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健身瘦腿的方法? 健身瘦腿有效吗?英文双语对照


健身瘦腿的方法? 健身瘦腿有效吗?英文双语对照


























在健身房进行适当的腿部训练可以帮助减少腿部脂肪并增强腿部肌肉,从而达到瘦腿的效果。但是,需要注意的是,如果训练不当或过度训练,反而可能会导致肌肉发达,使腿部变得更加粗壮。以下是一些在健身房进行腿部训练的建议:深蹲:深蹲是一种非常有效的腿部训练,可以锻炼大腿前侧、后侧和臀部肌肉。在进行深蹲时,要注意保持正确的姿势,避免膝盖过度前伸或内扣。腿弯举:腿弯举可以锻炼大腿后侧肌肉,有助于减少大腿后侧的脂肪。在进行腿弯举时,可以选择使用器械或自由重量,注意控制动作幅度和速度。腿举:腿举可以锻炼大腿前侧和臀部肌肉,有助于减少大腿前侧的脂肪。在进行腿举时,可以选择使用器械或自由重量,注意控制重量和次数。跳绳:跳绳是一种全身性的有氧运动,可以帮助燃烧脂肪,减少腿部脂肪。建议每次跳绳 10-15 分钟,每周进行 3-4 次。需要注意的是,在进行腿部训练时,要注意控制训练强度和次数,避免过度训练。同时,还要注意饮食和休息,保证充足的营养和睡眠,以促进肌肉恢复和生长。



1. 跑步机:跑步机是一种有氧运动,可以帮助你燃烧脂肪并减少腿部脂肪。你可以在跑步机上进行快速走路、慢跑或快跑。

2. 脚踏车:脚踏车可以帮助你锻炼腿部肌肉,特别是大腿肌肉。你可以选择使用普通脚踏车或者静态脚踏车。

3. 倒蹬机:倒蹬机可以帮助你锻炼小腿和大腿肌肉。你可以逐渐增加重量和次数,以增加训练强度。

4. 深蹲:深蹲可以帮助你锻炼大腿肌肉和臀部肌肉。你可以使用哑铃或者杠铃进行深蹲。








The method of gymnastical thin leg?

In the life, the method of our fitness thin leg basically is carry leg department massage and wrap up, plastic cloth adds the means of travel sweat evaporate to be able to achieve the result of thin leg, of course, also want to notice dietary control at the same time

Is gymnastical thin leg effective?

Generally speaking gymnastical thin leg effectual, exercise of a few drawing can be done among gymnastical process reducing weight, draw line of ministry of stretch one's legs, can achieve very right thin body result, be a kind OK and fast the motion of thin leg.

Is fitness thin leg?


Fitness is OK really thin leg, but need insists to just can have the effect.

Athletic thin leg can choose motion having oxygen normally, for instance ran, skip, swim, can promote the adipose combustion of leg ministry, have the effect of thin leg thereby, if can hold to for a long time, the result has been compared relatively, and also should notice to master accurate method when move, avoid to appear the phenomenon that plays.

Also want to notice to adjust dietary structure at ordinary times, eat less as far as possible a few contain adipose or the food with faster quantity of heat, for instance fat or deepfry food,

Is gym thin what equipment thin leg?

1, ran machine. The quantity of heat that uses up than appliance of other sport having oxygen in the motion on ran machine is more. Move on ran machine with correct pose, body of sufficient terrestrial heat moves before ran, had done after ran sufficient extend and loosen motion, reduce leg ministry effectively adipose, mix to lower limbs especially the model form of upper limbs has the effect very much. Can give priority to in order to canter everyday, every time 30 minutes of above, exercise leg ministry effectively.

2, use feeling bicycle. Ride the muscle that uses feeling bicycle to be able to exercise leg ministry and hip, those who use up ham and crus is adipose, achieve then reduce weight effectively the purpose of . 45 minutes ride the quantity of heat that uses feeling bicycle motion to be able to use up about 500 kilocalorie, and ride move feeling bicycle to be able to exercise leg ministry not only, still can exercise the muscle of coxal, waist, back and arm adequately, and enhance heart lungs function.

3, mountaineer implement. The basis climbs the action of stair and the design principle of this equipment is designed. In motion, the muscle with a quadriceps of ham forehead, hind ham and musculus glutaeus maximus are OK and sufficient extend, use up adipose while adjust muscle line, achieve the goal of thin leg thereby. In mountain-climbing implement go up when mounting climb down, the pressure that knee joint gets should be compared go climbing Lou Xiaode truly much, the loss that because this is right,knee joint causes is very small.

Go is fitness thin leg?

Fitness of course can thin leg, basically be to if think alone thin leg,reduce weight, still need those who become specific aim to take exercise so, science considers to prove, ran machine compares any other having the quantity of heat that oxygen motion appliance uses up is more. Ran machine is raising endurance, hectic quantity to reach reduce effect of body fat side most outstanding. But these only utility that still are not it. Ran machine has very great help to the model form of lower limbs and upper limbs. Still having Lian Yuga also is right choice, basically be expensive holding to.

Gym how thin leg?

In gym thin leg can make gymnastical bicycle, this motion has very great help to thin leg, the effect is apparent. Gymnastical bicycle is OK oneself adjust the obstruction of speed. Hold to half an hour to cycle everyday, can help a leg certainly thin come down.

The gymnastical equipment of thin leg thin abdomen?

Ran machine: Ran machine is appliance of a kind of motion having oxygen, can help combustion whole body adipose, conduce to thin leg especially. Proposal every time ran 30 minutes of above, increase ran time and strength gradually.

Handstand machine: Handstand machine can be helped reduce next abdomen adipose, strengthen abdominal muscle. When using, put both hands on bracket, let body handstand, raise a leg adagio up next, contractive and abdominal muscle, maintain a pose 10 seconds.

Bicycle: Bicycle is appliance of a kind of motion having oxygen, can help reduce femoral adipose. When using, adjust seat height and obstruction, the rate that keeps certain and time undertake riding going.

Leg ministry turns pedal chance: It is OK that leg ministry turns pedal chance the help strengthens leg ministry muscle, combustion leg ministry is adipose. When using, put the foot on footplate, undertake pushing toing step on according to fixed rate and obstruction.

Abdominal muscle trains implement: Abdominal muscle trains implement can help strengthen abdominal muscle, make abdomen closer solid. When using, according to the service instruction of appliance, choose appropriate obstruction and pose to undertake training.

Above appliance is OK and auxiliary undertake training, but more important is control food, reduce quantity of heat to absorb appropriately, strengthen motion having oxygen and core muscle training, ability achieves the result of thin abdomen and leg.

Is gym experienced leg thin leg?

It is OK to undertake in gym proper leg ministry trains the help reduces leg ministry adipose strengthen leg ministry muscle, achieve the result of thin leg thereby. But, those who need an attention is, if train undeserved or excessive training, may bring about instead hefty, make leg ministry becomes more brawny. It is a few proposals that undertake in gym leg ministry trains below: Crouch greatly: Crouching greatly is a kind of very effective leg ministry training, the side before can exercising ham, hind side and coxal muscle. When undertaking couchant greatly, want to notice to maintain correct pose, avoid knee excessive extension forward or inside buckle. Leg turn lifts: Leg turn lifts muscle of the side after can exercising ham, those who conduce to the side after reducing ham is adipose. When undertaking leg turn is lifted, can choose to use appliance or free weight, the attention controls behavioral extent and rate. The leg lifts: The leg lifts the side before can exercising ham and coxal muscle, those who conduce to the side before reducing ham is adipose. When undertaking the leg is lifted, can choose to use appliance or free weight, the attention controls weight and number. Skip: Skip is the motion having oxygen of sex of a kind of whole body, can help combustion adipose, reduce leg ministry adipose. Proposal every time skip 10-15 minute, undertake 3-4 every week second. Those who need an attention is, when undertaking leg ministry trains, want to notice control trains intensity and time, avoid excessive training. In the meantime, notice food is mixed even rest, assure enough nutrition and Morpheus, muscle restores and grow in order to promote.

Is gym thin leg?

About this problem, gym can help you thin leg, but the diet with this need proper union and athletic plan. It is a few leg ministry training that suit to undertake in gym below:

1.Ran machine: Ran machine is a kind of motion having oxygen, can help you combustion is adipose reduce leg ministry adipose. You can undertake walking quickly on ran machine, canter or tantivy.

2.Bicycle: Bicycle can help you exercise leg ministry muscle, especially ham muscle. You can choose to use common bicycle or static bicycle.

3.Pour pedal machine: Machine pouring pedal can help you exercise crus and ham muscle. You can increase weight and number gradually, in order to increase training strength.

4.Crouch greatly: Crouch greatly can help you exercise ham muscle and coxal muscle. You can use dumbbell or barbell undertakes couchant greatly.

The most important is, the food that should keep healthy is used to and exercise a plan appropriately, ability is achieved reduce weight the effect of thin leg.

Appliance of the what in gym is OK thin leg?

In gym can the gymnastical equipment of thin leg has ran opportunity, move feeling bicycle, mountain-climbing implement etc:

1 ran machine. The quantity of heat that uses up than appliance of other sport having oxygen in the motion on ran machine is more.

2 use feeling bicycle. Ride the muscle that uses feeling bicycle to be able to exercise leg ministry and hip, those who use up ham and crus is adipose, achieve the goal that reduces weight effectively then,

3 mountain-climbing implement. The basis climbs the action of stair and the design principle of this equipment is designed. In motion, the muscle with a quadriceps of ham forehead, hind ham and musculus glutaeus maximus are OK and sufficient extend, use up adipose while adjust muscle line, achieve the goal of thin leg thereby.
