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1. 仔细阅读原文:理解原文中的主题思想、情节,记住关键词汇。

2. 确定续写方向:选择一个合适的续写方向,根据自己的想法和构思展开,可以发人深思、引起共鸣等等。

3. 扩展文章内容:依据自己的构思,在原文的基础上进行续写,可以透过丰富原文以外的知识,结合亲身经历、事实资料等,不断扩充文章内容。

4. 运用合适的过渡句:过渡句是将原文与续写部分连接起来的关键所在。可以使用一些常用的过渡句,如一些连接词(such as, furthermore, therefore, and so on)。

5. 确保语言表达清晰:要确保语言表达清晰,避免出现







1. Continuing from where the story left off, ...

2. Picking up from the previous chapter, ...

3. Moving forward with the plot, ...

4. Building upon the previous events, ...


1. With that, the story came to a close.

2. Ultimately, it was a happy ending for all.

3. And with that, this chapter of the story ends.

4. As the sun set on yet another adventure, they knew that more awaited them in the future.


Continuing from where Alice left off, she found herself in a strange and magical place. The white rabbit was nowhere to be seen, but there were talking flowers and a caterpillar smoking a hookah.

Alice couldn't believe her eyes! She approached the flowers and started a conversation with them. They told her that they could sing beautiful songs and asked if she wanted to hear one. Alice agreed, and soon she was surrounded by beautiful melodies.

As she strolled through the garden, she stumbled upon a tea party hosted by the Mad Hatter and March Hare. They invited her to join them for tea, and Alice eagerly accepted.

At the tea party, Alice listened to the Hatter's crazy riddles and laughed at the March Hare's silly jokes. Suddenly, the Queen of Hearts appeared and demanded that they participate in a game of croquet.

The game was unlike any Alice had ever played before. The balls and flamingos were alive, and the hedgehogs served as the mallets. Alice struggled to keep up, but eventually, she won the game!

Alice felt proud of herself and decided to celebrate with a dance. She twirled, spun, and giggled while the other characters cheered her on. It was then that Alice realized that maybe, just maybe, she didn't want to leave this magical world after all.


Continuing from where the fourth round of "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" left off, the contestant, Jack, had just stumped the audience with his question and was about to take on the final question worth one million pounds.

The sweat was starting to bead on Jack's forehead as the host read out the question that would make or break his fortune. "What historic event happened first: the building of the Great Wall of China, Julius Caesar's invasion of Britain, William the Conqueror's defeat of King Harold at the Battle of Hastings, or the founding of the Republic of Venice?"

Jack took a deep breath and thought through each answer carefully. He ruled out the building of the Great Wall of China, as he knew it dated back to ancient times. Next, he eliminated Julius Caesar's invasion of Britain, as he was sure it occurred after the building of the Great Wall. His gut told him that William the Conqueror came later in history than the founding of the Republic of Venice, so he went with Venice as his final answer.

The host paused for dramatic effect and then announced, "You, my friend, have just won one million pounds!"

Jack couldn't believe it! His heart was pounding, and tears of joy streamed down his face. He hugged the host, who handed him a giant check, and then turned to face the cheering audience.

As Jack left the stage and returned home, he knew his life would never be the same again. The money would help him start his business, travel the world, and give back to those less fortunate. He felt grateful for the opportunity to be on the show and promised himself that he would always remember this incredible experience.


Continuing from where the story of the Cowherd and Weaver Girl left off, Niulang and Zhinu were happily reunited and living together in their little cottage in the heavens. They spent their days tending to the stars and enjoying each other's company.

One day, as they were lying in the fields watching shooting stars, they heard a commotion nearby. Rushing over, they found a group of villagers who were desperately trying to put out a fire that had started in the nearby forest.

As skilled firefighters themselves, Niulang and Zhinu quickly sprang into action. Using their celestial magic, they were able to control the flames and contain the fire. The grateful villagers thanked them profusely and invited them back to the village for a feast.

In the village, Niulang and Zhinu were revered as heroic saviors, and people came from far and wide just to catch a glimpse of them. Eventually, word reached the Jade Emperor himself about their bravery and selflessness.

Impressed by their good deeds, the Jade Emperor summoned Niulang and Zhinu to his throne room. He thanked them for their service and rewarded them with a special gift - the ability to transform into two birds who could fly free and explore the world together.

From that day forward, Niulang and Zhinu spent their time exploring the vast expanse of the heavens and earth, always together in love and adventure. And every year, on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, they would take on their human form once more and reunite in the sky, just like they did so many years before.



1. 理解原文:在开始续写前,务必要先充分理解原文的内容、情节、人物以及故事背景等信息。

2. 保持连贯性:续写时需要保持与原文的连贯性,让文章读起来像是一整个完整的故事,而不是两段独立的文章。

3. 发挥创意:要根据自己的想象和创意发挥,用自己的语言表达出续写的故事情节。可以添加新的人物、情节或结局等元素,但一定要与原文相符合。

4. 控制篇幅:新高考英语作文通常会有字数限制,因此要在写作过程中注重控制篇幅,确保论点充分、表述简洁明了,避免占用过多的字数。

5. 注意语言准确性:新高考英语作文中,语言表达和语法错误会影响文章得分。因此,在续写过程中要避免运用不熟悉的词汇和句式,要注意语言准确性。

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