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An Air India Boeing 737 aircraft was damaged after hitting an airport wall during takeoff on a flight from Trichy to Dubai last Friday. 上周五,印度航空公司一架准备从特利奇机场飞往迪拜的波音737飞机,在起飞时撞上了机场的一堵墙,机身受损。 Flight IX 611, which was carrying 130 passengers and six crew members, took off from the south Indian city at approximately 1:30 a.m., but was diverted to Mumbai. 这架编号IX 611的航班上当时载有130名乘客和6名机组人员,于凌晨1点30分从印度南部城市起飞,后来机组人员决定将飞机备降到孟买。 Air India said the plane, which was operated by its low-cost wing, Air India Express, landed safely but two pilots have been grounded. 印度航空公司表示,该飞机由廉价航空公司印度快运航空运营,目前已安全着陆,两名飞行员已被停飞。

India's national carrier said in a statement that airport officials at Trichy, in Tamil Nadu, observed that the aircraft "might have come in contact with the airport perimeter wall." 印度国家航空公司在一份声明中称,泰米尔纳德邦特利奇机场的一名机场官员看到,这架飞机起飞时可能撞到了机场围墙。 "It was decided to divert the aircraft to Mumbai as a precautionary measure," the statement added. 该声明还称,“为防止发生事故,飞行员决定将飞机转降到孟买。” A spokesperson for Air India told CNN that the plane was damaged but did not give any details. 印度航空的一位发言人向CNN透露,该飞机机身受损,但没有提供任何细节。 Air India says it has reported the crash to the aviation regulator and is "cooperating with the investigation." 印度航空公司方面称,他们已经向航空监管机构报告了此次撞墙事件,并正在配合调查。
