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每年世界上最大规模的人口迁徙:春运 Spring Festival travel rush


每年世界上最大规模的人口迁徙:春运 Spring Festival travel rush

  • 春运,即春节期间的旅客运输(passenger transport during the Spring Festival),是中国特有的文化现象。这一现象通常被称为“Spring Festival travel rush”,也被BBC描述为“每年世界上最大规模的人口迁徙(the largest human migration on earth happening annually)”。随着春节的临近,数以百万计在外工作或学习的人们会返乡与家人团聚,这是春运热潮的主要原因。春运期间,中国的铁路系统面临着极高的交通压力,导致购票变得非常困难。春运通常持续40天,从春节前15天开始,直到春节后25天结束。


    1. Spring Festival travel rush - 春运 2. Passenger transport - 旅客运输 3. Human migration - 人口迁徙 4. High traffic load - 高交通压力 5. Ticket purchasing difficulties - 购票困难 6. Reunite with families - 与家人团聚 7. Railway system - 铁路系统 8. Real-name ticket purchasing - 实名购票 9. Scalper/tout - 票贩子 10. Huge crowds of people - 人山人海


    The Spring Festival Travel Rush in China   Every year, as the Spring Festival approaches, China experiences a unique cultural phenomenon known as the Spring Festival travel rush. This is the largest annual human migration on earth, with millions of people traveling across the country to reunite with their families for the traditional Chinese New Year.   The Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year, is a time of family reunions and celebrations. It is a significant event in Chinese culture, and the travel rush is a testament to the importance of family in Chinese society. The 40-day period, starting 15 days before the festival and ending 25 days after, sees an unprecedented surge in passenger transport as people from all walks of life make their way home.   The railway system bears the brunt of this travel rush, with an extremely high traffic load that makes ticket purchasing a challenging task. Despite the difficulties, the determination to be with loved ones during this special time is unwavering.   The Spring Festival travel rush is not just a logistical challenge; it is a reflection of the deep-rooted values of family and tradition in Chinese culture. It is a time when the nation comes together, and despite the crowds and the hustle, there is a sense of warmth and joy that pervades the air.   In conclusion, the Spring Festival travel rush is a remarkable event that showcases the resilience and spirit of the Chinese people. It is a time of hope, joy, and togetherness, and it is a celebration of the enduring bonds of family that transcend the challenges of distance and time.
    中国的春运   每年春节临近时,中国都会经历一个独特的文化现象——春运。这是地球上最大的年度人口迁徙,数以百万计的人们穿越全国,回家与家人团聚,庆祝传统的中国新年。   春节,也被称为中国新年,是家庭团聚和庆祝的时刻。这是中国文化中的一个重要事件,而春运则是对中国文化中家庭重要性的证明。从节日前15天开始,持续到节日后25天的40天期间,人们从各行各业踏上归途。   铁路系统承受着春运的巨大压力,使得购票变得异常困难。尽管面临困难,但与亲人在这一特殊时刻团聚的决心是坚定不移的。   春运不仅是一个物流挑战,它还反映了中国文化中家庭和传统的深厚价值。这是一个国家团结的时刻,尽管人潮涌动,但空气中弥漫着温暖和喜悦。   总之,春运展示了中国人民的韧性和精神。这是一个充满希望、喜悦和团聚的时刻,它庆祝了超越距离和时间的家庭纽带。