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  • 防冻液,也称为冷却液,是用于内燃机冷却系统的特制液体。其主要功能是在低温下防止冷却液结冰,在高温下防止发动机过热。防冻液由水和化学化合物(如乙二醇或丙二醇)的混合物组成,这些化合物可以降低液体的冰点并提高沸点。这使得发动机能够在最佳温度范围内运行,确保其寿命和性能。它还含有腐蚀抑制剂,以保护发动机冷却系统的部件免受锈蚀和腐蚀。   Antifreeze, also known as coolant, is a specially formulated liquid that is used in the cooling systems of internal combustion engines. Its primary function is to prevent the coolant from freezing at low temperatures and to prevent the engine from overheating at high temperatures. Antifreeze contains a mixture of water and a chemical compound, such as ethylene glycol or propylene glycol, which lowers the freezing point and raises the boiling point of the liquid. This allows the engine to operate within an optimal temperature range, ensuring its longevity and performance. It also contains corrosion inhibitors to protect the engine's cooling system components from rust and corrosion.   关于防冻液的英语词汇及短语: - Antifreeze: 防冻液 - Coolant: 冷却液 - Internal combustion engine: 内燃机 - Ethylene glycol: 乙二醇 - Propylene glycol: 丙二醇 - Freezing point: 冰点 - Boiling point: 沸点 - Corrosion inhibitors: 腐蚀抑制剂 - Overheating: 过热 - Engine longevity: 发动机寿命 - Performance: 性能 - Cooling system: 冷却系统 - Rust and corrosion: 锈蚀和腐蚀   关于防冻液的英语句型: - It's important to check the antifreeze level regularly to ensure the engine doesn't overheat.(定期检查防冻液水平非常重要,以确保发动机不会过热。) - The antifreeze should be replaced every two years or as recommended by the vehicle's manufacturer.(防冻液应每两年更换一次,或根据车辆制造商的建议进行更换。) - Mixing different types of antifreeze can cause chemical reactions that may damage the cooling system.(混合不同类型的防冻液可能会导致化学反应,从而损坏冷却系统。) - Always use the correct type of antifreeze for your vehicle as specified in the owner's manual.(始终使用车主手册中指定的适合您车辆的防冻液类型。)   关于防冻液的英语短文: Maintaining the proper functioning of your vehicle's cooling system is crucial for its overall performance and longevity. Antifreeze plays a vital role in this process by regulating the temperature of the engine and protecting it from extreme conditions. It's a simple yet effective way to extend the life of your engine and prevent costly repairs due to overheating or freezing. Remember to monitor the antifreeze level and quality, and replace it as needed to keep your vehicle running smoothly and efficiently.   保持车辆冷却系统的正常运行对其整体性能和寿命至关重要。防冻液通过调节发动机温度和保护其免受极端条件的影响,在这一过程中发挥着至关重要的作用。这是一种简单而有效的方法,可以延长发动机寿命并防止因过热或结冰导致的昂贵维修。记得监控防冻液的水平和质量,并根据需要更换,以保持车辆平稳高效运行。 防冻液,也称为冷却液,是用于内燃机冷却系统的特制液体。其主要功能是在低温下防止冷却液结冰,在高温下防止发动机过热。防冻液由水和化学化合物(如乙二醇或丙二醇)的混合物组成,这些化合物可以降低液体的冰点并提高沸点。这使得发动机能够在最佳温度范围内运行,确保其寿命和性能。它还含有腐蚀抑制剂,以保护发动机冷却系统的部件免受锈蚀和腐蚀。