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  • Gold is a chemical element with the symbol Au and atomic number 79. It is a dense, soft, malleable, and ductile metal with a bright yellow color and luster. Gold is a highly valued metal, known for its rarity, resistance to corrosion, and its ability to be finely crafted into jewelry and other decorative items. It has been used as a form of currency and a store of value throughout history. Gold is also used in electronics, dentistry, and aerospace due to its excellent conductivity and resistance to heat and corrosion.   黄金是一种化学元素,符号为Au,原子序数为79。它是一种密度大、柔软、可塑性和延展性好的金属,具有明亮的黄色和光泽。黄金因其稀有性、抗腐蚀性以及能够精细加工成珠宝和其他装饰品而备受珍视。历史上,黄金一直被用作货币和价值储存。由于其出色的导电性和耐热、抗腐蚀性,黄金也被用于电子、牙科和航空航天领域。  


    1. Gold - 黄金 2. Precious metal - 贵金属 3. Malleable - 可塑的 4. Ductility - 延展性 5. Luster - 光泽 6. Jewelry - 珠宝 7. Currency - 货币 8. Store of value - 价值储存 9. Corrosion resistance - 抗腐蚀性 10. Conductivity - 导电性 11. Gold standard - 金本位制(一种货币制度,以黄金为货币价值的基准) 12. Gold rush - 淘金热 13. Gold mining - 黄金开采 14. Gold bullion - 金条 15. Goldsmith - 金匠  


    Gold has been a symbol of wealth and power throughout human history. Its unique properties, such as its lustrous appearance and resistance to tarnish, have made it a coveted material for both practical and decorative purposes. From ancient civilizations to modern times, gold has been used to create exquisite works of art, intricate jewelry, and as a means of exchange in trade.   黄金一直是人类历史上财富和权力的象征。其独特的属性,如光泽的外观和抗腐蚀性,使其成为实用和装饰目的的追捧材料。从古代文明到现代,黄金被用来创造精美的艺术品、复杂的珠宝,以及作为贸易中的交换手段。   The allure of gold extends beyond its monetary value. It is often associated with luxury, status, and the pursuit of the finer things in life. Gold's enduring appeal is evident in the continued popularity of gold investments, such as gold bars and bullion, as well as the ongoing demand for gold in the fashion and technology industries.   黄金的魅力超越了其货币价值。它常常与奢华、地位和追求生活中美好事物联系在一起。黄金的持久吸引力体现在黄金投资(如金条和金块)的持续流行,以及时尚和技术行业对黄金的持续需求。   In conclusion, gold remains a versatile and valuable resource that continues to captivate people around the world. Its role in various aspects of human life, from finance to culture, underscores its timeless significance.   总之,黄金仍然是一个多用途且有价值的资源,继续吸引着世界各地的人们。它在人类生活的各个方面,从金融到文化,都凸显了其永恒的重要性。