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  • 商标(Trademark)是指用于区分商品或服务来源的标志,它可以是文字、图形、字母、数字、三维标志、颜色组合,甚至是声音。商标是企业品牌的重要组成部分,有助于建立品牌形象,保护消费者权益,同时也是企业知识产权的一种形式。


    1. Trademark - 商标 2. Registered trademark - 注册商标 3. Trademark infringement - 商标侵权 4. Trademark owner - 商标权人 5. Trademark enforcement - 商标执法 6. Trademark registration - 商标注册 7. Trademark symbol - 商标符号(™ 或 ®) 8. Service mark - 服务商标 9. Trade dress - 商业外观(指商品的整体外观,包括包装、装潢等) 10. Trademark dilution - 商标淡化(指商标的独特性被削弱) 11. Generic trademark - 通用商标(指失去独特性的商标,成为通用名词) 12. Descriptive trademark - 描述性商标(直接描述商品特性的商标) 13. Fanciful trademark - 臆造商标(完全新创的、与商品无关的商标) 14. Suggestive trademark - 暗示性商标(暗示商品特性但不直接描述的商标) 15. Trademark portfolio - 商标组合(企业拥有的所有商标的集合)


    The Importance of Trademarks in Business   In today's competitive market, trademarks play a crucial role in distinguishing a company's products and services from those of its competitors. A trademark, which can be a word, logo, or even a unique sound, serves as a company's identity and helps to build brand recognition. It is a valuable asset that can be legally protected, ensuring that no other entity can use it without permission.   商标在当今竞争激烈的市场中扮演着至关重要的角色,它有助于区分一家公司的产品与服务。商标可以是一个单词、标志,甚至是独特的声音,它作为公司的身份象征,有助于建立品牌认知。商标是一项有价值的资产,可以通过法律手段得到保护,确保没有其他实体未经许可使用它。   The process of registering a trademark involves submitting an application to the appropriate government agency, which then reviews the application for approval. Once registered, the trademark owner has exclusive rights to use the mark and can take legal action against any unauthorized use.   注册商标的过程包括向适当的政府机构提交申请,然后由该机构审查申请以获得批准。一旦注册成功,商标所有者拥有独家使用权,并可以对任何未经授权的使用采取法律行动。   However, the journey of a trademark does not end with registration. Companies must continuously monitor the market to ensure that their trademarks are not being infringed upon. They also need to renew their trademarks periodically to maintain their legal protection.   然而,商标的旅程并不在注册后就结束。公司必须持续监控市场,确保他们的商标不被侵犯。他们还需要定期更新商标,以维持其法律保护。   In conclusion, trademarks are not just symbols; they are the cornerstone of a company's brand strategy. They help to establish trust and loyalty among consumers, which can lead to long-term success in the marketplace.   总之,商标不仅仅是符号;它们是公司品牌战略的基石。它们有助于在消费者中建立信任和忠诚度,这可以带来市场上的长期成功。