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学单词: Slow 慢


学单词: Slow 慢


The word "slow" can be used as an adjective, adverb, or verb, and it has several meanings depending on the context in which it is used.


As an Adjective (作为形容词):

1. Moving or Operating at a Low Speed (移动或操作速度慢的):

   - Example: The turtle is a slow animal compared to the rabbit.

     - 例如:与兔子相比,乌龟是一种跑得慢的动物。

2. Taking a Long Time to Happen or Complete (花费很长时间才会发生或完成的):

   - Example: The progress on the construction project is slow due to bad weather.

     - 例如:由于恶劣天气,建筑项目的进展缓慢。

3. Not Fast in Intellectual Understanding or Learning (智力理解或学习不快的):

   - Example: He is a slow learner in mathematics but excels in art.

     - 例如:他在数学上是个学习慢的学生,但在艺术方面表现出色。

4. Not Prompt or Quick to Act (不及时或不迅速行动的):

   - Example: The government's response to the crisis was slow and inadequate.

     - 例如:政府对危机的反应缓慢而不足。

As an Adverb (作为副词):

1. At a Low Speed (以低速):

   - Example: The car drove slowly down the winding road.

     - 例如:汽车在蜿蜒的道路上慢慢行驶。

2. Without Speed or Promptness (没有速度或及时性):

   - Example: She spoke slowly to make sure everyone understood her.

     - 例如:她说话很慢,以确保每个人都能听懂她的话。

As a Verb (作为动词):

1. To Reduce Speed or Become Slower (减速或变慢):

   - Example: The train slowed as it approached the station.

     - 例如:火车在接近车站时减速。

2. To Delay or Stall (拖延或停顿):

   - Example: The economic downturn slowed the company's expansion plans.

     - 例如:经济下滑拖延了公司的扩张计划。

3. To Make Something Less Intense or Active (减缓某物的强度或活跃性):

   - Example: He took a deep breath to slow his racing heart.

     - 例如:他深吸一口气,以减缓自己急速跳动的心脏。

Synonyms (同义词): sluggish, tardy, leisurely, gradual, delayed, unhurried, slack, sluggish, dawdling

Antonyms (反义词): fast, rapid, quick, swift, speedy, prompt, brisk, expeditious, hasty, accelerated


- Slow down: 减速,放慢脚步

- Slow and steady wins the race: 缓慢而稳健的进步会取得胜利

- Slow motion: 慢动作

- Slow cooker: 慢炖锅

- Slow lane: 慢车道

- Slow-witted: 迟钝的

Examples (例句):

1. The traffic was moving so slowly that we were late for the appointment.

   - 交通拥堵,我们迟到了。

2. She carefully and slowly poured the hot tea into the cups.

   - 她小心翼翼地将热茶慢慢倒入杯子里。

3. The old computer runs slowly because it lacks memory and processing power.

   - 这台旧电脑运行缓慢,因为它缺乏内存和处理能力。

4. Despite his slow progress, he never gave up on his dream of becoming a doctor.

   - 尽管进展缓慢,但他从未放弃成为医生的梦想。

5. The company implemented measures to slow the spread of the virus among employees.

   - 公司采取措施减缓病毒在员工中的传播。


上一篇:自私之我见 My View on Selfishness