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1. **水晶摆件**:水晶被认为有吸引财气的作用,特别是透明的水晶球或水晶笼子。你可以选择放置在玄关处的适当位置,来吸引财运。

2. **金元宝**:金元宝是传统的财富象征,通常被摆放在玄关处,以吸引财运。可以选择金色的元宝或者金银质地的元宝摆放。

3. **翡翠**:翡翠在中国文化中被视为幸运和财富的象征。可以选择放置一些翡翠摆件或翡翠盆景在玄关处。

4. **植物**:一些被认为具有招财作用的植物,如吊兰、金钱树等,可以放置在玄关处,既美化了环境,又有助于吸引财运。

5. **风水画**:选择一幅具有良好风水的画作,如流水山景、繁茂树木等,放置在玄关处,以促进财运。



Porch is the main area in household, money be consideringed as enrages the place that collect, because this is put suitably,can bring lucky with fortune. It is a few common porch put goods below, can promote allegedly into money:

1.** crystal places a ** : Crystal is thought to have the effect that draws wealth vital energy, especially transparent crystal ball or crystal basket. You can choose to place the proper place that manages in porch, will attract money carry.

2.** of treasure of ** gold dollar: The fortune that gold dollar treasure is a tradition is indicative, be put to be in porch place normally, in order to attract money carry.

3.** halcyon ** : Halcyon is regarded as in Chinese culture lucky with fortune indicative. Can choose to place a few halcyon to place or emerald miniascape is in in porch.

4.** plant ** : A few plants that are thought to have the effect that enrol money, wait like tree of bracketplant, money, can place be in in porch, already beautification environment, conduce to again attract money carry.

5.** of ** geomantic picture: The choice has good and geomantic picture to make, wait like scene of running water hill, exuberant tree, place be in in porch, in order to promote money use.

Nevertheless, important is to should notice, no matter place what article, should notice integral layout and atmosphere, keep clean and neat, ensure won't block up comes in and go out normally. In addition, to problem of any belief or wind aquatic, had better choose according to the individual's belief and preference.
