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芊芊玉手 :qiān qiān yù shǒu



1. 明确结论:芊芊结编法是一种中国传统编结手艺,采用针线在织物中间进行编织。它可以用于制作各种饰物和装饰品,如挂件、手链、耳坠等。

2. 解释原因:芊芊结编法在中国历史悠久,起源于唐代,是一种传统的手工艺品。它以其精美细致、独具特色的编织方式和设计思路在世界手工艺品市场中获得了广泛的认可。

3. 内容延伸:芊芊结编法的原理是将一个或多个线圈放在细绳上,然后用针引导细绳穿过线圈,逐一将线圈悬挂在细绳上的位置调整合适,最终形成纷繁复杂的编织图案。芊芊结编法的图案设计非常丰富,可以按照个人的喜好和想象力进行创作。

4. 具体步骤:芊芊结编法的编织步骤主要包括以下几个方面:先选好编织线、线圈、针等工具,然后进行反向编织,即从内向外编织,最后将编织图案牢固结实、并进行一些修整,制成成品。编制整个过程中,每一步都需要精细处理,以确保制作出来的芊芊结饰品质量优良、线条流畅、外观奇特、具有针线之美。
















每一篇 如青涩般浮现

落雨声 嘀嗒嘀嘀 回荡着轻声细语

犹如你唯美叹息 那么动听

城外 湿呀沥沥 满地的呢喃细语

我发现身边的你 漠然回避

绝唱一段芊芊 爱无非看谁成茧


一曲轻描淡写 勾勒尽是我的呼吸

山穷水绝处 回眸一遍你






每一篇 如青涩般浮现

落雨声 嘀嗒嘀嘀 回荡着轻声细语



犹如你唯美叹息 那么动听

城外 湿呀沥沥 满地的呢喃细语

我发现身边的你 漠然回避

绝唱一段芊芊 爱无非看谁成茧


一曲轻描淡写 勾勒尽是我的呼吸

山穷水绝处 回眸一遍你

绝唱一段芊芊 爱无非看谁成茧


一曲轻描淡写 勾勒尽是我的呼吸

山穷水绝处 回眸一遍你







qiān qiān yù shǒu


















每一篇 如青涩般浮现

落雨声 嘀嗒嘀嘀


犹如你每每叹息 那么动听

城外 湿呀沥沥


我发现身边的你 漠然回避

绝唱一段芊芊 爱无非看谁成茧









每一篇 如青涩般浮现

落雨声 嘀嗒嘀嘀


犹如你每每叹息 那么动听

城外 湿呀沥沥









绝唱一段芊芊 爱无非看谁成茧





The Qian of Qian of Chen Qian Qian in the hearsay by forest 7 dozens of the a fewth collect?

The Qian of Qian of Chen Qian Qian in the hearsay by forest 7 dozens of the 9th collect.

Gut brief introduction

four-wheel the person that the woman that enter the court is not Han Shuo to get ready, come up to Ko Chen Qian Qian with respect to one fist, chen Qian Qian can be avoided only, turning circle desert, take the advantage of the other side finally to run breathlessly to turn next ring, win the contest again.

Chen Qian Qian enters total final smoothly, adversary is forest 7, this can be a tough fight. At night, chen Qian Qian and Han bright sleep to be not worn, han Shuo accompanies Chen Qian Qian to see a moon encourage her, teach her to want to remember recipe only, still have winning possibility.

Chen Qian Qian is afraid that Chen Yuan Yuan does not watch fight, let Su Mei go for then Chen Yuan Yuan. Actually Chen Yuan Yuan is very expect to go field of practise traditional martial arts watchs the game, just do not wish to admit again.

Fierce tries eventually, chen Qian Qian is right battle forest 7, be afraid that pain Chen Qian Qian is put on protect, the way that puts forward to be put slow with promote is right battle, tear open action with forest 7 dozens, forest 7 underestimate the enemy took one a punch.

The close body way that Chen Qian Qian teachs by Han Shuo again follows forest 7 pairs of battle, dead deathtrap entwine lets forest the whippy put to good use of 7 does not leave, two people scuffle is in.

Forest 7 be offended thoroughly angry, take Qian of whippy lash Chen Qian, protect repeatedly by batter down. Chen Qian Qian is flat and refuse protect, rush forward to hold in arms forest 7, even if be hit also do not let go. A surname perseverance is fond of Chen Qian Qian to be harmed, want to strike armistice gong.

Do not abandon in Han bright heart, but he knows is not hope of place of Chen Qian Qian, lash is hit on body of Chen Qian Qian, ache in his heart. Pei Heng couldn't help striking armistice gong really, but Chen Qian Qian does not admit, choose Han Shuo to represent his opinion, insist to have a competition.

Hand of Qian Qian jade, pronunciation?

Hand of Qian Qian jade: U of ǒ of Sh of ù of N Y of ā of Qi ā N Qi

"Qian Qian " it is a kind of wildlife, fine and long. It is the hand that uses appearance girl and finger commonly, also have " Qian Qian jade points to " one word. Hand of main means appearance and finger are very good-looking and slender.

Weave of Qian Qian knot?

1.Make clear conclusion: Weave of Qian Qian knot is tradition of a kind of China knots craft, use needlework to be among fabric undertake braiding. It can be used at making all sorts of decorations and decoration, if hang, hand catenary, eardrop.

2.Explain a reason: Weave of Qian Qian knot is in China the history is long, traceable Tang Dynasty, the handicraft that is a kind of tradition is tasted. It with its elegant and meticulous, in braiding means and design train of thought to taste the market in world handicraft, obtained what have distinguishing feature alone approbate extensively.

3.Content is outspread: The principle of weave of Qian Qian knot is put one or more coil on drawstring, cross coil with needle guiding drawstring next, suspension of coil of general of one by one is adjusted in the position on drawstring appropriate, form numerous and complicated finally to braid design complexly. The design design of weave of Qian Qian knot is very rich, can undertake creating according to the individual's be fond of and imagination.

4.Concrete step: Of weave of Qian Qian knot braid measure to basically include the following fields: Had chosen first braid the tool such as line, coil, needle, undertake be braidinged reversely next, namely from braid outside introversion, will braid design finally firm and strong, hand-in-hand travel a few nap, make finished product. The staff is whole in the process, each pace needs careful processing, the Qian Qian written guarantee that makes in order to ensure acts the role of character measure admirable, line fluent, exterior the peculiar, beauty that has needlework.

Anyhow, qian Qian writtens guarantee weave has the characteristic that uses extensively again distinctly already, in in important place is had in domain of national champion handicraft, it is a kind of handicraft skill that very worth while study and masters.

Ending of Qian of incoming telegram Qian?

In big ending: Chen Qian Qian and old Hunan Chu Zaijian unplug when crossbow Zhang Zhi, pei Heng leads other protect city army to come assist, old clear a cornered beast will do something desperate, lift a sword to prick Xiang Chenqian Qian, before Han Shuo rushs suddenly, keep out unexpectedly, although the sword slants slightly,reach a heart without the injury as a result, but be damaged because of the bottom of one's heart, also be numbered. Chen Qian Qian is heartstricken, bend over to ought not to write dead Han Shuo at the outset in him compunction other the bed, however Han Shuo gives character to comfort however, state this is unripe not regret meets fine person. He hopes Chen Qian Qian can take beautiful route in the ceremonially of succession castellan, after day door opens greatly, return original world.

Is Qian Qian song sung formerly?

" Qian Qian " it is You Xieming autumn write words, get the better of island compose, the song that echo elder brother sings.

Get on oneself " sponge darling " hind, 3 many months are separated when, the newest master piece that echo elder brother brings him -- " Qian Qian " . This is echo elder brother tries antediluvian song first. The expressions of poetic flavour, gu Yun's melody, deserve to go up echo elder brother is grave and hoarse and sending out the voice with lazy languid, " Qian Qian " taking audience to pass through before returning for all time, recount a paragraph to hide enmity of long already affection love hate.

Qian Qian

" Qian Qian " the warm-up only music that is first pieces of individual special that echo elder brother is about to issue, brew long already special will meeting finally with everybody in June. The song that chooses to have Chinese antediluvian distinguishing feature so is new special warm body, make a person more to the new special that is about to issue a few minutes expect to mix daydream. [1]

Song lyrics

Qian Qian

Dew of small pond Qing Dynasty steps dimple

Circuit circuit extensive rises

That be sentimentally attached to as before by gentle breeze withered

Browse immerse the dream with foam

Had not grown between heaven and earth

Each if blueness is acerbity emerge

Fall resound of Di of pitter-patter tick Di is worn light tone delicate language

Be just as you only beautiful groan is so pleasant

Suburban wet ah the twittering delicate language of drop drop full ground

I discover your indifferently beside is evasive

No more than of love of Qian of a paragraph of Qian sees the peak of poetic perfection who becomes chrysalis

Be defeated to play chess with you win to be answered do not go

A mention lightly draws the outline of the breath that is full of me

Hill poor water is in an eye absolutely you

Dew of small pond Qing Dynasty steps dimple

Circuit circuit extensive rises

That be sentimentally attached to as before by gentle breeze withered

Browse immerse the dream with foam

Had not grown between heaven and earth

Each if blueness is acerbity emerge

Fall resound of Di of pitter-patter tick Di is worn light tone delicate language

In all 5 pieces

Qian Qian

Be just as you only beautiful groan is so pleasant

Suburban wet ah the twittering delicate language of drop drop full ground

I discover your indifferently beside is evasive

No more than of love of Qian of a paragraph of Qian sees the peak of poetic perfection who becomes chrysalis

Be defeated to play chess with you win to be answered do not go

A mention lightly draws the outline of the breath that is full of me

Hill poor water is in an eye absolutely you

No more than of love of Qian of a paragraph of Qian sees the peak of poetic perfection who becomes chrysalis

Be defeated to play chess with you win to be answered do not go

A mention lightly draws the outline of the breath that is full of me

Hill poor water is in an eye absolutely you

Height of Huang Qian Qian?


Ginseng perform work

Teleplay " the other people that surround house "

Net drama " bet a god to return 2 Huang Qian Qian (HuangQianQian) , height: 162cm, weight: 52kg, be born in Chinese Guangdong Meizhou, occupational actor, be graduated from: Meizhou city artistic school is performed dramatically, masses impression: Qing Chun

Pronunciation of hand of Qian Qian jade?

U of ǒ of Sh of ù of N Y of ā of Qi ā N Qi

Hand (phoneticize: Sh ǒ U) it is Chinese current standard one class word (commonly used word) . The article at the beginning of this word only then see at inscriptions on bronze of the Western Zhou Dynasty, pictographic word, its are ancient the hand of word image person, have the five fingers. In ancient writing, the hand makes character components write flank form normally (" " ) . Hand original meaning shows front of human body upper limbs can take the part of the thing, the person uses the upper limbs front of the tool. Extend the meaning makes a verb, express to hold, taking with the hand, extend the meaning is done with one's own hands for oneself, return extend the meaning to point to cabinet take easily, point to acting person again. The hand also makes measure word use, use at skill, competence.

The meaning of Qian Qian?

1, the appearance that Qian Qian explanation is wood exuberance; Verdant, dark green.

2, phoneticize: N of ā of Qi ā Nqi.

3, wood exuberance appearance. Cite: Latter-day Zhu Ziqing " " unrestrained and far -ranging " with " at all times and in all over the world " " : "The green jade grass of Qian Qian steps soft on the foot soft, positive-appearing image takes oriental cherry candy " .

4, verdant, dark green. Cite: Latter-day ice heart " the past 2 " 10: "Qian Qian does not have the hillside of border to go up, opened 10 thousand trees not famous yellow, white, red, violet flower " .

Ending of erroneous Qian Qian?

Teleplay " the phoenix of day tear legend is incomparable " the ending of Zhong Miaoqian Qian is inspire femaly in emperor below, with the big love of oneself, sacrificial life, prevent this disaster.

The Northern Dynasties leaves a country aristocratic Miao protects city a lot of money, qian of Yuan Mingmiao Qian, marry as clear as Qi Xianggu grand, nie of the alias after the family broke up is incomparable, the palace after entering orchid country becomes the woman of orchid king Xiao Fengming, and with desolate family name two brother defy jointly different star aggressor.

Libretto of Qian Qian form?

Qian Qian

Singer: Echo elder brother

Dew of small pond Qing Dynasty steps dimple

Circuit circuit extensive rises

That be sentimentally attached to as before by gentle breeze withered

Browse immerse the dream with foam

Had not grown between heaven and earth

Each if blueness is acerbity emerge

Fall Di of pitter-patter tick Di

Resound is worn light tone delicate language

Be just as you to often heave a sigh so pleasant

Suburban wet ah drop

The twittering delicate language of full ground

I discover your indifferently beside is evasive

No more than of love of Qian of a paragraph of Qian sees the peak of poetic perfection who becomes chrysalis

Be defeated to play chess with you win to be answered do not go

A mention lightly draws the outline of the breath that is full of me

Hill poor water is in an eye absolutely you

Dew of small pond Qing Dynasty steps dimple

Circuit circuit extensive rises

That be sentimentally attached to as before by gentle breeze withered

Browse immerse the dream with foam

Had not grown between heaven and earth

Each if blueness is acerbity emerge

Fall Di of pitter-patter tick Di

Resound is worn light tone delicate language

Be just as you to often heave a sigh so pleasant

Suburban wet ah drop

The twittering delicate language of full ground

Beside my discovery you

Indifferently is evasive

The peak of poetic perfection one Duanqian Qian

Who does love no more than see become chrysalis

Be defeated to play chess with you win to be answered do not go

A mention lightly draws the outline of the breath that is full of me

Hill poor water is in an eye absolutely you

No more than of love of Qian of a paragraph of Qian sees the peak of poetic perfection who becomes chrysalis

Be defeated to play chess with you win to be answered do not go

A mention lightly draws the outline of the breath that is full of me

Hill poor water is in an eye absolutely you
