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300左右的数码相机? 30万左右的数码相机?英文双语对照


300左右的数码相机? 30万左右的数码相机?英文双语对照


富士 Instax Mini 11:这是一款胶片相机,有粉色、蓝色、紫色、灰色等多种颜色可选,能够拍出有趣的即时照片,适合拍摄校园生活中的美好瞬间。价格在 300 左右。





H4D系列革命性的功能是建立在H3D平台上,支持自动色彩、影像质量调节模式、镜头支持防手震功能,可通过IEEE1394接口直接储存在计算机中,且附加Phocus 2.0图像处理软件。

另外,哈苏H4D在机内加入了自动色彩、图像品质等方面等调节模式,并且可以通过IEEE 1394接口直接来存储到电脑中。全新的随机调节软件Phocus 2.0也具备了较好的效率。







CASIO 卡西欧 EX-H35 数码相机(银色)很好988,亚马逊价格,1610万像素,但不是触屏的

Canon/佳能 PowerShot SX150 IS天猫价911也不是触屏也很好










3000元买单反,只能是入门级的,还不如考虑佳能G12,松下LX系列等数码相机的顶级,许多功能非常不错。 或者考虑微单 入门级的单反用不了多久会感觉功能不够用,升级还要再花银子。如果买了数码相机,不冲突,一般许多人带着单反随身还会带一个数码的,因为便携。 希望能帮到你。


索尼830,2000万像素 8倍变焦,卡片机,五六百,拍着玩一点问题都没有。单位一直在用,很皮实。电池不行,一两百张,有时机器发烫。


3000可以买到相当不错的胶片相机了,一些算得上高级的中画幅都行, 如果有意胶片摄影的话,我觉得这个价位出片质量上胶片是好于数码的




One, 300 digital camera of the left and right sides?

Fuji Instax Mini 11: This is camera of a film, have a variety of color such as pink, blue, purple, gray optional, can take interesting instant picture, suit the good instant in filming campus lives. The price is in 300 the left and right sides.

2, 300 thousand number camera of the left and right sides?

Company of well-known Ha Su of Swedish camera manufacturer released their newest number sheet to turn over camera -- H3D-II. And the back after the number that uses according to place is different, h3D-II cent is H3D-39II (39 million like element, price 26500 euro) , H3D-31II (31 million price resembling element 21500 euro) with H3D-22II (22 million resemble element, price 17900 euro) . This camera is already at present OK buy on Europe and American market.

3, 250 thousand number camera of the left and right sides?

Haing Su Chan turns over camera H4D60

The function with H4D revolutionary series is to build go up in H3D platform, support is automatic colour, video support of quality adjustment mode, camera lens prevents hand shake function, can store directly through IEEE1394 interface in the computer, and image of add Phocus 2.0 handles software.

Additional, ha Su H4D joined the respect such as quality of automatic colour, picture to wait inside machine adjust mode, and can carry memory of straight fetch of IEEE 1394 interface arrive in computer. Adjust brand-newly randomly software Phocus 2.0 also had better efficiency.

4, can beautiful control digital camera 500 yuan?

500 yuan of camera recommend student party, beautiful can M200

Beautiful can M200 is beautiful can the product of introductory class, if have 3000 right-and-left budgets only, be best choice, some this person eyes are right screen of anxious, feeling / retroflexion screen, Wifi, blue tooth has. But the drawback that also introductory degree watch for a chance is shared, hold namely accuse to compare difference relatively, 4k norms also is used not quite, but have always stronger than doing not have ~

5, are 3 1000 number camera of the left and right sides recommended?

1000 yuan of 3 number camera of the left and right sides are recommended buy China this kind of bed number is better, because China the quality of bed electronic product is what rely on chart quite also is better, so I recommend the digital camera that buys 3000 money left and right sides, must buy China be. You China of bed camera resembling element is taller, definition is better also, resolution also compares resolution to also had been compared, it is a better watch for a chance so.

6, seek the digital watch for an opportunity that recommends 100 yuan or so?

Camera of number of EX-H35 of CASIO card Western Europe (argent) very good 988, yamaxun the price, 16.1 million resemble element, but do not touch screen

Canon/ beautiful can price of cat of day of PowerShot SX150 IS 911 also not be to touch screen very good also

Those who touch screen have

Price of Ni Kang S4300 800

Price of Z3000 of card Western Europe 900

Fuji Z91 price 600

Price of the Fh27 below the pine 1000

Price of the Fp5 below the pine 650

Price of the Fp7 below the pine 850

Fuji Z115 price 700

7, do I want to buy digital camera price to be controlled in 3000 yuan?

3000 yuan buy sheet to turn over, can be introductory class only, still be inferior to considering fine can G12, what the pine leaves the digital watch for an opportunity such as LX series is top class, a lot of functions are very good. The sheet that perhaps considers level of small only elementary course turns over have more than is needed how long can feel the function is used not quite, upgrade to spend silver again even. If bought digital camera, do not conflict, general a lot of people are taking sheet to still meet those who bring a number instead, because portable. The hope can help you.

8, digital camera is in of 500 or so price, have not?

Suo Ni 830, 20 million resemble element 8 times scorch, card machine, 559, patting play a bit problem to be done not have. The unit is being used all the time, very sturdy. Batteries is no good, 89 pieces, sometimes machine hair is very hot.

9, camera of 3000 or so long anxious number is recommended, special acknowledgment?

3000 can buy perfectly film camera, a few calculate on advanced in picture goes, if intended film photographs, it is good that I feel this price goes a film on quality at the number

10, 2000 yuan of or so beautiful can is camera of introductory level number recommended?

Recommend fine can A2000IS, beautiful can IXUS80, 85, 870, 980, among them beautiful can the wide part that IXUS870 has 28mm, the price is in 1300-2500 or so yuan, it is to use telescopic the card machine of camera lens, into should go than using like the effect camera lens looking at type (like camera of series of Suo Ni T) card confidential is a bit better. Beautiful can A2000IS, beautiful can IXUS80, 85, 870 basic it is very good.
