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小学英语作文:My Weekend 我的周末

This Saturday was the weekend. I did not have to go to school. I got up early and started to clean my room. I cleaned the closet, put away the clothes, and dusted the furniture. After that, I washed the dishes. After lunch, I helped my mother plant some flowers in the garden. Afternoon passed quickly and I started to tidy up the room again. In the evening, I watched TV and played with my sister. Saturday was a busy but fun day.


小学英语作文:Celebrating My Weekend 庆祝周末

On Saturday, I went to the zoo with my parents. We saw many animals, including pandas, monkeys, and tigers. We also saw a beautiful peacock. The peacock was so colorful that it looked like a painting. We also bought some food and visited with the animals for a while. It was a great day to spend with my parents.


小学英语作文:My Weekend Recipe Challenge 我的周末食谱挑战

On Saturday, I joined a recipe challenge on Facebook. The theme was "summer soup". I made a green salad, roasted chicken, and summer soup. The soup was delicious and everyone loved it. I won the challenge and received a prize. I was so happy that I won!


小学英语作文:Weekend Trip to the Countryside 周末去乡村旅行

On Saturday, my parents and I went to the countryside. We saw many beautiful flowers and butterflies. We also saw some cows and goats. It was so peaceful and beautiful. We took some photos and had a picnic. The countryside was a great day to get away from the city.


小学英语作文:A peaceful Weekend at Home 在家度过一个宁静的周末

On Saturday, I slept in and watched TV. I also read a book and did some cross-stitching. The day was very peaceful and I had a good time doing nothing. I also helped my mother do some housework. The evening was peaceful and I had a good time at home.


小学英语作文:Weekend at the Park 周末在公园

On Saturday, my parents and I went to the park. We saw many people playing games and exercising. It was a beautiful day and we had a good time playing games and enjoying the fresh air. After we had done enough, we went for a walk in the park and saw some interesting sights. The park was a great day to spend together.


小学英语作文:The Great Weekend Gone by 美好的周末过去了

On Saturday, I went to the beach with my friends. We had a great time playing games and having fun. The water was so clear and the sun was so hot that we all got burnt. It was a bad day and we had to take a swim in the sea to cool off.


小学英语作文:Weekend at the Waterpark 周末在水上乐园

On Saturday, my parents and I went to the waterpark. We saw many people playing water games and having fun. It was a great day and we had a good time playing games and having fun. After we had done enough, we went for a ride on a water ride and saw some interesting sights. The waterpark was a great day to spend together.


小学英语作文:Weekend at the Library 周末在图书馆

On Saturday, I went to the library with my friends. We read books and had a good time. We also played some games and did some research. The library was a great place to spend time and learn.


小学英语作文:My Weekend 我的周末

The weekend is always good and exciting, isn't it? My weekends were filled with exciting things such as spending time with my parents, participating in recipe challenges, going on a countryside trip, going to the beach, and going to the waterpark. I loved every minute of them!

