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忌戏耍动头;忌在众人中放响屁,说脏话;忌夜间吹哨; 忌拿灵长类动物肉时屋,也忌食其肉(熊、狗、猴、猫等); 不论男女,忌跨火塘;忌婚丧嫁娶宰杀山羊;忌以苦篙杆做筷子及打人;火烧荞麦粑粑从火塘里拿出时,忌马上翻动及用棍棒穿通;忌把锄头和斧子放在一起;忌在屋内将锄或斧子扛于肩上;忌在家中火塘里烧刺奶包树和马桑树;忌异根恋抱的树。


History of the Yi nationality says " Wu Man " , ' " Luo Luo " , " Luo Luo " , have Nuo revive spill, Nie Su is spilled, Luo Luo is spilled, sweet hall, unconscious change etc profess. The festival of the Yi nationality with the traditional Chinese calendar June of 24 " link division " most grand.

The Yi nationality is having the life characteristic of big dispersive, small live in a compact community, the dwelling of the Yi nationality of each district is very not so identical. But pool of a fire is set mostly inside house, pond fire all the year round not extinguish, except use at warming oneself, illume, stew boil or outside roast food, also be to get together the center that friend receives a visitor. The boiler village stone of igneous pond or tripod, cannot walk with the foot, forbidden the gob in past fire pond. The content with feculent barbecue, no-no it is by the side of igneous pond nude body.

Growing young, men and women, advocate between the guest, the Yi nationality has strict etiquette and custom. Road meets elder member of family, junior must be waited for establish a side, let elder of; of better go ahead of the rest let its seat of honour into room beard, beyond again ordinal and sit when; has a meal, elder sits upper part (be used to says " on banquet " ) , offspring is ordinal sit both sides and lower part, and lackey elder, add boiling water of dish of meal, clip, bubble for its. Cannot touch the head of adult and old person.


Brother can joke with elder brother's wife, but the elder brother cannot joke with sister-in-law. The guest is entered room let seat of honour, host sits in guest left, junior sits opposite the guest. Ban wear; of bed of kang of sandals get angry to go upstairs should take off shoe; to ban naked, half naked adult to cannot use a foot to step on a doorsill into door; , or sit in the; on the doorsill to cannot knock table and bowl; to ban with the chopstick whistle in the home, sing the folk song, garment pants that says woman of vulgar language; cannot air is basked in by the place of pass by and beehive; prohibits facing sun relieve oneself.

The section is celebrated

Early morning, of the same surname is familial get together at better home sacred ancestor, light joyous dance of bonfire joyous song in even place jointly in the evening, this is the good chance that young men and women falls in love. Later, each hold firebrand burn to bake court, building all around, by tree of part of cropland head land, fruit tree, scatter sweet face of parched withered deal on firebrand ceaselessly, give out fulminatory sound and send out faint scent flavour, with " destroy calamity drive ghost " . Big much red-letter day and the Han nationality are identical, but want in the evening in the New Year's Eve " eat black meal " , come first first 3 do not do farm work, 3 days of uses thing must get ready before the New Year's Eve, have a meal later, preparative thing is more, explain life of the coming year jumps over happiness. During the Spring Festival, the youth likes to undertake losing a bag, dozen top, swing swing, burnish to carry autumn wait for recreational activities.

Marriage common

Marriage of the Yi nationality is basic it is a monogamy. It is commonly inside this nation intermarriage, but also do not prohibit rather he a group of things with common features intermarriage, the relationship between the children of a brother and a sister is preferential marry. Young men and women but free love, but marry must get parents agrees, need classics act as a matchmaker, eat " acceptability wine " , " be engaged wine " wait for a process. Greet when kissing, the bridegroom's or husband's family cultivates branch He Qingshu with chinquapin beforehand the leaf is built " green canopy " , after receiving a bride to take the door, be in namely " green canopy " next fete receive visitor. It is the following day banquet, kin friend is congratulated with chicken, flesh, wine, egg, rice. The 3rd day winds door day for bride and bridegroom, the bride's side asks close friends to eat " reunion meal " . " marriage law of People's Republic of China " after carrying out, marriage of actor of the relationship between the children of a brother and a sister already was put an end to, marry for free love more now.


Village of the Yi nationality is the old village of inhabit a region of the Yi nationality more. Before liberating, the cogongrass thatched cottage that the building is building construction more or show a house. The door does not have a window, be used to " kitchen of black Fang Liang " . Abstain from open the door north, no matter door of door, kitchen and stable door are not northwardly. After People's Republic of China holds water, build the tile-roofed house that has the earthy timber structure that the building has a tall building stage by stage, have the tile-roofed house that built bricky timber structure partly.


Happy event of male and female uses the Yi nationality to knit the hand-woven cloth that catchs oneself to make the clothing oneself. Man head pesters black cloth Baotou, liner white garment, coat cyan a kind of Chinese-style jacket with buttons down the front gets A Chinese-style unlined garment, issueing pants of wide waist old trouser legs. Young woman all wears Baotou of blue-black hand-woven cloth in, jacket is front of a garment of blue short range, back front of a garment is longer than face front of a garment, the circle is gotten set those who have 5 kinds of color a contrast figure, hand sleeve has trichromatic the edge of decorative pattern; Baotou of young woman black cloth deserves to have head band, admire contains the silver of numerous silver bubble to make necklace, jacket is outfit of sister of of all kinds, the circle is gotten those who set different color is lacy, the department surrounds a waist and set blue decorative pattern. After People's Republic of China holds water, traditional dress decreases stage by stage, dress is much as identical as the Han nationality, young generation wears popular dress.


The Yi nationality is a civil and military pays equal attention to, pay attention to the nation of civilized courtesy. Long young between, who does grow young, who is big who is small, consider the age not only, return basis father family tree butterfly or mother those who fasten chart butterfly is long come late calm, must not call a fault. In special communal situation, sit row should arrange with generation number size, the speech when elder is attendant forbids first. The Yi nationality has " the guest is long advocate 300 years old " common saying, every has a guest to come, must give place to most upper part, also want smoke tea photograph to wait for at least.

Civilian element has " hit a sheep " , " hit an ox " the review that receives guest to entertain a guest. Every has a guest to come, kill animal sacrifice to entertain a guest surely, part to be waited for with the photograph such as ox, sheep, pig, chicken according to the identity of guest, close scanty degree. Before killing domestic animal, want to involve vivid animal sacrifice to the front of the guest, ask the butcher after guest look over, in order to show pair of visitors respect. Wine is Jing Ke meet ceremony, want a guest to enter room only in cool hill, host respects a settle or live in a strange place with wine first surely, make all sorts of cooked food again next. The meal that entertain a guest with pig fat fleshy greatly creditable, have a meal among, housewife should pay close attention to the meal in guest bowl constantly, did not wait for guest dispose of to be about to be added at any time add, with expressing the complete sincerity that entertain a guest. When having a meal, elder sits upper part, offspring is ordinal surround sit in both sides and lower part, add boiling water of dish of meal, clip, bubble for elder.


Avoid dally uses a head; Avoid puts noisy fart in everybody, say bad word; Avoid is nightly blow whistle; Avoid takes the room when primate flesh, also diet its flesh (ursine, dog, monkey, cat) ; No matter men and women, avoid crosses igneous pond; Goat of butcher of espouse of avoid marriage funeral; Avoid lays a person with sufferring from punt-pole lever to do a chopstick to reach; Cake of cake of buckwheat of baked wheaten cake is taken out from igneous pond when, avoid flips through immediately reach with bludgeon break-through; Avoid puts hoe and ax together; Avoid is inside house will v hoe or ax is carried on the shoulder; Avoid burns thorn to suckle mulberry of Bao Shuhe horse in pond of home medium baking temperature; Avoid different root loves the tree that hug.

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