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集安市旅游景点推荐? 长春到长岛旅游攻略?英文双语对照


集安市旅游景点推荐? 长春到长岛旅游攻略?英文双语对照



1. 龙潭山风景区:龙潭山是集安市的标志性景点,拥有秀美的山水风光和古老的文化底蕴。你可以在这里爬山、观赏瀑布、游览古庙。

2. 九河湿地公园:这是一个生态保护区,拥有广袤的湿地和丰富的鸟类资源。你可以在这里欣赏湿地风光,观察各类鸟类,还可以划船游览。

3. 养家川国家森林公园:这里是一个以森林旅游为主题的景区,拥有茂密的森林、湖泊和瀑布。你可以在这里进行野外徒步、钓鱼、露营等活动。

4. 满族文化村:这个村庄展示了满族的传统文化,包括建筑风格、传统手工艺和饮食文化等。你可以在这里品尝满族美食,观赏传统表演,了解满族的服饰与传统文化。

5. 长春长生谷:位于集安市北部,是一个景色怡人的温泉度假村。你可以在这里享受温泉浴、泡脚、按摩等,放松身心。




1. 交通方式:

- 飞机:从长春到烟台机场,然后乘坐船只前往长岛。

- 高铁/火车:从长春乘坐高铁或火车到烟台,再乘坐船只前往长岛。

2. 行程安排:

- 第一天:抵达长岛后,前往酒店办理入住手续。可以选择在附近的海滩放松,欣赏美丽的海景,并尽情享受海滩活动,如游泳、沙滩排球等。

- 第二天:参观长岛的著名景点,如观音阁、金牛湖、海洋公园等。你也可以租自行车或电瓶车,悠闲地游览岛上的风景。

- 第三天:体验海上项目,比如参加快艇游览、浮潜或深潜活动,探索海底世界。晚上可以品尝当地的海鲜美食。

3. 酒店住宿:

- 长岛有丰富的住宿选择,可以根据个人预算和偏好选择合适的酒店或度假村。推荐在海边附近预订住宿,以享受美妙的海景。

4. 当地特色:

- 长岛以其碧海蓝天、细腻的沙滩和丰富的海洋资源而闻名,尽可能多地享受和探索这些特色。

- 品尝海鲜:长岛的海鲜非常新鲜美味,尝试当地的海鲜料理是必不可少的经历。

5. 注意事项:

- 根据季节选择合适的行程时间,避免旅游旺季和天气极端的时候。

- 提前了解船只的航班时间和票价,确保顺利抵达和离开长岛。

- 关注海上安全,遵守相关规定,注意防晒和保护自己的安全。











Day2:早晨前往游览泰山,沿途游览半山腰的南天门、中天门以及上山的神仙庙、五大夫妻松, 中天门到玉皇顶有 7000 多级石级路,可选择骑马、坐轿等方式前往玉皇顶,在顶上俯视全山山貌。下山时游览黄河古道。晚上吃泰山鱼头,然后入住酒店。









1. 交通方式:

   - 飞机:你可以从长春龙嘉国际机场乘坐飞机到大连周水子国际机场,然后转乘船前往獐岛。

   - 长途汽车:你可以从长春汽车站乘坐长途汽车到大连,然后再转乘船前往獐岛。

2. 船票和船班:

   - 从大连前往獐岛的船班较多,你可以在大连的港口购买船票或提前预订。船班时间和票价会根据季节和需求有所变化,最好提前查询相关信息。

3. 住宿:

   - 獐岛有多家度假村和酒店可供选择,你可以根据预算和需求选择合适的住宿。提前预订可以确保有足够的房间可供选择。

4. 景点和活动:

   - 海滩和海洋活动:獐岛以其美丽的海滩和海洋活动而闻名,你可以在海滩上晒太阳、游泳,还可以尝试滑水、浮潜、海钓等海洋活动。

   - 獐岛国家森林公园:这是一个风景秀丽的森林公园,你可以在这里徒步、观鸟、野餐等。

   - 海鲜美食:獐岛以其丰富的海鲜资源而闻名,你可以品尝到新鲜美味的海鲜,如螃蟹、虾、贝类等。

5. 注意事项:

   - 提前查询天气情况,并根据季节和天气准备合适的衣物和装备。

   - 注意个人安全,遵守当地的旅游规定和警示。

   - 在獐岛上注意环保,保持环境整洁,不随意乱扔垃圾。




1. 出发前准备:确保车辆状态良好,检查油、水、轮胎等。准备路上必备的物品,如水、食物、急救箱、地图或导航仪等。

2. 路线规划:根据具体情况选择合适的路线。从长春出发,经吉林市,再到吉安。全程约500公里,预计需要7小时左右的车程。

3. 第一天:从长春出发,前往吉林市。全程约200公里,预计需要3小时左右的车程。途中可以欣赏吉林市的美丽风光,并品尝当地美食。到达吉林市后,可以选择在市区内找一家舒适的酒店休息一晚。

4. 第二天:从吉林市出发,前往吉安。全程约300公里,预计需要5小时左右的车程。途中会经过一些风景优美的地方,如白城市等,可以适当停下来欣赏风景。到达吉安后,可以选择在市区内找一家舒适的酒店休息一晚。

5. 注意事项:自驾游过程中要注意安全,遵守交通规则,保持车速在限速范围内。同时要随时注意路况和天气情况。




 集安线 ——> G201 ——> 集锡线 ——> 新胜北路 ——> 集锡线 ——> 窟窿杨树桥 ——> 集锡线 ——> 东宝大桥 ——> 集锡线 ——> 鹤大高速 ——> 唐家店互通 ——> 珲乌高速 ——> 珲乌线 ——> 局子街 ——> 海兰路 ——> 光明街 ——> 解放路 ——> 终点延吉



1. 长春市内:长影世纪城、南湖公园、净月潭等。

2. 吉林市:吉林市长春市的南部,有吉林市松花江风景区、伪满皇宫博物院、珲春市等。

3. 延边朝鲜族自治州:延边朝鲜族自治州位于吉林省东南部,有长白山、图们江、敦化等景点。

4. 黑龙江省:进入黑龙江省后,可以前往黑龙江大学、哈尔滨松花江风景名胜区、雪乡等地。

5. 大庆市:大庆市是中国最大的油田城市之一,有大庆油田博物馆、中国石油大庆油田景区等。

6. 呼伦贝尔市:呼伦贝尔市是内蒙古自治区的一个地级市,有额尔古纳河、满洲里市等景点。

7. 海拉尔市:海拉尔市是呼伦贝尔市的一个县级市,有鄂温克民族博物馆、满洲里市等景点。






1. 乘坐火车:


2. 住宿:


3. 游览景点:


4. 美食:


5. 交通:






Does collect install city travel tourist attraction to recommend?

Collect installs city to be located in Jilin to visit Jilin town, have rich nature and cause of culture brigade idle fund. It is the travel tourist attraction of a few proposals below:

1.Long Tanshan beauty spot: Long Tanshan is the mark sex tourist attraction that collect brings city, possess elegant landscape scene and old culture inside information. You can climb here, view and admire chute, visit Gu Miao.

2.Park of 9 rivers wet ground: This is groove guard of a zoology, have the wet ground of length and breadth of land and rich avian resource. You can appreciate wet view here, observation is of all kinds and avian, still can delimit row is seen.

3.Raise park of forest of domestic plain country: Here is the scene area that with the forest travel gives priority to a problem one, have thick woods, laky with chute. You can undertake field and pedestrian, fishing here, camp wait for an activity.

4.Manchu culture village: This village revealed Manchu traditional culture, include to build style, traditional handicraft and dietary culture to wait. You can sample here Manchu cate, view and admire traditional performance, understand Manchu dress and traditional culture.

5.Changchun is immortal cereal: Be located in collect to install city north, it is a scenery the hot spring of happy person goes vacationing village. You can enjoy foot of hot spring bath, bubble here, massage etc, loosen body and mind.

Besides above tourist attraction, collect installs city to still have a few otherer the tourist attraction is like a close gorge, Lu Ling to spend hill of the sea, Bodhisattva to wait, be worth to go. Notice safety please when the journey, get newest scene area to open information ahead of schedule.

Does Changchun travel to long island strategy?

Changchun travels to long island is very interesting journey, long island is located in Chinese Shandong province, it is a beautiful island holiday resort. It is a brief Changchun below to strategy of travel length an island:

1.Traffic means:

- plane: Reach Yantai airport from Changchun, take a ship to head for long island next.

- Gao Tie / the train: Take Gao Tie or train to go to Yantai from Changchun, take a ship to head for long island again.


- the first day: After arriving at long island, head for a hotel to deal with stop add. Can choose to be loosened in the beach around, admire beautiful seascape, enjoy beach activity to the top of one's bent, if swim, beach volleyball.

- the following day: See the famous tourist attraction of long island, wait like lake of avalokitesvara cabinet, Taurus, marine park. You also can rent bicycle or storage battery car, carefree ground visits the scenery on the island.

- the 3rd day: Experience maritime project, attend mosquito craft to visit for instance, float goes or go greatly activity, explore marine world. Can sample in the evening seafood cate of place.

3.The hotel lodges:

- long island has rich accommodation choice, can choose appropriate hotel according to individual budget and preference or go vacationing village. Recommend room is booked around the seaside, in order to enjoy wonderful seascape.

4.Local characteristic:

- long island is mixed with blue sky of its blue sea, exquisite beach substantial marine natural resources and famed, be enjoyed more as far as possible and explore these characteristic.

- sample seafood: The seafood of long island is very fresh and delicate, the seafood arrange that tries place is indispensable experience.


- choose right travel time according to season, when avoiding travel busy season and weather extreme.

- the airliner time that understands a ship ahead of schedule and fare, ensure be arrived at smoothly and leave long island.

- attention is maritime and safe, abide by relevant provision, the attention prevents the security that bask in and protects his.

Above is a brief Changchun to strategy of travel length an island, hope the journey to you is helped somewhat. Wish you journey is happy!

Does Changchun travel to the father-in-law strategy?

Changchun can choose to take plane, train or car to the travel of the father-in-law. Among them, taking a plane is the quickest way, but the value is relative also more expensive; Take the train to be able to be admired on the way beautiful scenery, price moderate; Take a car already economy is substantial, also can admire a scenery on the road. It is the Changchun specific proposal to father-in-law travel strategy below:

One, traffic means

Plane: Airport of development of Changchun economy technology has the flight number of city of Tai'an of non-stop flight to, range is 2 hours about.

The train: Changchun station has the motor-car that stands to Tai'an, whole journey restricts 6 hours.

Car: Changchun has the bus of Tai'an to arrive directly, whole journey restricts 8 hours.

2, travel course

The father-in-law is Chinese the Five Mountains in a most famous, travel tourist attraction has: Market of jade emperor top, weather, 18 dishes, south temple of day door, Dong Yue. Specific travel line can be as follows:

Day1: Changchun sets out, take plane, train or car to arrive at Tai'an, enter a public house, can consider to visit father-in-law night scene.

Day2: Head for in the morning visit a father-in-law, visit half half way up the mountain on the way south day door, culmination door and go up the immortal temple of hill, 5 big husband and wife are loose, culmination door has way of class of 7000 multistage stone very to Yu Huang, optional choose is equestrian, sit the means such as litter heads for Yu Huang to support, appearance of hill of entire mountain of atop look down at. Downhill when visit Yellow River ancient course. Have father-in-law fish head in the evening, enter a public house next.

Day3: Can visit Bao in the morning dash forward spring and Ming Qingjie, lunch hind returns Changchun.

3, note

Air temperature of the Mount Taishan when 1. summer is higher, should notice to prevent bask in, midge fluid is prevented on belt enough moisture and belt.

2. fluctuation hill needs to walk, journey is abrupter, need wears sneaker.

There are a lot of souvenirs that buy for the tourist on 3. Mount Taishan, need notices to discern true bogus.

4. is special remind: Want to notice safety in journey, had kept oneself property.

Does Changchun travel to roe island strategy?

Swim the strategy is as follows:

1.Traffic means:

 - plane: You can take a plane to arrive from International Airport of Changchun Long Jia Dalian week water child International Airport, turn to head for roe island by ship next.

 - long-distance car: You can take long-distance car to arrive from Changchun station Dalian, turn to head for roe island by ship again next.

2.Steamer ticket and boat class:

 - the boat class that heads for roe island from Dalian is more, you can buy steamer ticket in the haven of Dalian or book ahead of schedule. Class time and fare meet the boat change somewhat according to season and demand, had better inquire pertinent information ahead of schedule.


 - roe island has much home to go vacationing village and hotel can offer an alternative, you can choose appropriate accommodation according to budget and demand. Book ahead of schedule can retain truly enough room can offer an alternative.

4.Tourist attraction and activity:

 - beach and marine activity: Roe island is famed with its beautiful beach and marine activity, you can bask on beach, swim, still can try slippery water, float to go, the sea angles wait for marine activity.

 - park of forest of roe insularity home: This is the silvan park with a pretty scenery, you can be here bird of pedestrian, view, picnic.

 - seafood cate: Roe island is famed with its substantial seafood natural resources, you can taste the seafood with fresh and delicate savor, wait like crab, shrimp, shellfish.


 - inquire weather situation ahead of schedule, prepare proper clothing and other articles of daily use and equipment according to season and weather.

 - notice the individual is safe, abide by travel regulation of place and caution.

 - environmental protection notices on roe island, maintain an environment neat, not optional chaos throws rubbish.

Ask an attention, specific scheduling and charge are met according to the individual's demand and budget differ somewhat. The proposal plans ahead of schedule good journey, inquire relevant traffic, accommodation and tourist attraction information, arrange travel in order to help you better.

Does Changchun drive travel strategy oneself to Ji An?

Changchun drives travel strategy to be as follows oneself to what auspicious installs:

1.The preparation before setting out: Ensure car position is good, examination oil, water, tire. Prepare the necessary article on the road, wait like box of water, food, emergency treatment, map or navigator.

2.The course plans: Choose appropriate route according to particular case. Set out from Changchun, via Jilin city, install to auspicious again. Whole journey makes an appointment with 500 kilometers, predict to need car Cheng of the left and right sides 7 hours.

3.The first day: Set out from Changchun, head for Jilin city. Whole journey makes an appointment with 200 kilometers, predict to need car Cheng of the left and right sides 3 hours. The beautiful view of Jilin city can be appreciated in road, sample local cate. After reaching Jilin city, can choose to look for a comfortable hotel to rest inside the urban district one evening.

4.The following day: Set out from Jilin city, head for Ji An. Whole journey makes an appointment with 300 kilometers, predict to need car Cheng of the left and right sides 5 hours. The meeting in road passes the place with a few beautiful sceneries, wait like white city, can stop appropriately appreciation scenery. After arriving at Ji An, can choose to look for a comfortable hotel to rest inside the urban district one evening.

5.Note: Drive oneself swim safety should notice in the process, abide by traffic regulation, maintain speed to be inside speed limit limits. Want to notice road condition and weather situation at any time at the same time.

Above is Changchun goes to what auspicious installs to drive travel strategy oneself, the hope can be helped somewhat to your journey.

Does collect install city to arrive Yan Ji how many kilometer?

Course: Collect installs - > Yan Ji always is apart from: 578.42(kilometer) always cost: 7.6(hour) fat fee: 347(yuan) road bridge cost: 230(yuan) total cost: 577(yuan)

 Collect installs a line -->G201 -->Collect stannum line -->Get the better of boreal road newly -->Collect stannum line -->Cavity poplar bridge -->Collect stannum line -->Dong Baoda bridge -->Collect stannum line -->Crane big high speed -->Each other of Home Tang store is connected -->Hui black high speed -->Hui black line -->Bureau child street -->Sea orchid road -->Promising market -->Emancipatory road -->Terminus delays auspicious

Does Changchun travel to Hailaer on the way course?

It is Changchun travels to Hailaer below on the way course:

1.Inside the Changchun City: City of century of lasting vague impression, south pool of lake park, only month.

2.Jilin city: The south of Jilin city the Changchun City, city of museum of full palace of beauty spot of Jilin city Songhua River, bogus, Hui spring waits.

3.Delay autonomous prefecture of edge the Chaoxian nationality: Autonomous prefecture of the Chaoxian nationality that extend a limit is located in Jilin to visit southeast department, have long Bai Shan, plan people river, honest is changed wait for a tourist attraction.

4.Heilongjiang province: After entering Heilongjiang to save, can head for scenery of Songhua River of Heilongjiang university, Harbin scenic spot and other places of countryside of area, snow.

5.Daqing city: Daqing city is one of China's biggest oil field cities, area of scene of oil field of Daqing of oil of museum of Daqing oil field, China waits.

6.City of Hu Lunbei Er: City of Hu Lunbei Er is the city of level of a ground of the Nei Monggol Autonomous Region, er having the specified number is ancient accept river, full continent in the tourist attraction such as city.

7.The sea helps Er city: The city of class of a county that the sea helps Er city is city of Hu Lunbei Er, have E Wenke ethical museum, full continent in the tourist attraction such as city.

Above is Changchun pulls Er to the sea on the way a few tourist attractions, the hope can provide a few reference. Specific line can be arranged neatly according to individual be fond of and time.

Does Changchun quote to travel of Hong Kong Macao?

Answer / Changchun quotes to travel of Hong Kong Macao cent is two kinds, a kind of quoted price is lower is to shop swim, quote goes to 6000 yuan 5000 yuan; Another kind is 8000 yuan of pure play to 10000 yuan.

Does Changchun arrive is Dalian the cheapest travel course?

Have a variety of travel course choices to Dalian from Changchun, it is below a kind relatively the travel course of economic material benefit consults for you:

1.Take the train:

Before taking the train from Changchun, past Dalian is the choice of material benefit of a kind of economy. Can choose common train or tall iron train, select equal number according to individual demand and budget. Train ticket value is relatively inferior, and can admire on the way scenery during transit.


There are a variety of accommodation choices in Dalian urban district, include economy hotel, hotel and young brigade to abandon etc. You can need budget of sue for peace according to the individual, in proper place the choice lodges.

3.Visit a tourist attraction:

Dalian has a lot of famous tourist attractions, square of the sea that be like a star, emperor inferior park of ocean of beach of marine world, tiger. You can undertake choosing according to your interest and time. In addition, the beach that Dalian still has beauty and beach go vacationing village, suit to go vacationing and lie fallow.


Dalian has rich seafood resource, it is the good place that enjoys cate. Can sample various seafood cate, wait like barbecue of Dalian stew fish, seafood. In the meantime, dalian also has other place food department and characteristic are fastfood choose for you.


Public traffic tool can be taken in Dalian urban district (like the subway, bus) or the taxi visits a tourist attraction. In addition, dalian also has share bicycle to wait for a travel means to be able to offer an alternative.

Those who need an attention is, viatic expense still can be consumed habitual influence by seasonal, activity and individual. When the program travels, the proposal makes good budget ahead of schedule, leave the premium with have fixed to serve as a shot in the locker. Additional, the traffic safety that pays close attention to place even and travel are formal, ensure of the journey mix smoothly safe. Wish you journey is happy!

Does Harbin arrive between Changchun travel tourist attraction?

Harbin is recommended to the wonderful tourist attraction of Changchun have a lot of, macrocosm of ice and snow of the central ave of Harbin, Harbin, Harbin is polar and for instance marine house of science and technology of cereal of joy of square of culture of red flag of the Changchun arboretum of the; Changchun such as zoo of forest of the world, Harbin, Changchun, Changchun, Changchun.

上一篇:问道宠物在哪交易? 问道宠物训练营60级给多少经验?英文双语对照