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1. **吉祥树(Money Tree)**:吉祥树被认为能够吸引财富和好运气,因为它的圆形叶子象征着金钱的滚滚而来。

2. **幸运竹(Lucky Bamboo)**:幸运竹被认为是一种能够带来好运的植物,尤其是在风水学中。它通常被摆放在水培中,具有独特的曲线形状。

3. **发财树(Money Plant)**:发财树也被认为能够吸引财富和好运,因此被许多人放在家中或办公室中。

4. **吊兰(Spider Plant)**:吊兰是一种容易照料的植物,被认为能够带来好运和财富,并且有助于净化空气。



According to traditional belief, a few plants are thought to be able to be brought to the family lucky with fortune. Plant of wh some of which includes:

1.** lucky tree (Money Tree) ** : Lucky tree is thought to be able to attract fortune and good luck, the billow of the circular leaf because of it is indicative money and come.

2.** lucky bamboo (Lucky Bamboo) ** : Lucky bamboo is considered as a kind to be able to bring lucky plant, be in especially geomantic in learning. It is put to be in normally Shui Peizhong, have unique curvilinear figure.

3.** gets rich tree (Money Plant) ** : Get rich the tree also is thought to be able to attract fortune become reconciled to carry, be put in the home by a lot of people accordingly or in the office.

4.** bracketplant (Spider Plant) ** : Bracketplant is a kind of plant that attends easily, be thought to be able to be brought lucky with fortune, and conduce to purify air.

These plants are regarded as in different culture and tradition what can bring fortune become reconciled to carry is indicative, but want to remember, these are traditional belief only, practical effect because of the person different.
