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小学英语作文:我的宠物 My pet

My pet is a toy bear.His name is Small White.He is white.He has blue eyes and blue ears.His hands and feet are blue too.He is naughty.He likes to make fun of me.He likes reading.When I am unhappy, he accompanies me.He is my good friend.我的宠物是一只玩具熊。他的名字是小白。他是白色的。他有蓝色的眼睛跟白色的耳朵。他的手和脚也是蓝色的。他很顽皮。他喜欢对我做鬼脸。他喜欢读书。当我不开心时,他陪伴着我。他是我的好朋友。        

小学英语作文:我的宠物死了 My Pet Died

I had a lovely pet before. It's a dog. But it died yesterday. It was hit by a car. Yesterday, it went out to play with its friends. When it went across the road, it was hit. I am very sad about this. My dog has come to my home for two years. It was like a family of mine. Before, I played with it everyday. We had much happy time together. But now, it left me. It would never come back. I miss it very much. My parents want to buy a new one for me, but I don't want to, because it's not my dog any more.


小学英语作文:养宠物 Raising a Pet

I always want to raise a cat,but my parents don't allow me to do it,because they think I can't take care of the cat,what's more,they are busy and have less time to look after it.In order to prove that I can take the responsibility,I help my mother to do the housework and I try to be independent.My parents are happy to see me become mature,at last,they agree to allow to raise a cat.I am so happy,it is my job to look after it.When my parents are not at home,the cat companies me,she is one of my family members.


小学英语作文·我的宠物猫 My pet cat

I have a very beautiful cat.Its colour is white or yellow .its name is Haahua .Ithink it is my favourite cat .she likes sleep playing with the bell .she love ratting meat ,Though it is a kind of animals ,I treat it as my friend .sometime I give her some fish or pork to eat .When she sees the fool she begin to cry miao miao .As if she is very hungry and thirsty .Wherever I amwalk she follws me .


How happy I am !How nice my friend is !I love her more and more .


小学英语作文:我的宠物 My Pet

When I was a child, I really want a pet, like ducks, rabbits, cats, dogs, even a pig!

Finally, my parents bought me a puppy as my birthday gift. I really love it, it was really lovely. When I was tired, it always made me happy. I take it for a walk every evening. I was very happy when we get together.

In a word, pets can bring us a lot of fun, they are important to us.




小学英语作文:My Lovely Pet我可爱的宠物

  One day,my father bought a little cat for me.I was very happy.It has two small ears, two black eyes and quite a lot of brown hair.I like it so much.I often play with it, so it becomes my good friend quickly.It does not eat very much.It likes to come to my room to play with me.When I am not happy, I usually chat with my little cat.


小学英语作文:My pet dog我的宠物狗

I have a pet dog, her name is Du Du. She is very cute but quite naughty. My father, my mother and me, we all like her very much, and seldom scold her though she sometimes makes a mess at home.However, my mother got really angry with Du Du a few days ago.My mother loves flowers and always brings some home.


小学英语作文:My Pets我的宠物

I like animals very much. Rabbit is my favorite.I have two lovely rabbits.I like their round head, long ears, shorts legs and tail.Both of my rabbits are white.I think white rabbits are clean. I have to wash them every day.They like to eat vegetables. I always feed them on my hands.



Pets are usually small animals, and we keep them at home.Pets give us happiess, and they are our good friends.A pet may be another baby to the mother, a stster or brother to an only child, and a grandchild to the old people.


小学英语作文:My Pet Died我的宠物死了

I had a lovely pet before.It's a dog. But it died yesterday. It was hit by a car.Yesterday, it went out to play with its friends.When it went across the road, it was hit.I am very sad about this.My dog has come to my home for two years. It was like a family of mine.Before, I played with it everyday.We had much happy time together. But now, it left me. It would never come back.I miss it very much.My parents want to buy a new one for me, but I don't want to, because it's not my dog any more.


小学二年级英语作文:我的宠物 My Pet

I have a lovely pet. It's a small squirrel. I picked it up in the mountain. It was hurt then by a trap. I saw it and took it home. My father helped me cure it. And then, it stays me all the time. I name it Tommy. Its legs are short but the tail is long. It has light brown hair. Tommy is very lively and it likes jumping. There is a tree in front of my house. It likes playing in that tree very much. Sometime, I can't find it, but when I call its name, it would show up, because we are good friends.


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