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残忍! 德国一名护士药杀百名病患(英语双语阅读)


残忍! 德国一名护士药杀百名病患(英语双语阅读)

A German former nurse admitted murdering 100 patients, making him one of the country's deadliest post-war serial killers. 近日,德国一名前护士承认自己谋杀了100名病人,这使他成为了自二战后德国最致命的连环杀手之一。 Niels Hoegel, 41, confessed to killing his patients -- between the ages of 34 and 96 -- at two hospitals in northern Germany between 2000 and 2005. 现年41岁的尼尔斯·豪格尔承认,在2000年至2005年期间,他在德国北部的两家医院杀死了多名病人,受害者年龄在34岁到96岁之间。 Hoegel is accused of giving his victims various non-prescribed drugs, in an attempt to show off his resuscitation skills to colleagues and fight off boredom. 豪格尔被指控给病人开各种非处方药,仅仅因为“无聊”,试图向同事炫耀“挽救生命的技能”。

On the first day of his trial at a court in Oldenburg, northwest Germany, Hoegel said the murder allegations against him were correct. 有关豪格尔的案件在德国西北部城市奥尔登堡首次开庭审理,豪格尔当庭承认了对他的谋杀指控。 Around 126 relatives of the victims are co-plaintiffs in the trial, which is expected to run until May next year, a court spokeswoman told CNN. 一名法庭女发言人向CNN透露,大约126名受害者的亲属是此次庭审的共同原告,预计庭审将持续到明年5月。 Hoegel is already serving a life sentence for six convictions, including homicide and attempted homicide. 此前豪格尔已经因包括杀人罪和故意杀人罪在内的6项罪名被判终身监禁。 Those convictions led authorities to investigate hundreds of deaths and exhume bodies of former patients in the clinics where he worked. Earlier this year he was charged with another 97 murders. 当局为了对他进行定罪,调查了数百起死亡事件,并在他工作的诊所里挖出了病人的尸体。今年早些时候,他被控谋杀97人。

上一篇:残忍! 德国一名护士药杀百名病患(英语双语阅读)
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