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The history of Harbin is of long standing and well established, it is a city that never crosses a city wall. It is early before 22000, the the Old Stone Age is terminal, here has had human activity. About before 5000, harbin area enters a The Neo-lithic Age. About before 3000, yan Shang is terminal, harbin enters the Bronze Age, belong to the archaic civilization country with Heilongjiang the earliest zone- - the distributinging area of platinic treasure culture.

Harbin is gold, clear the birthplace of two acting dynasties. The Christian era 1115, golden generation is in on Beijing (Harbin A city) found a capital. 19 centuries end, harbin already appeared village collect tens of, the dweller makes an appointment with 30 thousand person, the economic element such as traffic, commerce, population begins to expand, the formation that is a city and development laid a foundation.

Came 1896 1903, as construction of middle east railroad, industry and commerce and population begin to be taken in Harbin gather. When middle east railroad builds, harbin has formed the rudiment of latter-day city. At the beginning of 20 centuries, harbin already was become internationally commercial port, the 160 thousand more than colony that has 33 states early or late collects here, 19 countries set consulate here. Meanwhile, chinese nation capital also had greater progress, build a Harbin to be in the center of boreal full economy at that time and cosmopolis position.

Harbin is transmission of Chinese Marxism thought the city with earlier, worker and student more active movement. 1923, harbin establishs northeast zone organization of the first party. 1927, northeast area first time was held in Harbin party generation is met, hold water full continent temporarily provincial Party committee. Harbin becomes a party to lead northeast people to have revolutionary fight and the command center that fight day of fight later.

1932, harbin reduces day of bogus to dominate. Below the leader of the Chinese Communist, harbin people had the accuse and denounce at a meeting of showing the utmost fortitude, emerge early or late reveal the Zhao Shangzhi, Yang Jingyu, Li Zhaolin, name such as Zhao Yiman to hang down the ethical hero of through the ages and revolutionary martyr. 1945, harbin dominates from day bogus next liberation, population already was amounted to 70 beyond. On April 28, 1946, harbin built people political power formally, become the whole nation to liberate the earliest big city.

After new China holds water, harbin restores quickly and expand national economy, be in " 15 " period, harbin is one of cities of national emphasis construction, 156 focal points that Russia aid establishs before build a project, 13 are set in Harbin, become a state essential industry base, consume urban change quickly to be burgeoning industry city by. Came 1958 1965, harbin was experienced " great leap forward " the labyrinthian development process that adjusts with economy. "The Great Cultural Revolution " during, the national economy of Harbin suffers serious setback, order of normal economy, society is played havoc with.

1996, the Harbin city with amalgamative new composition of area of Songhua River of approval of the State Council and Harbin city. Harbin city administer 7 areas 12 counties (city) , area of administrative division into districts kilometer of 53 thousand square, whole town total population 9.483 million person.

On Feburary 4, 2004, the State Council approved division into districts of administration of Harbin city share to adjust. In the path of Harbin city administer after adjusting, outside the path, Na Gang, sweet lane, motivation, bungalow, loose north and Hu Lan 8 areas and guest county, Ba Yan, depend on orchid, Yan Shou, magnolia, connect river, Founder 7, govern on somebody's behalf 5 constant

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