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女性心理健康标语? 女性心理健康教育的内容?英文双语对照


女性心理健康标语? 女性心理健康教育的内容?英文双语对照














































One, catchphrase of female mental health?

Pay close attention to female mental health. It is the responsibility of whole society.

2, the content that female mental health teachs?

Suspicious, not self-confident, love moves sth about whether, proper pride is strong, selfish

3, the standard of mental health of university natural disposition?

The control of sexual knowledge: The undergraduate should have basic sexual knowledge, the knowledge of the respect such as difference of the construction that includes genital officer and function, sex, sexual behavior and sexual health, understand correctly and use these knowledge.

The health of sexual manner: The undergraduate should have healthy sexual attitude, the sexual right that includes to respect oneself and another person, abide by is abide by the law law plan, reject a gender to encroach annoy with the gender, equality of proper understanding sexual distinction.

Of sexual behavior responsible: If the undergraduate has sexual behavior, should have the attitude that bear the blame, include to use safety to cover etc safeguard, avoid needless risk, him esteem to wait with the apiration of the other side.

The balance of sexual psychology: The undergraduate should have the sexual mentality of the balance, include expression of ego self-identity and self-respect, ego and ego palm to accuse, mood adjustment and society get used to the ability that waits for a respect.

Anyhow, the undergraduate's sex mental health should be a comprehensive idea, need undertakes consider and be assessmented from many respects, promote in order to ensure its body and mind is healthy with what feel happily.

4, what is general character psychology?

Psychology of convict general character is the general psychology feature that convict exists generally during be transformed inside jail.

Convict is sentenced reform of criminals through labour, mean be in accept the penalty, position that is superintended, lost person freedom, strip or suspend exercise politics right, basically be in keep apart condition with society, family, cannot reunite with family, can interact with certainly cadre and other prisoner only, accept positive and negative at the same time two sides effect. This kind of specific one's lot, with the union of original guilty psychology and undesirable characteristics, formed the general character psychology of convict. Basically have: Suspicious, inimical, contrary, pessimistic, compunction, think of close, it is severe canal of inattentive be disgusted with, love ease and hate work, good to love old, yearning freedom, happy event the gang that play a side.

5, what is education of expansibility mental health, what characteristic does he have?

Education of expansibility mental health is to show middle school teaching staff or psychology coach on the foundation of the common law that staff develops in psychology of understanding high school student and age feature, the task that quality of level place area faces learns in be aimed at a student to be in, quality and individual differences, the education with bring to bear on certain and coach, make student psychology quality peddle appropriate to solve, the harmony of the sufficient play of psychological potential and individual character character develops, prevent disease of of all kinds body and mind thereby, stimulative body and mind develops healthily. Basically contain the following content.

(1) education of study mental health. Study is the student's bounden duty, because this develops student innovation ability and practice ability, arouse study motive of the student and study interest, let student control learn method and strategy, those who learn a smile to face study advancement road to go up " obstacle " establish active and hopeful study state of mind.

(2) the mental health education of affection and volition. Middle school period is character fictile important period, develop a characteristic to have character, affection and will according to the high school student's psychology coach, let a student learn to dominate his sentiment, do affective host, the society handles reason and impulse correctly, individual and society, the relation of setback and go through the mill, form good psychological quality and disposition characteristic.

(3) education of human relation psychology. In current society, our everybody lies multidimensional, in wrong Zong Fu's miscellaneous human concern net, can say harmonious, processing is human the relation is the high school student often is encountered, cannot evasive thing, accordingly, want to foster a student to be able to affirming the ability of knowledge, evaluation and project oneself, master the basic standard of human association and skill, nurturance is munificent magnanimous, tutor oneself; Respect the other, good quality that is happy to help a person.

(4) education of individual character psychology, model individual character and tree to establish true viewpoint of value to read aloud organic ground union to rise, let a student form correct world outlook and philosophy, viewpoint of value.

(5) adolescent education. Adolescence is the ordinary least of all period in life, as the ceaseless maturity of student physiology, psychology, a few special physiology appearances and psychological problem, especially sexual maturity problem of the student, often flinching tiredly they, accordingly, strengthen adolescent education, incorporate adolescent sex knowledge, sexual psychology education and sexual morality, sexual law is taught, let a student form the control ability of ego adjustment, had handled the between association of male, female classmate correctly, accomplish self-respect and each other honour.

6, what is structure of individual character psychology?

Tendentiousness of individual character of individual character tendentiousness is to show decision person is right the dynamical system of the manner of the thing and behavior, it is mixed with enthusiasm it is a feature optionally, include the different part such as need, motive, interest, ideal, belief and world outlook among them. It can mirror the enthusiasm characteristic of the person's activity most, make the person organizes his behavior with the enthusiasm of different attitude and different level, purposeful, have reaction to objective reality selectively.

Feature of psychology of individual character of feature of individual character psychology points to what come out in the expression in psychological activity process to compare stable composition, it includes ability, temperament and nature, the destiny of the cause that affects move and the scene that deciding life, life and life.

Person and person are in respect of feature of individual character psychology is discrepant, the psychological activity such as its understanding, affection and volition is to those who undertake is in on its specific individual body, show the psychological trait that differs severally.

Process of psychological process psychology includes to know (feeling, memory, thinking, envisage) , the psychological activity such as affection, volition, they have to happen, development and finished process, it is a feature with flow, change, it is person head the reflective form to objective reality, assuring person and objective and actual connection. The person always reflects reality through understanding, affection, volition, go finishing an activity.

Mentation mentation is to point to in the psychological setting that stabilizes relatively momently currently, it is the influence that stimulates by airframe inside and outside, the excitement that undertakes in pallium and the unique temporary status that check an activity, it is affecting people to have all sorts of activities. It has 3 characteristics: In constant change (variational) , the extensive sex of direct actuality and mentation.

Regulating system of ego of ego regulating system is core with self-awareness, it includes understanding, affection and volition on psychological structure 3 respects:

In understanding the respect includes to evaluation of concept of analysis of ego perception, ego, self, ego waits again; Include ego again in affection respect experience, self-respect, self-confident, proud etc; In the volition action respect includes ego to supervise again, control of ego command, ego.

To a person character, understanding, affection, volition these 3 respects are not absolutely departure, contacting cheek by jowl however, make the ego regulating system in individual character structure.

7, what is female psychology thinking?

The thinking in female heart is one kind sets out from female perspective, the issue that discusses a female to be faced with in the place in the life and society and challenge, and the reflection that how solves these problems means.

Female thinking emphasizes the demand of female of sexual equality, esteem, attention female and benefit, also pay close attention to a female at the same time the position in society and culture and action.

Female thinking is not a kind of fixed thinking means, the reflection that one kind can be understood by different person place and conveys however means.

8, does mental health of individual character tendentiousness teach substantival explanation?

Individual character tendentiousness belongs to individual character partially. It includes to need the content such as motive, hobby, interest, ideal, belief, viewpoint of value. What it reflects is individual the manner to social environment and behavior characteristic, he is the most active among individual character structure main factor, turn the dynamical system of moving take action.

Individual character tendency is deciding the person is right all round on the choice of world understanding and manner and tendency, decide what the person goes after. Especially good faith viewpoint of value often is mixed closely related acquired education, and still reacting social attribute of the person.

9, what is to lose sexual heart behoove to stimulate?

Heart behoove stimulates negative sex to say again " psychological insecurity condition " , it is the acuteness psychology that when the person encounters incident of a few lives, causes wave motion reacts with a series of physiology. In should stimulate condition to fall, the person can transfer all sorts of potential rise, in order to handle situation of the insecurity before at that time.

10, what is character of individual character psychology?

Feature of psychology of alleged individual character, it is individual the stabler composition that comes out in the expression in social activity, include ability, temperament and nature.

The formation of feature of individual character psychology has relative stability, form a person for example extroversion of grumpy, disposition, its meaning is the show of the understanding that passes period of time, a few behavior that sees this individual, just produce such opinion, so, psychological feature has relatively stable character inside period of time.

Feature of individual character psychology is not isolated existence in individual character structure, it gets of individual character tendentiousness restrict.

For example, ability and disposition are wait in motive, ideal push a movement to use next formation, stabilize or change again, also need to rely on the dynamical mechanism such as motive and ideal to just be shown come.

Both is restricted each other, interaction, make individual show time to go up with the scene medium in consistency, reflect individual action

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