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初中写人的英语作文:My Teacher 我的老师


初中写人的英语作文:My Teacher 我的老师

初中写人的英语作文:My Teacher 我的老师

My Teacher


Last Friday I fell off my bike. One of my legs was badly hurt and I had to stay in bed.

That evening, when I was alone, feeling sad, Mrs Li, my English teacher, came to see me. I was too excited to say a word.

“I am very sorry to hear the bad news,” she began, taking a seat by my side.“You mustn't worry about your lessons. I can help you.”

“Thank you, teacher. But you are so busy. What's more, you are in poor health yourself.”

“Never mind.” With the words, she took out the textbook and began to explain the text.

With her help, I didn't fall behind in study.

What a good teacher she is!


1)fall off my bike 从自行车上摔下来

2)too excited to say a word 激动得说不出一句话

3)what's more 而且

4)in poor health 身体不好

5)with her help 有了她的帮助

6)fall behind in study 在学习上掉队

My Teacher 我的老师

My teacher is a kind and knowledgeable person. She is my English teacher, Miss Li.


Miss Li is always patient with her students. Whenever we have questions or difficulties, she is willing to explain and guide us until we understand. She encourages us to ask questions and participate actively in class discussions. With her help, my English has improved significantly.


Not only is Miss Li knowledgeable in English, but she also cares about our overall development. She often shares inspiring stories and encourages us to set goals and work hard to achieve them. She believes that education is not just about academic success but also about character building.


In addition to being a great teacher, Miss Li is also a good friend. She is approachable and always ready to listen to our concerns. She creates a positive and friendly learning environment where we feel comfortable to express ourselves.


I am grateful to have Miss Li as my teacher. She motivates me to strive for excellence and helps me grow not only academically but also as a person. I will always cherish the memories and lessons I have learned from her.






-academic success

-positive and friendly learning environment

-strive for excellence


-express ourselves

-set goals

-work hard

-overall development

-character building

-cherish the memories and lessons learned.

上一篇:20个有关儿童的英语作文话题 儿童是社会的未来和希望
下一篇:初中记事的英语作文:An Unforgettable Holiday 一个难忘的假期