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  龙狮运动是中华民族的文化瑰宝,距今有2000多年的历史。舞龙舞狮象征着兴旺和吉祥,富有浓厚的民族色彩和独特的传统艺术性,是中华民族璀璨文化的精华。在人们的记忆中,有锣鼓伴奏,龙随乐舞。舞龙结合着跳跃、扑腾、登高、翻转、踩球等高难动作,让人喜闻乐见。因此舞龙舞狮活动成为喜庆佳节的最佳的民间活动。今天的龙狮运动,它已经从民间文体活动变成一项集武术、杂技为一体的体育运动,其技艺发展水平之高,遍及范围之广,还有其未来多元化发展的道路,处处显示着这个古老的健身娱乐项目的时代新魅力。舞龙舞狮深受世界和各族人民的喜爱,代代相传,经久不衰,由此形成了丰富灿烂的民族传统文化——龙狮文化。  龙狮运动简介:  ===========》  中国是龙狮运动的发源地。舞龙、舞狮自问世以来,一直深受各族人民的喜爱,历代相传,鼎盛不衰,并由此形成了极其灿烂的龙狮文化。  舞龙舞狮在中国,原是一种以自发性、娱乐性、随意性为特点的民间传统文体活动。经过两千余年的发展,其形式、种类繁多,风格、流派异彩纷呈。舞狮有南狮和北狮之分,北狮动作轻巧,以跳跃、翻腾为主,流行於华北中原和中南、华东部分地区;南狮则动作大而威猛,鼓乐雄壮,闻之令人振奋,盛行於广东、广西、港澳台、新加坡等地。舞龙有火龙、草龙、布龙、纸龙、段龙、筐龙、灯龙等近百种。在传统习惯中,人们把龙当作吉祥的化身,每逢喜庆节日,各地都有舞龙的习俗。在旧社会,有的地方久旱不雨,还有舞龙求雨的风俗。  在近代,龙狮运动随着华人的迁移而传播到世界各地,近十年来,东南亚许多国家和地区已将舞龙、舞狮运动发展成为一项体育竞赛活动,国际性的龙狮比赛也逐年增多,现代的舞龙舞狮,已由一般的表演活动,发展成为一项集娱乐、喜庆、竞技和健身多种功能於一体的文化体育活动,并开始走上了规范化、科学化、竞技化、国际化的发展轨道。  为促进舞龙、舞狮运动在国内的普及开展及在世界范围内的推广,国家体育总局于1995年成立了中国龙狮运动协会,并多次举办了国际及国内龙狮赛事。目前,在国际上也成立了"国际龙狮总会",总部设在北京。  舞龙的来由:  ==========》  舞龙起源于汉代,经历代而不衰。舞龙最初是作为祭祀祖先、祈求甘雨的一种仪式,后来逐渐成为一种文娱活动。到了唐宋时代,舞龙已是逢年过节时常见的表现形式。  关于舞龙的来历,民间有这样一个传说:一天,龙王腰痛难忍,龙宫中的所有药物都吃了,仍不见效。只好变成老头来到人间求医。大夫摸脉后甚觉奇异,问道:「你不是人吧!」龙王看瞒不过去,只好说出实情。于是大夫让他变回原形,从腰间的鳞甲中捉出一条蜈蚣。经过拨毒、敷药,龙王完全康复了。为了答谢治疗之恩,龙王向大夫说:「只要照我的样子扎龙舞耍,就能风调雨顺,五谷丰登」。这件事传出后,人们便以为龙能兴云布雨,每逢干旱便舞龙祈雨,并有春舞青龙、夏舞赤龙、秋舞白龙、冬舞黑龙的规矩。  舞狮的来由:  ==========》  舞狮开始于南北朝。在我国,舞狮的形式多种多样,大致可以分为北方舞狮和南方舞狮两种。北方舞狮的外形与真狮很相像,全身狮披覆盖,舞狮者(一般两人合舞一只大狮子)只露双脚,不见其人。北方舞狮有雌、雄之分,还有文狮、武狮、成狮、崽狮之分。南方舞狮主要流行在广东。这种舞狮由一人舞狮头,一人舞狮尾。狮子的造型、式样、颜色多与北方狮不同。舞狮者穿各种灯笼裤,上穿密妞扣的唐装灯笼袖衫或背心,可见舞狮者全身。舞狮要使出浑身解数。  相传明代初年,广东佛山出现一头怪兽,每逢新旧岁之交,便出来糟踏庄稼,伤害人畜,百姓叫苦连天。后来,有人建议用狮舞来吓唬怪兽,果然奏效,那怪兽逃之夭夭。当地百姓认为狮子有驱邪镇妖之功,有吉祥之兆,所以每逢春节便敲锣打鼓,挨家挨户,舞狮拜年,以消灾除害,预报吉祥之意。  现代龙狮运动特点:  ===============》  现代竞技舞龙以九节布龙为代表。龙身长18米,由10人(龙珠1人,舞龙手9人)在20*20米正方形平整场地上舞动。舞龙者在行进动态中完成"龙"的游弋、起伏、翻腾、穿越等动作,利用人体多种姿态将力度、幅度、速度、耐力等揉于舞龙技巧之中,或动或静,组成优美形像的龙的雕塑,展现龙的精气神韵,展现龙所象征的中华民族奔腾争跃的精神风貌。  现代竟技舞狮源起于80年代,由狮头、狮尾组成的单狮,在长10-14米,最高不超逾3米,最低不低逾0.8米的桩阵上,运用各种步形步法,通过腾、挪、闪、扑、回旋、飞跃等高难动作演绎狮子喜、怒、哀、乐、动、静、惊、疑八态,来表现狮子的威猛与刚劲。在表演过程中,其舒缓婉转之处,令人忍俊不禁,拍手称绝;其飞腾、跳跃之时,让人胆颤心惊而又昂然振奋。  http://www.longshituan.net/wenhua.asp


Dragon lion motion is the culture gem of the Chinese nation, be apart from have 2000 old histories today. Lion of dance dragon dance is indicative flourishing He Jixiang, be full of rich ethical color and distinctive traditional artistic quality, it is the elite of culture of bright of the Chinese nation. In the memory of people, gong and drum accompanies, dragon follows happy dance. Dance dragon is combining bouncing, thump, uprise, retroflexion, step on the difficult act such as the ball, love to see and hear letting a person. Accordingly activity of lion of dance dragon dance makes the first-rate folk activity of festival festival. Today's dragon lion moves, it has turned wushu of a collect, acrobatics into the athletic sports for an organic whole from civilian recreational and sports activities, what its craft develops a standard is tall, pervade of limits wide, still have the way that its future diversity develops, showing the times new glamour of this old gymnastical recreation project everywhere. Lion of dance dragon dance gets of the world and every nationality people love, acting acting according to legend, last long, formed rich and bright ethical tradition culture from this -- dragon lion culture. Brief introduction of dragon lion motion:    ===========" the birthplace that   China is dragon lion motion. Since world of ask oneself of lion of dance dragon, dance, get all the time of every nationality people love, past dynasties according to legend, at the height of power and splendour does not decline, formed extremely bright dragon lion culture from this. Lion of dance dragon dance is in China, it is a kind of folk that is a characteristic with spontaneity, amusement, optional sex formerly traditional recreational and sports activities. Through development of more than 2000 years, its form, sort is various, confused of extraordinary splendour of style, genre is shown. Dance lion has south the cent of lion and boreal lion, boreal lion movement is deft, give priority to with bouncing, tuck diveseethe, central Plains of north of popular Wu Hua and in south, area of Hua Dong part; South lion criterion movement is big and power fierce, strains of music accompanied by drumbeats is magnificent, hearten of Wen Zhiling's person, and other places of be current Wu Andong, Guangxi, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, Singapore. Dance dragon has dragon of dragon of firedrake, careless dragon, cloth dragon, paper dragon, Duan Long, basket, lamp to wait for nearly 100 kinds. In traditional habit, people regards dragon as lucky reincarnate, whenever festival festival, what each district has dance dragon is consuetudinary. In old society, some places are long drought not rain, return the custom of Long Qiuyu having dance. Be in latter-day, dragon lion moves as the Chinese migratory and transmit world each district, come nearly 10 years, southeast Asia makes multilateral home and area already moved lion of dance dragon, dance development makes activity of contest of a sports, internationally dragon lion match also grow in quantity of year after year, lion of contemporary dance dragon dance, already by general performance activity, development becomes recreation of a collect, festival, athletics and fitness the culture sports activity of body of a variety of functional Wu Yi, began to be on standardization, science to change, athletics is changed, the development course of internationalization. To promote lion of dance dragon, dance motion is in of home gain ground begin reach the promotion inside alive bound limits, national sports total bureau established association of motion of Chinese dragon lion 1995, ran international and match of domestic dragon lion for many times. Current, also established lion of " international dragon to always be met in the world " , headquarters is set in Beijing. The cause of dance dragon:    ==========" traceable of   dance dragon Chinese generation, experience takes the place of and do not decline. Dance dragon is a kind of ceremony that serves as sacred ancestor, invocatory Gan Yu at first, make activity of a kind of entertainment gradually later. Arrived when Tang Song acting, dance dragon already was the common expressional form when on holidays. About the antecedents of dance dragon, folk has a such fokelore: A day, lumbago of the Dragon King is borne hard, all medicaments of Long Gongzhong ate, still do not get effective. Be forced to become an old man to demand medical service. After the doctor feels pulse, become aware very bizarre, ask: " you are not a person! " the Dragon King looks do not hide the truth from the past, be forced to speak truth. Then the doctor lets him change an original shape, catch from inside the scute between the waist give a centipede. The course dials medicine of poison, apply, the Dragon King recovered completely. The favour that treats to acknowledge, the Dragon King says to the doctor: " the look that should take me only plunges into Long Wu to play, can good weather for the crops, golden harvests " . After this thing comes out, people thinks dragon can promote Yun Buyu, whenever arid Wu Longqi rain, have Chun Wuqing the custom of black dragon of dance of dragon of dragon, summerly dance bare, Qiu Wubai dragon, winter. The cause of dance lion:    ========== "   dance lion begins Yu Na the Northern Dynasties. Be in our country, the form of dance lion is varied, can divide lion of the quadrille that it is north and southern dance lion roughly two kinds. The appearance of northward dance lion and true lion very photograph resembling, systemic lion wraps around enclothe, dance lion person (general two people combine dance an old lion) show double leg only, do not see its person. Northward dance lion has female, male branch, still have the article lion, fierce lion, branch that becomes lion, son lion. Southern dance lion is main popularity is in Guangdong. Lion of this kind of dance by head of lion of one person dance, end of lion of one person dance. Leonine modelling, style, color differs with northward lion more. Dance lion person wear all sorts of bloomers, close girl wears to buckle on the Tang Dynasty unlined upper garment of outfit lantern sleeve or vest, whole body of the person that see dance lion. Dance lion wants use all over skill. Ming Daichu of according to legend year, guangdong Fosan appears to blame animal directly, whenever new old year old hand in, come out flooey steps crops, harm person domestic animal, reaching the sky of common people complain of suffering. Later, somebody suggests the dance that use lion comes gally blames animal, as expected be successful, that blames animal decamp. Local common people thinks the lion has exorcise to press down the result of bewitching, have lucky, so whenever the Spring Festival beats gong play the drum, from door to door, dance lion pays a New Year call, divide with disappear calamity kill, forecast lucky meaning. Characteristic of motion of contemporary dragon lion:    ===============" dragon of dance of   contemporary athletics is a delegate with 9 cloth dragon. Dragon height 18 meters, by 10 people (Long Zhu 1 person, dance dragon hand 9 people) wave on field of level of 20*20 rice square. Dance dragon person the You Yi that finishs " dragon " in advancing trends, rise and fall, tuck diveseethe, pass through wait for a movement, body of benefit choose and employ persons a variety of attitude wait for strength, extent, speed, endurance knead Yu Wulong in skill, or move or static, comprise the sculpture of the dragon of beautiful image, the spirit that shows dragon enrages verve, the Chinese nation that develops dragon place to symbolize gallops dispute jumped mental view. Contemporary unexpectedly result of source of ability dance lion 80 time, the odd lion that comprises by end of lion head, lion, growing 10-14 rice, highest do not exceed even more 3 meters, lowest is not low even more 0.8 meters picket blast go up, apply all sorts of pace shape footwork, through vacating, move, shine, attack, the difficult act such as whirly, leap deduces the lion happy event, anger, sad, happy, move, static, Jing, doubt 8 condition, will behave leonine power fierce with bold. In performing a procedure, its are slow the place of mild and indirect, cannot help laughing making a person, clap says absolutely; Its fly swiftly upward, bouncing when, tremble with fear letting a person and upright and unafraid hearten. Http://www.longshituan.net/wenhua.asp

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