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哈曼汽车系统(Harman International)主要为汽车行业提供音频、娱乐、导航和车载通信解决方案。在制造和组装过程中,保持生产环境的清洁和避免污染物污染是关键。因此,在哈曼汽车系统的生产车间,工作人员通常需要穿着无尘服。










哈曼卡顿(Harman/Kardon)是哈曼国际工业(NYSE:HAR)的一个部门,专门生产制造家用与车用音响,创始于1953年,总部位于美国纽约伍德布里。同时JBL、AKG、 Infinity也是属于哈曼集团旗下的品牌。

Harman/Kardon于1953年由热爱音乐与艺术的Dr. Sidney Harman与Bernard Kardon两人创立。该公司协助创建了高传真音频产业,他们的首个产品是一个FM调音器,在创立后一年Harman/Kardon发售了世上首个真正高保真接收器FestivalD1000,该款单声道装置在瞄准非技术性消费者的同时亦结合了许多现时常见的功能,如在单一机身上集合了调音器、组件控制部件与扩音器。1958年Harman/Kardon发售世上首个立体声接收器FestivalTA230,再次瞄准非技术性的用户力图让高保真得到更广泛的采用。Harman/Kardon是宝马、路虎、奔驰与萨博等汽车和东芝笔记本电脑的主要音响供应商。


哈曼卡顿(HarmanKardon)是哈曼音响的一个部门,专门生产制造家用与车用音响,总部位于美国纽约伍德布里。JBL、爱 科技、 哈曼贝克也是属于哈曼集团旗下的品牌。




1. 效应不同:3系哈曼模型引入哈曼效应来描述材料在可见光波段内的折射率变化。而无哈曼模型假设忽略哈曼效应,即认为折射率不随波长发生变化。

2. 计算精度不同:3系哈曼模型计算精度更高,可以描述材料在波长范围内的复杂光学行为,包括波长处于材料吸收峰或透过谷的情况。而无哈曼模型计算简单,但适用范围受限,只适用于不太复杂的情况。

3. 实验要求不同:3系哈曼模型需要更多的实验数据来确定其三个参数,通常需要测量在至少三个不同波长下的折射率数据。而无哈曼模型可以使用较少的实验数据得出折射率,这一点相对更加便捷。

4. 应用场合不同:3系哈曼模型更适用于液晶显示器、激光系统等精准量测以及光学系统应用。而无哈曼模型更适用于材料的定性表征和近红外成像等应用场景。




哈曼国际工业旗下拥有包括Revel®、AKG®、harman/kardon®、Infinity®、JBL®、Lexicon®及Mark Levinson®等16个全球领先品牌,是全球领先的音响产品制造商处于全球音响的研发和制造领域里的领导地位。而哈曼卡顿于1953年由热爱音乐与艺术的Dr.

Sidney Harman与Bernard Kardon两人创立,协助创建了高传真音频产业,首个产品是一个FM调音器,在创立后一年哈曼卡顿发售了世上首个真正高保真接收器FestivalD1000,该款单声道装置在瞄准非技术性消费者的同时亦结合了许多现时常见的功能,如在单一机身上集合了调音器、组件控制部件与扩音器。


Does Jun Wei breath out graceful car work to put parameter?

Car work puts Junweihaman used reach ten acoustics channel, support a variety of frequency forms, include MP3, WMA, AAC to wait. Power output achieved 440W, can provide driving power for system of the sound inside the car, still had the acoustic quality show of high fidelity at the same time. In addition, this result puts what still support a variety of phonic effect pattern to adjust, include to surround phonic effect, bass increases, high brightness, can be a car advocate make a musical result that accords with individual be fond of. Anyhow, jun Wei breaths out graceful car work to put is a function the car sound equipment with powerful, fine acoustic quality, brought more outstanding experience for recreation of the music inside the car.

Does Suzhou breath out graceful car electron how?

Hamanbeike is ascended in wave department on, it is our client, in light of the experience that has gone according to me, still should calculate pretty good, their company is to just throw Suzhou, starting level, should have development outlook very much, and the most important is, this is an Euramerican enterprise, german, euramerican company is average treatment is good, be in especially garden area, hope you have an opportunity to be cherished well so

Should system of haing graceful car wear cleanness clothing?

System of haing graceful car (Harman International) basically offer frequency, recreation, navigation and car to hold communication solution for automobile industry. In make and assembling a process, the cleanness that maintains manufacturing environment and avoiding contaminant to pollute is crucial. Accordingly, the workshop is produced in what breath out graceful car system, the staff member needs dress cleanness clothing normally.

Cleanness clothing (say again clean take) the special clothing that the personnel that is a kind of job in having dirt environment to be in only designs. The dust that this kind of dress can reduce human body to arise and scurfy, reduce contaminative risk. Making accurate electron product, semiconductor

Does Suzhou breath out pay of graceful car electron how?

Treatment is good. Hamanbeike is ascended in wave department on, it is our client, in light of the experience that has gone according to me, still should calculate pretty good, their company is to just throw Suzhou, starting level, should have development outlook very much, and the most important is, this is an Euramerican enterprise, german, euramerican company is average treatment is good, be in especially garden area.

Are Ha Man and Hamankadu distinguished?

Ha Man is group company name, hamankadu is his next brand name

Ha Manlong Klaxon how?

Ha Manlong Klaxon is very pretty good.

Ha Manlong Klaxon returns have rendered great service to put is very pretty good, ha Manlong has suit horn, how be above automobile body, her bass is very good, suit to hear the song of the sort of DJ quite namely, this is the brand of an United States, the word of the price is cheaper, if the car installs Ha Man's loudspeaker, add a result to put, still have big gun of a bass, the music that hears the sort of DJ is very good, have very much move feeling, if want to alter this kind of acoustics, the proposal goes changing his costume or dress professionally inn undertakes changing one's costume or dress, this position to the horn, still having appropriative wiring harness have a demand, overall for, this horn is cheaper, also suit average family expenses car to use quite

Does Ha Man block a car acoustics place of production?

Hamankadu (Harman/Kardon) is industry of Ha Man international (NYSE: HAR) a branch, special production makes family expenses and car use sound, virgin 1953, headquarters is located in in Wu Debu of American new York. At the same time JBL, AKG, Infinity also is to belong to the brand with haing graceful subordinate group.

Harman/Kardon 1953 by the Dr that has deep love for music and art. Two people of Sidney Harman and Bernard Kardon found. This company assistance established industry of tall fax frequency, first their product is register of a FM, put on sale of a year of Harman/Kardon after founding FestivalD1000 of receiver of on the world first true high fidelity, device of this odd track is being aimed at blame is technical consumer while the common function when also combining a lot of showing, if be in,control unit of register, component and loudspeaker assembled on onefold airframe. 1958 FestivalTA230 of receiver of on world of Harman/Kardon put on sale first stereo, aim at the user strive with technical blame to let high fidelity get more extensive adoption again. Harman/Kardon is the BMW, Lu Hu, main acoustics supplier that runs quickly to wait for car and Toshiba notebook computer with Sa rich.

Is Hamanbeike distinguished with Hamankadu?

Hamankadu (a branch that HarmanKardon) is Haman acoustics, special production makes family expenses and car use sound, headquarters is located in in Wu Debu of American new York. Science and technology of JBL, love, Hamanbeike also is to belong to Hamanji the brand with subordinate group.

Breath out graceful shellfish to overcome the brand that car acoustics and Hamankadu are the United States above all, hamankadu enters Chinese market earlier, and Ha Manbei overcomes car acoustics to enter mainland market to have 20 only old, price of this individual character is compared is not very good compare, still basically see acoustics, the price differs affirmative conference is a bit big, hamanbeike is old brand, ha Manbei overcomes car acoustics is the high-grade brand in the masses, below the circumstance of coequal effect, the sexual price that Ha Manbei restrains car acoustics suits popular than can be being compared.

3 departments Ha Man and distinguish without Ha Man?

It is 3 departments Ha Man and the when differ place that do not have Ha Man below:

1.Effect is distinct: 3 departments breath out graceful model to introduce haing graceful effect to describe material to change in the refractive index inside visible light wave band. And breath out graceful effect without oversight of Ha Manmo hypothesis, think refractive index does not change along with wavelengh happening namely.

2.Computational precision is different: Precision of 3 departments Ha Manmo computation is taller, can depict material the complex and optical behavior inside wavelengh limits, include wavelengh to be in material to absorb peak or the circumstance that pass through cereal. And without Haman the model is calculated simple, but suitable scope suffers be restricted, apply to not quite complex case only.

3.The experiment asks to differ: 3 departments breath out graceful model to need more experimental data to decide thirdly parameter, normally need measures the refractive index data below at least 3 different wavelengh. And without Haman the model can use less experimental data to reach refractive index, this are opposite more convenient.

4.Applied situation is different: 3 departments breath out graceful model more apply to the essence such as system of LCD, laser to be measured definitely and optical system application. And without Haman model more the qualitative token that applies to material and close infra-red into resemble waiting for applied setting.

As a whole, why is the choice planted main basis uses the model actually condition of circumstance, experiment and have the demand such as what data, the model with best choice is calculated with rising precision and accuracy.

Breath out Mankadu and distinction of haing graceful international?

Hamankadu is industry of haing graceful international (NYSE: HAR) a branch, special production makes family expenses and car use sound, and haing graceful international is the parent company that many brands have below a banner.

Is Ha Man had below international industry standard include Revel? , AKG? , Harman/kardon? , Infinity? , JBL? , Lexicon? Reach Mark Levinson? Wait for 16 whole worlds banner brand, it is the research and development that the acoustics product manufacturer with banner whole world is in global acoustics and the leadership position in production domain. And Hamankadu 1953 by the Dr that has deep love for music and art.

Two people of Sidney Harman and Bernard Kardon found, assistance established industry of tall fax frequency, first product is register of a FM, one year after found Ha Man blocks a put on sale FestivalD1000 of receiver of on the world first true high fidelity, device of this odd track is being aimed at blame is technical consumer while the common function when also combining a lot of showing, if be in,control unit of register, component and loudspeaker assembled on onefold airframe.
