple pleasures like reading a book, taking a walk, or listening to music. This self-sufficiency can be a source of resilience in times of stress or change. In professional settings, introverts may be more observant and detail-oriented, noticing things that others might miss. Their preference for listening over talking can also make them excellent team players, as they are often the ones to synthesize information and come up with innovative solutions. It's essential to create an environment where both introverts and extroverts can thrive. By valuing the traits of introversion, we can foster a more diverse and inclusive society where everyone's strengths are recognized and appreciated.






    上一篇:The Impact of Price Reductions 降价的影响