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好玩的nds中文游戏? nds上有什么格斗游戏,要中文的?英文双语对照


好玩的nds中文游戏? nds上有什么格斗游戏,要中文的?英文双语对照









RPG符文工房3 黄金太阳3 牧场物语风之集市 牧场物语双子村 召唤之夜泪之皇冠 勇者斗恶龙5勇者斗恶龙6 塞尔达传说幻影沙漏 塞尔达传说大地的汽笛其他推荐 雷顿教授与不可思议的小镇 雷顿教授与恶魔之箱 迷失蔚蓝3 迷失蔚蓝2(1就别玩了 很难) 特别推荐介绍 符文工房3 以战斗和养成为双特色的恋爱动作游戏 具有各种成就系统 剧情非常好10妹子任挑选勇者斗恶龙两部就不说了 玩下来就一个字 爽 剧情 世界观 宏大 同样也有各种隐藏成就塞尔达传说两部 任天堂四大代表之一 最大的特色就是复杂的迷宫和BOSS 雷顿教授 nds的少有精品 特难的谜题被解开后你会有一种想不到的快感迷失蔚蓝 1特难 但2和3会让你有种在荒野求生的错觉牧场物语 玩过的人都说好玩 只有没耐心的



(1)即时存档和软复位用法: 在游戏选择菜单那按STAR键,里面有个特殊功能,开启软复位 在游戏中按L+R+A+B,然后选最后一项 (2)金手指用法: 在游戏选择菜单那按START键,里面有个特殊功能,开启金手指 在游戏选择菜单对着游戏按3个Y(不要进游戏),按X选择你要选项,然后保存




  NDS——简介  全称:Nintendo Dual Screen(NDS)  NDS是任天堂用以取代Game Boy(GB)系列的新一代掌机,和目前的PSP主机最大的不同是,有两个屏幕并且下屏为触摸屏。  NetWare目录服务中的对象,NetWare Directory Services  NetWare Directory Services,Novell Netware 4.0 引入的一种功能,能提供对位于一个或多个服务器上的目录的访问。  在NetWare 4.x中NetWare目录服务(NDS)的功能适用于X.500的命名服务,其中,用户帐户和网络中的资源是以对象的形式进行管理的。一个用户对象包括名称、计算机结点地址、登录原语和其他关于一个网络用户的有生命力的管理信息。资源,如服务器、打印机、卷宗,也表示为对象。这些对象具有描述谁能使用和改变它们的性质。  对象存储在NetWare目录数据库(NDB)中,并且以层次树的结构进行组织。“包容器对象”通常表示一个机构的分支机构或部门。包容器对象包含其他对象,如用户对象、服务器对象和打印机对象。树的组织形式是重要的。由于一个对象表示一个分支机构或部门,因而管理人员可以授予一位经理或超级用户对一个包容器对象的不同权力,即授予这位经理或超级用户对这个包容器对象内所有对象的管理权限。其中NDS是水货,IDS是行货。  2009年3月11日任天堂宣布,3月6日NDS全球销量过亿,超越PS2成为世界最快达成一亿销售量的主机。


1.游戏王:世界冠军大会2008(卡片汉化)2.游戏王决斗怪兽GX:卡片图鉴3.游戏王 世界冠军2007(卡片汉化)4.游戏王GX:灵魂召唤者(完全汉化)5.游戏王 梦魇诗人6.游戏王5D's:星尘驱动者 世界冠军2009(卡片汉化)7.卡片召唤师DS8.高速卡片大战:卡片英雄(完全汉化)9.SNK对Capcom:卡片战士DS10.钢之炼金术士:卡片游戏11.漫画英雄卡片对战12.卡片游戏精选13.卡片游戏9卡片类游戏在中国人气普遍不高,能汉化的比较少,完全汉化的目前我只看到两款.





RPG符文工房3 黄金太阳3 牧场物语风之集市 牧场物语双子村 召唤之夜泪之皇冠 勇者斗恶龙5勇者斗恶龙6 塞尔达传说幻影沙漏 塞尔达传说大地的汽笛其他推荐 雷顿教授与不可思议的小镇 雷顿教授与恶魔之箱 迷失蔚蓝3 迷失蔚蓝2(1就别玩了 很难) 特别推荐介绍 符文工房3 以战斗和养成为双特色的恋爱动作游戏 具有各种成就系统 剧情非常好10妹子任挑选勇者斗恶龙两部就不说了 玩下来就一个字 爽 剧情 世界观 宏大 同样也有各种隐藏成就塞尔达传说两部 任天堂四大代表之一 最大的特色就是复杂的迷宫和BOSS 雷顿教授 nds的少有精品 特难的谜题被解开后你会有一种想不到的快感迷失蔚蓝 1特难 但2和3会让你有种在荒野求生的错觉牧场物语 玩过的人都说好玩 只有没耐心的


RPG符文工房3 黄金太阳3 牧场物语风之集市 牧场物语双子村 召唤之夜泪之皇冠 勇者斗恶龙5勇者斗恶龙6 塞尔达传说幻影沙漏 塞尔达传说大地的汽笛其他推荐 雷顿教授与不可思议的小镇 雷顿教授与恶魔之箱 迷失蔚蓝3 迷失蔚蓝2(1就别玩了 很难) 特别推荐介绍 符文工房3 以战斗和养成为双特色的恋爱动作游戏 具有各种成就系统 剧情非常好10妹子任挑选勇者斗恶龙两部就不说了 玩下来就一个字 爽 剧情 世界观 宏大 同样也有各种隐藏成就塞尔达传说两部 任天堂四大代表之一 最大的特色就是复杂的迷宫和BOSS 雷顿教授 nds的少有精品 特难的谜题被解开后你会有一种想不到的快感迷失蔚蓝 1特难 但2和3会让你有种在荒野求生的错觉牧场物语 玩过的人都说好玩 只有没耐心的


One, interesting Nds Chinese game?

1. head is pushed " sword of dragon of the person that bear is passed - Long Jian " . The good school RPG with the not much amount to on NDS, whole journey is touched accuse, if you understand bear a surname somewhat, can not have experience one time so. Warm blood, and exceed amused, it is me after buying NDS the first opens the play that involve.

2. Next " the person that Ling Guangshou is protected " . It is better to if have,be met if the friend is online. This is " dark black " the ARPG of the type, but the style is very pure and fresh, not " dark black " the sort of gloomy. Gut is its weakness, its window is many weeks of eye the weaponry of different level, can let you be experienced explode the fun that highest grade equips.

3. Again " wonderful world " . The multifarious explanation when just beginning game makes popular feeling irritated quite, but after understanding a system, you can discover regulation is actually simpler, just manipulate need technology. Gut is enough also deepness, enough also warm blood. One of game that play surely.

2, there is what fistfight game on Nds, want Chinese?

Does NDS part act analogize Jian: ? Pray of  of Californium of the  that spend  is rotten herd of damask of old  two coffins  idle two two of  of  of Piao of protruding  slander breaks cutout to fry  Dai S " " the person that Ling Guangshou is protected " " pocket monster platinum " " brave person fight evil dragon 5 "

Jian of NDS movement analogize: " diabolical city is snatched imprint quarter " " new · super Ma Li abstruse brother " " alloy warhead 7 " " Chinese quarter of GTA bloody battle " " astral card is rounder than the loud cry " other " Professor Lei Du and last trip time " " changeover

3, a few classical NDS game to recommend (of Chinese) ?

Room of class of language of RPG accord with 3 gold sun the imperial crown brave of the nocturnal tear of the call of village of Gemini of language of market grass content of locution of 3 grass content person fight evil dragon 5 brave person fight evil dragon Er of 6 a place of strategic importance amounts to fabulous and illusive sandglass Saierda is fabulous the hooter of the earth is other

4, how does NDS game file?

New silver-colored edition burns introduction of the operation that copy card:

(1) file immediately and soft restoration usage: Menu chooses to bolt by STAR then in game, there is a special function inside, open soft restoration presses L+R+A+B in game, choose last next (2) golden finger usage: Menu chooses to bolt by START then in game, there is a special function inside, open gold finger presses 3 Y to game in game choice menu (do not take sport) , by X choice you want option, save next

5, cannot Nds enter game?

See you how download game, if be an authorised edition, after Dsi is reached previously, type has Eshop, but had stopped seemingly took, the word of pilfer edition, although can be distained, but running quickly to seek knowledge desire if I can tell you, in those days kind of thing makes burn collection card, the appearance grows the game card with a Ds is euqally, there is cassette inside circuit and read card implement, burn the top that copy card to a Tf blocks groove to be able to insert memory card, you downloaded to burn the system that copy card and game to arrive in Tf card, it is OK to burn collection card in the system that imitate leads you to enter to burn collection card to be taken oneself into original cassette. Him feeling said too much...

6, what calls NDS game?

NDS -- brief introduction full name: Nintendo Dual Screen (NDS)     NDS is to hold the post of heaven in order to to replace Game Boy (GB) the machine of new generation palm of series, with current PSP leader the biggest differring is, have two screen and next screen are feeling screen. NetWare catalog serves medium target, netWare Directory Services of   of   of NetWare Directory Services, a kind of function that Novell Netware 4.0 introduces, can offer the visit of the catalog that goes up to be located in one or more server. In NetWare 4. Catalog of the NetWare in X serves (NDS) the function applies to X. Of 500 name a service, among them, the resource in user account and network has administrative with the form of the object. An user object includes node of name, computer address, entry primitive and other the has vitality management news about user of a network. Resource, be like server, printer, dossier, also express to be an object. These objects have a description to who can be used and change their character. Object memory is in NetWare catalog database (NDB) in, and with administrative levels the structure of the tree has an organization. "Bag container object " the branch that represents an orgnaization normally or branch. Bag container object includes other target, be like user object, server object and printer object. The constituent form of the tree is important. Because an object represents a branch or branch, consequently administrator can grant a manager or super user includes the different power of container object to, grant this manager namely or the administrative limits of authority that super user includes all boy or girl friends inside container object to this. Among them NDS is commodities from abnormal channel, IDS is a goods. Ren Tiantang announced on March 11, 2009, sales volume of NDS whole world passed on March 6 100 million, surmount PS2 to become the world to reach the main engine of 100 million sale the most quickly.

7, Nds card game, list?

1. game king: Card of 2008(of world champion congress Chinese change) 2. Game king duel blames animal GX: Card illustrated handbook 3. Card of 2007(of champion of game king world Chinese change) 4. Game king GX: Incorporeal summoner (complete Chinese change) 5. Poet of game king nightmare 6. Game king 5D's: Card of 2009(of champion of world of mover of astral dirt drive Chinese change) 7. DS8 of card call division. Big fight of high speed card: Card hero (complete Chinese change) 9.SNK is right Capcom: Card soldier DS10. The alchemist of steel: Card game 11. Caricature hero card is right battle 12. Card game is handpick 13. Card game 9 card kind game is enraged in the Chinese general not tall, can Chinese the comparison that change is little, complete Chinese those who change is current I see two only.

8, is Nds game free?

Do not spend money ah, the website that falls freely is much, for instance report plays a bus, want you to have only burn collection card, join computer puts in game went.

You go buying burn collection card, burn collection card to also have a sign, I recommend R4, use go to the lavatory simply from game downloads over there network address, it is free of course, I also below therefrom, buy to burn collection card, be benefited all one's life, need not spend so much money to buy game.

9, is Nds classical game recommended?

Room of class of language of RPG accord with 3 gold sun the imperial crown brave of the nocturnal tear of the call of village of Gemini of language of market grass content of locution of 3 grass content person fight evil dragon 5 brave person fight evil dragon Er of 6 a place of strategic importance amounts to fabulous and illusive sandglass Saierda is fabulous the hooter of the earth is other

10, is NDS classical game recommended?

Room of class of language of RPG accord with 3 gold sun the imperial crown brave of the nocturnal tear of the call of village of Gemini of language of market grass content of locution of 3 grass content person fight evil dragon 5 brave person fight evil dragon Er of 6 a place of strategic importance amounts to fabulous and illusive sandglass Saierda is fabulous the hooter of the earth is other
