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初中记事的英语作文:A Day at School 学校的一天


初中记事的英语作文:A Day at School 学校的一天

初中记事的英语作文:A Day at School 学校的一天

A Day at School


Every morning I go to school by bike. I have 7 lessons a day. I learn seven subjects, such as English, Chinese, Maths, Geography, History, Physical Education and so on. All the teachers in our school work very hard. They do their best to help us with our studies. We are busy having lessons in the morning. At noon, we can borrow different kinds of books from the library. Sometimes we are allowed to step into the E-reading room. We can surf the net for some useful information. During the PE lesson, many boys like to play ball games while we girls like to play badminton or to practise dancing in the gym.

My school life is busy but interesting.


1)such as 比如

2)do their best 尽力

3)E-reading room 电子阅览室

4)surf the net 在网上冲浪

5)in the gym 在体操房

A Day at School

Today was a typical day at school. I woke up early in the morning and got ready for the day. After having breakfast, I grabbed my backpack and headed to school.

Once I arrived at school, I met up with my friends near the entrance. We chatted and caught up on what we did over the weekend before the bell rang. It was time to go to our first class, English.

In English class, we learned about different types of tenses. Our teacher explained the concepts clearly and gave us some exercises to practice. I found it interesting and enjoyed participating in class discussions.

After English, it was time for Math. We had a quiz on algebraic equations. I had studied hard and felt confident as I answered the questions. The teacher collected our papers and said she would return them tomorrow.

Next, we had a break for recess. My friends and I went to the playground and played some games. We laughed and had a great time together. It was a refreshing break from classes.

The morning flew by quickly, and soon it was time for lunch. I sat with my classmates in the cafeteria and enjoyed a delicious meal. We talked and shared stories while eating.

After lunch, we had Science class. Today's topic was about the solar system. Our teacher showed us pictures and videos of the planets. It was fascinating to learn about the vastness of space and the different characteristics of each planet.

The last class of the day was Physical Education (PE). We went to the gymnasium and played basketball. It was a fun and energetic activity that helped us stay active and healthy.

Finally, the school day came to an end. I packed my things and said goodbye to my friends. I walked out of the school feeling tired but satisfied with the day's events.

On the way home, I reflected on the day's experiences at school and felt happy. The day at school was filled with learning and fun, and I looked forward to new challenges tomorrow.












上一篇:初中写人的英语作文:A Famous Pop Singer 一个著名的流行歌手
下一篇:初中写人的英语作文:I Love You, Mum! 我爱你,妈妈!