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高三英语作文范文(High School English Essay Examples) 关于大学生活的思考

Thoughts on College Life

As a third-year college student, I have spent the last two years trying to figure out what it means to be a successful student. After a lot of trial and error, I have come to the conclusion that there are three key things that every college student should focus on: time management, building relationships and taking care of oneself.

Firstly, managing time effectively is crucial for success in college. With so many demanding activities and assignments, students may feel overwhelmed and fall behind their schedule. Therefore, it's essential that we plan our time wisely and prioritize our tasks. Making a realistic timetable helps us stay on track and finish our work on time.

Secondly, building positive relationships with peers, professors, and other campus staffs can enrich our college experience significantly. We can learn from different perspectives and experiences, broaden our horizons, and develop lifelong friendships. Regularly attending extracurricular activities or participating in volunteer work will foster such interpersonal relationships.

Lastly, self-care is crucial. Most college students live a hectic lifestyle that can take its toll on their physical and mental health. Doing things that make us happy, staying hydrated, eating healthy food, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly are all important to maintain a healthy and balanced life.

In conclusion, college life can be challenging, but by focusing on proactive time management, developing positive relationships, and taking care of oneself, students can thrive academically and socially. By prioritizing these three aspects, we can make the most of our college experience and develop skills and habits that will serve us well in our future endeavors.


高三英语作文模板(High School English Essay Template)


1. 引言:简要介绍要写的话题,并提出自己的立场或者主题。

2. 正文一:阐述论点及其支持理由,并适当引用对应的事例、数据等论据。

3. 正文二:说明对立观点及其弱点,进而强化自己的论点,有必要可以给出个人解决方案建议。

4. 正文三:结合现实情况,在交代潜在优缺点的前提下,提出相应的改进与创新措施,或列举需要注意的细节问题。

5. 结论: 总结全文,重申主题或者论点,同时也可以表达自己的想法、期望或呼吁。


Topic: Online Learning


The topic of online learning has become increasingly important in recent years, especially during the global pandemic. In my opinion, online learning is a great alternative to traditional classroom learning, with many benefits.

Body 1:

One of the advantages of online learning is that it allows students to learn at their own pace and on their own schedule. This flexibility is particularly helpful for students who have work or family commitments that might make it difficult to attend classes at set times. Additionally, online learning often provides a wide range of course offerings that may not be available in traditional classroom settings.

Body 2:

Despite these benefits, some people argue that online learning is less effective than traditional classroom learning because it does not provide the same level of interaction with teachers and peers. However, I would argue that there are many tools and technologies available that can enrich online learning, such as video conference meetings, discussion forums, and interactive exercises.

Body 3:

In order to make online learning even more effective, I believe that schools and educators need to be creative in developing innovative teaching methods and technologies. For example, they can incorporate more social learning into online courses, create more opportunities for collaborative work, and provide better feedback to students.


Overall, I believe that online learning is a valuable tool for students and educators alike. By taking advantage of its flexibility and using innovative teaching methods, we can improve the quality of online education and expand access to educational opportunities for everyone.

高三英语作文写作技巧(High School English Essay Writing Skills)









高三英语作文常用句型(Common Expressions in High School English Essays)


It is + adj. + that +从句的结构,表示强调“……的”东西。例如:It is a long time since I have seen you.我很久没有见到你了。

Not only...but also... 用来引导状语从句,不仅……而且……,表示递进。例如:Not only we but also your teacher teaches us. 我们和你的老师不仅教我们。

There is (are) + adj. +名词的结构,表示“存在……情况/现象”,可接名词、代词作宾语。例如:There is a bookcase in front of the classroom. 教室前有一个书柜。

There be结构,不管有没有这个词,句子的基本结构都是“there is + a/an + adj./n. + thing + that/who +句子其他部分”。There be结构可以表示有也可以表示没有。例如:There is a bookcase in front of the classroom.教室前有一个书柜。I don't like English, not only because it is difficult for me to learn, but also because I am afraid of the考试. 我不喜欢英语,不仅因为对我来说学英语很困难,而且我还害怕考试。

The more...the better...结构,表示“越……越好”,常用于获奖感言、征文等。例如:The more we learn, the better we will do.我们学得越多,就越好。

It is time + that +从句的结构,it is time that sb. did sth. “到了……的时候”,从句中的动词要采用虚拟式,该结构也可表示“应该……”。例如:It is time that we went home.到了我们该回家的时候了。

高三英语作文主题(Topics for High School English Essays)


Environmental protection and sustainability

Science and technology


Health and medicine

Social issues

Culture and tourism

The Internet

Technology and innovation

The future of work and education

Globalization and international relations


高三英语作文素材(Materials for High School English Essays)


1. 时事新闻:关注当下重要的社会、政治、经济和环境等问题,例如气候变化、全球化、城市化等。读懂新闻可以帮助学生更好地理解社会现象,并为他们的作文提供背景信息。

2. 文学经典:优秀文学作品的主题、人物和历史背景都可以为高中生的作文提供灵感。例如莎士比亚的《哈姆雷特》、大仲马的《基督山伯爵》、鲁迅的《阿Q正传》和《狂人日记》等。

3. 社会调查和研究:对自己身边或者社会的某一个领域进行观察、调查或者研究。例如测量人们对于某个特定话题的态度或观点,通过问卷或者采访,得出大众的看法。这个过程可以让学生增加自己的思考深度和思考广度。

4. 自己的经验和观察:在作文中分享自己的亲身经历和观察,描述自己的成长历程,谈论生活困顿以及挑战。这些亲身经验都可以让作文更具有生命力和鲜活感。

5. 书籍和影视:阅读优秀的英文原版书籍和影视,挑选喜欢的角色和情节进行分析和解读,给予作文更多元化、深透和内涵。


高三英语作文写作指导(Guidance on Writing High School English Essays)


1. 认真审题并确定论点。在进行写作前,一定要仔细地阅读题目,明确要求,确定自己的立场或者论点,并列出支持或反对的理由。这有助于构建清晰的思路和逻辑性的文章。

2. 结构严谨并注意过渡句。文章应该包括引言、正文和结论。每个段落应该只放置一个主题,并通过过渡修辞词和句子来连接不同的段落和思想。

3. 遣词造句优美、简洁。在表达观点和论据时,要尽量保持语言的简洁优美,并且注重选择一些高级词汇来使文章更具分量。同时,也要注意避免重复使用某个单词或短语,在有限的字数内展现自己最深层次的思考。

4. 利用标点符号让文章更流畅。标点符号如逗号、冒号、分号等,可以帮助作者把文章结构更紧密地组合在一起。不恰当的标点符号造成的歧义和断裂感会让读者很难跟上全文的思路。

5. 及时修改和校对文章。写好草稿后,应该留出足够的时间进行修改和校对。在修改时,要着重查看语法和拼写、标点使用、句子结构等问题,并对文章中的表达进行再次考虑。


高三英语作文评分标准(Grading Standards for High School English Essays)









高三英语作文参考书籍(Reference Books for High School English Essays)


1.《College English Writing Coursebook 3》, 张军著。这本教材非常适合提高高三英语写作能力。它包含了很多不同种类的作文题目和样品文章,内容全面,从写作基础到高级技巧都有所涉及。

2. 《The Elements of Style》, Strunk Jr. 和 White著。这是一本经典的写作指南,英文表达能力会从中受益良多。尽管已有数十年之久,但它仍然是英文写作中的权威,对于提高学生的语言功底和表达能力大有帮助。

3. 《Acing the SAT ESSAY: A Skilled Roadmap to Scoring an 8, 9, or 10》, Christian Heath 著。虽然SAT作文可能和高考作文的格式有所不同,但该书的讲解将有助于学生们熟悉在给定时间内高质量地完成英文写作的技巧和方法,从而通过考试进入梦寐以求的高校。

4. 《Writing Tips for Kids and Adults》, Ruth Culham著。尽管是一本面向小学生的作文指导书,但它的指导方法也适用于高中阶段的学生。该书循序渐进地教授写作技巧,有趣又实用,适合提升学生的写作能力。

这些书籍都是高三英语写作学习过程中不错的参考书选项。当然,还可以考虑从其他在线学习资源(如MOOC, Coursera, Edx等)或超纲阅读中获取更多灵感和素材,以尽可能地拓展学习视野和知识储备。

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下一篇:充实而有意义的一天 A Rich and Meaningful Day