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  • Winter Solstice is an important traditional festival in China, which usually falls around December 22nd or 23rd. It has a long history and rich cultural connotations.


    The origin of Winter Solstice can be traced back to ancient times when people worshipped the sun and hoped for longer days and shorter nights. On this day, the sun reaches its lowest point in the sky and begins to move northward, indicating the arrival of winter.


    To celebrate Winter Solstice, people usually eat dumplings or tangyuan, which are round glutinous rice balls served in sweet soup. The round shape symbolizes reunion and harmony, while the sweet soup represents happiness and warmth.


    In some parts of China, people also eat mutton or lamb hot pot, which is believed to warm the body during the cold winter months. In addition, some regions have the custom of hanging mugwort leaves on doors or windows to ward off evil spirits and bring good luck.


    Overall, Winter Solstice is a time for family reunions, expressing gratitude, and looking forward to a new year filled with hope and happiness.



    1. Winter Solstice - 冬至
    2. Festival - 节日
    3. Celebrate - 庆祝
    4. Reunion - 团圆
    5. Harmony - 和谐
    6. Sweet soup - 甜汤
    7. Glutinous rice balls - 糯米球
    8. Dumplings - 饺子
    9. Tangyuan - 汤圆
    10. Mutton - 羊肉
    11. Lamb hot pot - 羊肉火锅
    12. Warm the body - 保暖身体
    13. Mugwort leaves - 艾叶
    14. Evil spirits - 邪灵
    15. Good luck - 好运
    16. Gratitude - 感恩
    17. Hope - 希望
    18. Happiness - 幸福
    19. Family - 家庭
    20. New year - 新年


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