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  • 制定和完善职业教育的发展规划和政策,推动职业教育的全面发展。
  • 加强与实际经济社会的对接,培养更多适应市场需求的高素质技术人才。
  • 提升职业教育的质量和水平,推动职业教育的现代化建设。
  • 加强师资队伍建设,提高教师的教育教学水平。
  • 推动职业教育与产业融合,促进产学研用的深度合作。



  • 职业教育的规划和政策研究
  • 职业教育与产业融合的探索
  • 职业教育质量评估和提升
  • 职业教育教师培训与发展
  • 职业教育创新模式和示范高校的经验分享







Setting introduction

Conference of job of countrywide profession education is a of field of education of our country profession important meeting, aim to promote the development that our country profession teachs, strengthen a talent to develop the work. The conference is held jointly by the branch such as Ministry of Education normally, expert of delegate of the chief of professional education orgnaization that delegate attending the meeting includes countrywide each district, teacher, student delegate, enterprise delegate, industry waits.

Development of Chinese profession education is rapid, it is important to was offerred for economic society progress not only prop up, the profession that also provided diversification for broad student teachs a choice. However, of the ceaseless development as socioeconomy and technology change, professional education also faces a series of new challenges. Accordingly, hold countrywide profession to teach working conference, the program that teachs to strengthening a profession, reform, innovation has important sense.

Conference purpose

The problem of the current situation that conference of job of countrywide profession education aims to understand a profession to teach evolution in the round and existence, put forward to strengthen the countermeasure that the profession teachs and measure further. Specific aim includes:

  • The development program that make and perfects professional education and policy, promote the full-scale development that the profession teachs.
  • Strengthen the butt joint with real economy society, education more gets used to the qualified personnel of high quality technology of market demand.
  • Promote a profession educational quality and standard, drive the modernization that the profession teachs.
  • Strengthen faculty construction, raise educational education level of the teacher.
  • Drive professional education and industrial confluence, promote produce learn to grind used deepness cooperates.

Discussion of topic for discussion

Working conference is taught to go up in countrywide profession, the topic for discussion undertakes development discussion under put up with of delegate attending the meeting:

  • The program that the profession teachs and policy study
  • The profession teachs as shirt-sleeve as the industry exploration
  • Professional education quality is evaluated and promote
  • Professional education teacher grooms with development
  • The profession teachs innovation mode and the experience of demonstrative college to share

Meeting positive result

Conference of job of countrywide profession education will be formed a series of decision-making with the file, include: Document of the development program that the profession teachs, policy, priority discipline, persons qualified to teach grooms the plan. At the same time the conference also can produce a few important consensus and experience, for our country profession education develops demonstrate way, promote the full-scale development that the profession teachs further.


Conference of job of countrywide profession education is the important grand meeting of field of education of our country profession, aim to promote the development that our country profession teachs, strengthen a talent to develop the work. Conference purpose is to make and perfect the development program that the profession teachs and policy, promote a profession educational quality and standard, strengthen faculty construction, stimulative profession education and industry are shirt-sleeve. Pass the discussion of the conference and gain, will drive education of our country profession to achieve better progress, for economic society development develops the technical person with ability of more high quality.

Thank you to read the article, believe to pass the understanding of this article, you taught working conference to have more thorough knowledge to countrywide profession, the evolution that teachs to the profession had more attention

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