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《挥云而去 十张画里看中国》,中信新书,一本书走进中国传统,清新清澈,挥云而去,只余精髓,是建立中国传统文化系统思维的理想读物。












1.赛龙舟 赛龙舟,是端午节的主要习俗。相传起源于古时,楚国人因舍不得贤臣屈原投江死去,许多人划船追赶拯救。他们争先恐后,追至洞庭湖不见踪迹。之后每年五月五日划龙舟以纪念之。人们借划龙舟驱散江中之鱼,以免吃掉屈原的身体。竞渡之习,盛行于吴、越、楚。

2.端午食棕 端午节吃粽子,这是中国人民的又一传统习俗。粽子,又叫做“角黍”、“筒粽”。其由来已久,花样繁多。端午节的早晨家家吃粽子纪念屈原,一般是前一天把粽子包好,在夜间煮熟,早晨食用。










One, do knowledge of laugh Chinese traditional culture?

Tomb-sweeping day is theoretic before be those who do not have pay respects to sb at his tomb consuetudinary, the thing that Pure Brightness should do is go for a walk in the country in spring, the cold ability that eat a red-letter day should pay respects to sb at his tomb. But what leave because of two festivals is honest too close, arrive so since bright Qing Dynasty slowly consuetudinary and amalgamative, did not distinguish.

2, dot of knowledge of Chinese traditional culture?

Chinese traditional culture includes a tradition consuetudinary, traditional structure, traditional and literary, traditional idea, chinese traditional culture has relative stability, oneself inheritance sex and nationality, treat China tradition culture, we should be the viewpoint of 2 1 minute, take its elite to go its scum, make the past serve the present, critically and successive, develop on successive foundation, in the inheritance in the process of development. Develop outstanding and traditional culture to be opposite ceaselessly today the stimulative action of economic society.

3, what preparation does contest of knowledge of Chinese traditional culture make?

Must lay in certain traditional culture knowledge first above all, can look more see plenary meeting of Chinese poem word, phrasal contest the program of these relevant knowledge, next, loosen state of mind, not overmuch dispute contest achievement uses common heart to treat.

4, dot of knowledge of literacy of Legalists of generality of Chinese traditional culture?

The delegate character of Legalists is Han Fei child. The main country policy of country of the Qin Dynasty of later period of times of the Warring States is to press the thought of Legalists to build. The Yang of political tax business with famous country of the Qin Dynasty also is the delegate character of Legalists.

5, the knowledge of Chinese traditional culture that what book reads to you can increase his?

" brandish cloud and go dicker takes a fancy to a country in the picture " , new book is believed in, a book walks into Chinese tradition, pure and fresh and clear, brandish cloud and go, more than marrow, it is the good reading that builds thinking of system of Chinese traditional culture.

6, hare year literacy knowledge?

Be in about bunny hare year have fokelore of a well known, that is " rat hole has rabbit " , bunny of that is to say skips from rat hole come out, show auspicious, happy, fortune and rich life.

7, knowledge of Spring Festival literacy?

The Spring Festival is one of most grand, lively festivals in Chinese traditional culture, also be New Year of Chinese the traditional Chinese calendar is germinant. It is a few respects about knowledge of Spring Festival literacy below:

The origin of the Spring Festival and history: Year of section of society of agriculture of ancient time of Spring Festival traceable, it is pair of bumper harvests and sacred celebration. Be in China, the history of the Spring Festival is OK period of business of restrospect to abundant, it was experienced evolve endlessly and develop a process.

Of the Spring Festival consuetudinary with traditional activity: What there is rich and colorful during the Spring Festival is consuetudinary with traditional activity. People can have kitchen range of hold a memorial ceremony for, sweep dirt, stick spring festival scrolls, eat meal of the eve of the lunar New Year, put firecracker, stay up late or all night on New Year's Eve, pay a New Year call wait for ceremony and activity, be celebrated in order to show and pray blessing. In addition,

The cate of the Spring Festival: There are a lot of traditional cates during the Spring Festival, wait like dumpling, New Year cake, bacon, earthnut, candy. These cate not only mouthfeel is delicate, and the implied meaning is worn happy and good fortune as one wishes, in good health good will.

The culture connotation of the Spring Festival: The Spring Festival is a festival not just, it is returned accumulate containing rich culture connotation. It is the main component of culture of tradition of the Chinese nation, reflected a Chinese the attention to family, close affection, friendship and life and pursuit.

The congratulatory means of the Spring Festival: Contemporary Spring Festival celebrates means more diversification and modernization. People can celebrate this red-letter day through all sorts of means, if watch Spring Festival social evening, enter all sorts of congratulatory activities, send red bag to wait.

Anyhow, the Spring Festival is a very main festival in Chinese traditional culture, it is New Year of Chinese the traditional Chinese calendar not only is germinant, also be a Chinese of the attention to family, close affection, friendship and life and pursuit reflect.

8, does Duan Wuwen change knowledge?

1. surpasses dragon boat to surpass dragon boat, be dragon boat festival is main and consuetudinary. Traceable of according to legend is olden, hunan compatriots is cast formerly because of hating to part with virtuous official to bend the river is gone, a lot of people row chase save. Their strive to be the first, chase after do not see a trace to lake of hole front courtyard. Later delimited every year on May 5 dragon boat with souvenir. People borrows delimit dragon boat breaks up Jiang Zhongzhi fish, lest eat off Qu Yuan's body. The be used to of boatrace, be current Yu Wu, jump over, Hunan.

2. carries midday to feed palm dragon boat festival to eat a zhongzi, the another tradition that this is Chinese people is consuetudinary. Zhongzi, be called again " horny millet " , " canister Zong " . Its long-standing, pattern is various. The morning home home of dragon boat festival eats a zhongzi to commemorate Qu Yuan, it is commonly had wrapped the zhongzi before today, in nightly thoroughly cook, morning edible.

9, literacy knowledge encyclopedia?

10 names river: River of river of the Yangtse River, Yellow River, Pearl River, Songhua River, Heilongjiang, the Huaihe River, Hanjiang, Hunan, duck is green river, Jia Lingjiang

10 names wine:

10 conflagration furnace: Spit rash time, Chongqing, Changsha, Wuhan, Nanjing, Fuzhou, Chengdu, Hefei, Guangzhou, Nanjing

10 names are beautiful: Orchid, wintersweet, peony, chrysanthemum, Chinese rose, cuckoo, lotus, camellia, sweet-scented osmanthus, asphodel

10, travel literacy knowledge?

Chinese travel culture has normative sex, diversity, times sex and diffusible. Travel culture of China includes Chinese travel, culture medium, chinese history culture, chinese religion culture, world bequest of China. Portable cultural relic, not portable cultural relic, chinese art, chinese travel literature, chinese food culture and Chinese indicative culture are waited a moment.

Travel culture regards a kind of specific culture as configuration, have its specific connotation and corresponding extension, the understanding travel culture of broad sense is human place creation, uniform by the summation of concerned corporeal money and mental fortune.

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