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菲律宾美食? 菲律宾有哪些美食特产?英文双语对照


菲律宾美食? 菲律宾有哪些美食特产?英文双语对照













我国是菲律宾香蕉主要出口国。通过海上物流,菲律宾香蕉两天时间就可以到深圳人的餐桌上,非常快捷。得天独厚的优势,使菲律宾人美翻了。菲律宾在近年为了增强自己的经济实力,让自身的发展模式更加健康有利,开始大力发展国内的农业与制造业,菲律宾群岛上拥有非常优异的农业资源,所以,香蕉出口成为了菲律宾十分重要的出口创汇的主要途径。 菲律宾香蕉虽好,人人皆知。但是,小国人的不靠谱,口碑欠缺也是出了名。往往菲律宾人患难,香蕉就遭殃了,香蕉卖不出去,烂在海里也时有的事情。蕉农损失最惨,因为香蕉保质期很短,就是几天的事情。蕉农不喜欢有什么不利的事情发生,毕竟,经济好坏对自己有切身体会。





3.宿雾是 菲律宾最早开发的城市,被称为“南方皇后市”。1521年,葡萄牙航海家麦哲伦由西班牙航行到中南美洲,途中惊喜地发现了这个美丽静谧的小岛。


1.菲律宾(philippines)即菲律宾共和国(Republika ng Pilipinas),是东南亚群岛国家、东南亚国家联盟主要成员国,也是亚洲太平洋经济合作组织21个成员国之一。菲律宾是由西太平洋的菲律宾群岛(7107个岛屿)所组成的国家,位于西太平洋。



菲律宾的BGC(博尼法西奥环球城)地区,有许多知名的酒店供游客选择。其中包括 曼恩科森特劳瑟酒店(Manila Marriott Hotel)、曼恩阿斯基亚酒店(Manila Ascott Hotel)、覆盖茂广场酒店(Grand Hyatt Manila)和 天巢凯宾斯基酒店(The Nest Oasis at Kaskazi)、阿维达馆四季酒店(Shangri-La at the Fort, Manila)等。 这些酒店提供舒适的住宿、丰富的设施和便利的交通,为游客提供了难忘的体验和留下美好回忆的优质服务。无论是商务旅行还是休闲度假,BGC地区的酒店都能满足各种需求。


菲律宾目前比较多的有两类沙,一类是火山沙(lahar sand),也就是国内通常说的灰白沙,这类沙国内基本都是用于填海,这类沙主要集中在菲律宾的北部吕宋岛区域。国内已经有人在做菲律宾的填海沙。















离开巧克力山,在岛上的第二天,我们包船去看薄荷岛的又一处奇景:泻湖。这处奇景位于薄荷岛周边的一座离岛上,因为还未开发,岛上无人居住,所以人们给它取名:处女岛(virgin island)。听当地人说,这个岛被一个海上形成的天然泻湖所环绕,岛周围的沙滩会随着潮汐的变化而发生变化,每天只有短暂的四个小时才会出现在水面,甚为神奇。




菲律宾武术(英文为Filipino Martial Arts缩写为FMA)多称作阿尼斯(Arnis)、埃斯克瑞玛(Eskrima)或卡力(Kali)。从整体上讲,菲律宾武术是一门简单易学、行之有效的实用自卫术。



角色 演员 备注 黄智安 金宣儿 30岁后半 理事 朴泰江 李章宇 20岁中后半 新进职员 赵恩成 朴健衡 30岁后半 妇产科医生 严娜丽 林秀香 20岁初半 新任副社长 奉俊熙 金惠恩 30岁后半 智安的朋友 朴广石 朴英奎 50岁中期 仿冒鞋业者 泰江父亲 李珍白 申承桓 20岁中后半 泰江的童年好友 智安父亲 尹朱尚 60岁后半-70岁前半 退休校长 智安母亲 吴美燕 60岁中期 家庭主妇 张女士 吴美姬 50岁前半 严社长夫人 严社长 李对渊 50岁 社长 娜丽的叔叔 雪棚舒 赵凤熙 30岁后半-40岁前半 开发组代理 严有珍 白承熙 20岁后半 设计组代理 马成美 金敏喜 30岁后半 设计组组长 宋荷韵 金范龙 20岁后半 设计组成员 柳多仁 韩智华 20岁中期 设计组成员


One, Philippine cate?

Philippine egg fries a meal

In work of many drama of movie and TV related to cate, can fry the egg the meal regards an introduction as dish. The egg fries a meal to look be like simple, but there is an egg in there is meal, meal in the egg not easy however. Had eaten soy to fry meal, Yangzhou to fry the Chinese style egg such as the meal to fry a meal you, the egg that whether has tried Philippine type fries a meal?

The fragile garlic that Philippine egg fries the recipe with delicious meal to depend on be being put among them piece. Whole garlic that fry a meal is sweet 4 excessive, the young associate that does not like unripe garlic smell also is met more recipient. Go the young associate of Philippine travel mights as well try, it is the gust that another kind of egg fries a meal.

Philippine flesh is wrapped

Philippine steamed stuffed bun is on the exterior foundation of Chinese style steamed stuffed bun, the stuffing makings in blended in Chinese style style again inside. Differ into stuffing with material of chop of steamed stuffed bun of Chinese style the daily life of a family, philippine differ bolus of pork of mix up olfactory and salty egg. Besides, with Chinese style skin the type with thin large stuffing differs, philippine fleshy wrapping will be more a few thicker.

If you do not like pork, choosing the meatball of other sort to be put in also is wonderful. Will just the Philippine flesh bag with ripe evaporate, again the sauce stuff that oneself like on collocation, mouthfeel is further upward. Many Philippine meetings choose such Philippine flesh to include the breakfast that serves as his or lunch, interested small companionate scarcely wants to miss.

Philippine evaporate cake

Believe a lot of people like evaporate cake very much this kind of cake, rice evaporate cake, millet evaporate cake is multifarious, each have different, the small companionate scarcely that likes evaporate cake should miss Philippine evaporate cake-----Pichi-pichi.

Like cake of Chinese style evaporate, the raw material of Philippine evaporate cake is very simple also, with cassava pink, candy, buck can be made. The soft glutinous of evaporate cake mouthfeel that makes, quality of a material is fleeciness, again the shredded coconut stuffing on collocation, go down to recall readily boundless. If like the young associate of Xian Tian mouth, OK still the cheese on collocation, also be not to have local color one time. If have stuff, oneself try start work do, very interesting also.

2, Philippine what cate special local product is there?

Philippine banana. Philippine banana quality is good, price privilege, like by us. We also think so all the time, in intertropical fruit, philippine banana is to have one of distinguishing feature most, soft glutinous is sweet, leather thin flesh is thick, the entrance is changed namely, delicious wide welcome. Philippine banana crop is big, medan old island an island cultivates banana, kind broadleaf plant formed industrialization, also be Philippine main economy origin.

Our country is Philippine banana basically exports a nation. Flow through maritime content, philippine banana can arrive between two climate on the table of Shenzhen person, very quick. Advantaged advantage, make Philippine beauty broke up. Philippine be in in recent years the economic actual strength to enhance oneself, the development mode that lets oneself is more healthy and advantageous, begin to develop domestic agriculture and manufacturing industry energetically, very exceedingly good agriculture resource is had on the Philippines, so, banana exit was become Philippine very main export starts the main avenue that collect. Although Philippine banana is good, well-known. But, of small compatriots do not rely on chart, public praise is deficient in also was to give a name. Often Philippine adversity, banana sufferred disaster, banana sells do not go out, sodden in sea mile also when some things. Loss of broadleaf plant farming is the most miserable, because banana expiration period is very brief, it is thing of a few days. Broadleaf plant farming does not like to the thing with unfavorable what happens, after all, economic stand or fall has personal experience to oneself.

Banana contains a lot ofpotassium and magnesium, potassium can prevent blood pressure to rise, reach muscle convulsion, magnesium has the effect that removes exhaustion. Accordingly, banana is the first selection fruit of hypertensive patient. The diabetic eats banana to be able to make uric candy is reduced relatively, reason to alleviating the illness also has profit greatly. The composition such as the pantothenic acid that banana contains is human body " happy hormone " , can ease psychological pressure, remove blue. Banana eats before sleeping, still have composed effect. Holand scientist considers to think: Adding up to nutrient standard to be able to be the fruit that smile adds on person face again most is banana. Banana is happy fruit, hope everybody edible the meeting is happy rise.

3, does Philippine travel introduce?

Island of 1. long beach is subject Philippine, transliteration is cling to the island that pull a lid, it is Philippine a mid islands, belong to archipelago of sago sanded Yan, be located in a northwest you an island 2 kilometers, it is one of Philippine travel resorts.

2. the North sea forgets care island (renown) of 5 girls island, make an appointment with 3 sea mile from urban district of the North sea, night is OK the night scene that Yao watchs bank of north of the North sea. Island forgetting worry has 5 isles composition, among them the biggest islands makes an appointment with 20 mus.

3. Su Wu is Philippine the town that develops the earliest, be called " southern empress city " . 1521, portuguese navigator Mai Zhelun sails by Spain in South America, ground of the surprise in road discovered this beautiful and quiet isle.

4. mint island is Philippine the 10th big island, it is Philippine the most beautiful in 7000 many islands, also be the heaven of world dive lover. There is peculiar chocolate hill, world here the smallest confuse you the cowfish with tarsier, the marine cliff of 3000 feet, lovely fall group.

1. is Philippine (Philippines) namely Philippines (Republika Ng Pilipinas) , it is alliance of country of southeast Asia archipelago, southeast Asia country main member country, also be organization of collaboration of economy of Asian Pacific Ocean one of 21 members countries. Philippine be by on the west Pacific Philippines (7107 islands) comprises nation, be located in on the west Pacific Ocean.

2. Philippine national flower is to be called " Sangbajida " jasmine flower. This is a kind of bush kind plant, general a meter many tall, whiteness of design and color, fragrance is full-bodied, have univalve with double valve two kinds. Allegedly, ancient time is Philippine when the man proposes to her beloved girl, give jasmine flower anadem commonly. If the girl hangs anadem on the neck, mean the love that accepted him. Next, they increase salary language pledge with him below moon: "Sangbajida " (I promise to love you forever) . Accordingly, the jasmine flower is in Philippine say again for " oath love is beautiful " .

4, does Philippine Bgc introduce?

Philippine BGC (Bonifaxiao is round-the-world city) area, a lot of famous public houses offer tourist alternative. Include Manenkesentelaose among them hotel (Manila Marriott Hotel) , Manenasijiya hotel (Manila Ascott Hotel) , cover luxuriant square public house (Grand Hyatt Manila) and Tian Chaokai, manila) wait. These hotels provide comfortable accommodation, substantial facilities and easy communication, provided unforgettable experience and the excellent service that leave good memory for the tourist. No matter be business trip still lies fallow,go vacationing, the hotel of BGC area can satisfy all sorts of requirement.

5, does Philippine sand introduce?

Philippine compare at present have two kinds of sand more, one kind is volcanic sand (Lahar Sand) , namely the ashen sand that home says normally, this kind of sanded home is main it is to use Yu Tianhai, this kind of sand basically is centered in Philippine upper Luzon area. Home already somebody is doing the Philippine sand that fill the of great capacity.

Additionally one kind is clay content, chloric ionic content the honest river that amounts to mark is sanded, accord with a building to use sanded level. This kind of sand basically is to be in Medan old island area is more.

6, go Philippine travel, what cate is there?

1, explode fry pork foam

Explode frying pork foam is a Philippine characteristic dish, main material has pork to break with garlic, chili. What pork uses commonly is pig face flesh, grease is rich and generous, tasty.

2, adobo (bittern flesh)

Adobo is one of the most popular Philippine dish, be considered as by the dish of a lot of countries informal. It includes pork or chicken normally, sometimes, braise in soy sauce or sauce stew, normally by vinegar, cooking oil, garlic, bay leaf, chinese prickly ash, soy.

3, bistek (Philippine beefsteak)

Bistek, also be called " Philippine beefsteak, the beef of slice immerses to be mixed in soy acerbity mandarin orange, next in deepfry frying pan, it is to use onion to hold the position of normally.

4, sinigang (Philippine acerbity soup)

Sinigang is the acerbity boiling water that adds all sorts of vegetable and meat, content is rich. It is dish of a Philippine the daily life of a family.

5, turon (spring roll wraps banana)

Turon is the civilian that wraps banana deepfry with spring roll portfolio fastfood. In Philippine regard the market that feeds capable person as the edge like this kind of banana fastfood still have a lot of. Cortical blast gets crisp.

7, does Philippine cathedral island introduce?

This island is in the country of 1000 islands is Philippine it is a of before the rank 10 big island, although it is so not as famous as long beach island, the position in heart of Dan Zaifei compatriots is far however get the better of long beach. Because there is 3 to be in world wonderful view on the island: It is magical lagoon marvellous spectacle; 2 it is monkey Philippine national treasure is big; 3 it is the film " Ha Libo is special " chocolate of ground of find a view hill. So, field mint island also becomes one of islands that Euramerican tourist likes most, be known as " the maritime Sukhavati with final southeast Asia " . And what I should experience today is the most insular on field mint island one leaves an island: Maiden island.

Leave chocolate hill, on the island the following day, we wrap a boat to see the another department wonderful view of field mint island: Lagoon. This department wonderful view is located in a of periphery of field mint island to go up from the island, because had been not developed, nobody live on the island, so people names to it: Maiden island (Virgin Island) . Listen to local to say, this island by maritime formation natural lagoon place surrounds, the beach all round the island can change as tidal and produce change, everyday only 4 brief hours just can appear in surface, terribly is magical.

8, does Philippine damselfish introduce?

Philippine damselfish, it is side of a kind of body flat, body is deep olive green or Brown, ministry of pectoral fin radical provides shading, dorsal fin and anal fin extreme and tail fin are olive but edible fish. Polyphagia, give priority to with alga and zooplankton.

9, does Philippine wushu system introduce?

Philippine wushu (English is FMA) to call Anisi more for abbreviate of Filipino Martial Arts (Arnis) , Aisikeruima (Eskrima) or card force (Kali) . Tell from whole, philippine wushu is learn easily simply, the art of practical defend oneself of effective.

The Philippine wushu of nowadays not only be accepted by the numerous kongfu lover on the world, more because its are tall of efficiency attack prevent a gender, already was included up to now American seal commando inside place of a lot of worlds' famous special type army is used. The history develops the effect of pair of Philippine wushu.

10, does Mikogallardo Philippine actor introduce?

Huangzhi of part actor remarks installs Jin Xuan the second half in year old enters 20 of Li Zhangyu of Piao Taijiang of director of 30 years old of second half newly employee Zhao Encheng Piao Jianheng 30 year old second half accoucheur fathers
