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出国旅游家庭条件? 出国旅游要什么条件?英文双语对照


出国旅游家庭条件? 出国旅游要什么条件?英文双语对照


第一个条件是经济条件。 即家庭要具备一定的经济实力,能够支付旅游所需的一切费用;


第三个条件就是选择组织和接待单位。无论是参加组团出国旅游或单独出国旅游,必须在出发前选择好组织和接待单位,从而使旅游期间的一切活动安排有序, 尤其是食宿交通的安排周到落实,,避免临时抓瞎;









































1. 资金担保:担保人需提供足够的资金证明,以确保申请人在海外期间有足够的经济支持。

2. 行为担保:担保人需保证申请人在海外期间遵守当地法律法规,不从事违法活动。

3. 住宿担保:担保人需提供有关申请人在海外期间的住宿安排,如租房合同等。

4. 学习担保:担保人需保证申请人在海外期间按时就读学校,完成学业。

5. 生活担保:担保人需保证申请人在海外期间有稳定的生活来源,能够支付日常生活费用。



Condition of family of travel going abroad?

The first condition is economic condition. Namely the family should have particular economic actual strength, can pay travel place all needed fee;

The 2nd condition is the travel papers such as the passport. This is to go abroad the identification that leave the country, it is necessary cannot;

The 3rd condition chooses to organize and recieve an unit namely. No matter be to attend,form a delegation travel going abroad or alone travel going abroad, must have chosen to organize and recieve an unit before set out, all mobile arrangement during making travel thereby are orderly, especially the arrangement of traffic of board and lodging is considerate fulfil, , avoid temporarily find oneself at a loss;

The 4th condition is visa going abroad. The effective visa that before doing not have, approves toward the country (include entry visa and visa of pass through the territory of a country) cannot embark on a journey;

The 5th condition is traffic passenger ticket (include aviation, , the) such as railroad and ship passenger ticket. Tourist going abroad had better have reserved airline ticket going there and back beforehand, can delay otherwise the journey and throw into confusion plan.

What condition does travel going abroad want?

Travel going abroad needs to have the following requirement: Have the valid passport and visa, custom that has state of destination of sufficient travel funds, understanding habit and legal laws and regulations, have good body condition and psychological quality, right travel destination has proper understanding and interest. Among them, passport and visa are the requirement that must satisfy, doing not have these two files cannot leave the country. Travel funds also is very crucial, need considers the charge such as traffic, accommodation, meal. The custom habit that knows destination state and law law plan can help a journey be mixed more smoothly safe. Good body position and psychological quality can improve the quality that travel experiences. Finally, to travel the understanding of destination and interest can enhance the fun of travel and contented sense. Anyhow, travel going abroad needs to had made sufficient preparation, avoid needless trouble and risk thereby.

What requirement does travel going abroad need?

Travel going abroad already became the important option of go on a journey of our country citizen. The condition with the most fundamental travel going abroad is the visa that wants purposeful state, if was not signed,cannot enter a country, it is to should sufficient financing offers travel spending next. ...

What requirement does visa of travel going abroad need?

Hello! Visa of travel going abroad does not need a requirement, it is OK that short of sins.

The data that travel going abroad needs

1, period of efficacy of 6 months above because of illicit passport, if have,change has sent old passport to must be offerred together (the office of discrepancy condition government that asks seat of registered permanent residence is dealt with, 15-20 weekday can obtain evidence)

2, the unit is on-the-job proof (society of the journey after signing up provides example)

3, photocopy of unit business charter

4, Id and registered permanent residence rectify this photocopy originally.

5, asset proof: Deposit proves 50 thousand above and photocopy of house property card. {did not work at present or come off sentry duty, unemployed personnel, need not offer on-the-job proof, but must want to offer oneself or (parents, the spouse) bank of 6 months above trades record, prove the material of economic actual strength with etc. }

6, the student still needs to offer the school is being read and furlough proves, photocopy of student's identification card

7, retiree still needs to offer emeritus card photocopy

Drive travel going abroad what to requirement need oneself?

The visa of 1. passport and destination country.

2, if be driven oneself, need driver's license. In inferior the country is driven oneself take domestic driver's license to undertake scanning, next notarization of go off with is in notarization can. Conduction driver's license translates a notarization, need carries registered permanent residence this (householder page and him page) photocopy of original of original photocopy, Id original photocopy, driver's license, driver's license is translated, undertake notarization to notarial place, a driver's license can be gotten to translate after 8 weekday notarial deed. This notarial deed, in drive swimming whole process to need to be carried oneself, and be inside the period of efficacy of the driver's license can use.

Go abroad excuse me study abroad does loan need security, what requirement does security need?

You express the security procedures that elder sister makes now, if do not have big change, what use next year with you is same.

Commonly parents makes security, you express elder sister how need not parents makes security.

Your pa also can make security to you, under one's name should have the deposit proof of contented requirement.

Working unit is not afraid of however, does your Mom have a store?

Should have official seal, oneself open a job to prove to go. The problem is now salary seems high to want duty Wu to prove, this is troublesome, it is clear that you should ask first (when I do, had not wanted) , if want, you have to let your parents give make double security, your mom still can be guarantor it is clear that you should ask, of the province troublesome in the future.

Those who if the fixed assets such as house property has profit,be like.

Go did the person of Korea travel going abroad walk how does security do?

Korea visa or visa him department needs group visa, stop to judge a guest to whether be met namely.

The person that does not accord with a requirement commonly can need to assure cash pledge of direct perhaps pay, the word that stop buckles cash pledge directly, but to travel agent, still a risk can be stopped send an autograph authority namely, particularly troublesome.

You are security, see what yourself signs assure the agreement is what kind of, whether to have legal effectiveness.

Go abroad, why to want security?

Because the responsibility of security basically is,to studying abroad at one's own expenses personnel undertakes economy assures. Some moment have security even fair statute is expensive, security ought to realize clearly, once issue economic deed of security, open a deposit of individual foreign currency and certificate of foreign currency capital from the bank, to notarial place conduction notarization signs after formalities, must be in economically, mix on morality and justice jural perform duty.

Go abroad study abroad security can assure at most 3 people.

(After 1) economy security is referring economic deed of security and bank deposit proof to concerned branch, need not freeze its bank deposit. But, the economy that examining economic security about the branch assures when ability, in asking this bank deposit is in a bank, have put certainly period, normally 3 months differ to half an year; in addition, the foreign country that is in charge of examining and approve person condition visa makes, get house or orgnaization, also meet at the appointed time now and then the deposit that checks this economy security to be in a bank to the bank, in case practise fraud or a few otherer irresponsible behavior happens.

(2) economy ark protects the person's family property, be like building and enterprise is security economy actual strength is specific reflect, but, concerned branch just regards the reference that investigates economic security qualification as this, and cannot serve as main basis. Because family property change becomes cash to still have a more complex process, and family property if the building and enterprise method that can adopt loan orgnaization and bank to apply for to borrow money or pass instalment by the individual will maintain, this kind of family property belongs to economic security, but belong to security not completely again, because this economy security is direct the family property with oneself to go abroad study abroad it is not easy that personnel offers economy to assure practicable.

Go abroad study abroad who does security look for?

Go abroad the security that study abroad has two to just assure, one party can be one of parents of student studying abroad, other one party can be kin friend of the student studying abroad, it is teacher lecturer even.

. The content that assure is: If break a contact of student studying abroad, if the job did not go back to the motherland two years after graduation above, need compensation aids financially amount 13% , if he does not have capable compensation again, be about to be compensated for by security.

Does security of need going abroad assure what?

Security of need going abroad assures the following respects:

1.Capital assures: Security needs to offer enough capital proof, there is enough economic support in order to ensure during applicant overseas.

2.Behavior assures: Security needs to assure to local law laws and regulations is abided by during applicant overseas, do not be engaged in violating an activity.

3.Accommodation assures: Security needs to offer the accommodation arrangement during concerned applicant overseas, if hire room contract,wait.

4.Study assures: Security needs to assure to the school is read on time during applicant overseas, finish school.

5.The life assures: Security needs to assure to there is steady source of income during applicant overseas, can pay daily living expenses.

Those who need an attention is, of different country assure the requirement may differ somewhat, specific requirement needs to refer according to the emigrant code of purpose country. In addition, the identity of security and economic atmosphere also can apply for to produce an effect to assuring.

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