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贵州黔东南苗族侗族自治州雷山县千户苗寨,是中国仅有的,世界无双的千户苗寨。1285户苗家的木质吊脚楼依山而建,层层相叠,鳞次栉比,气势恢弘。西江是苗语音译,意为苗族西氏支系居住的地方。西江千户苗寨由于聚居着众多的苗族人,被誉为“苗都”。在这层层叠叠、高低错落的苗寨深处,隐藏着太多的传奇和神秘。   外人来到西江,尚未进到寨内,无不为其巨大的规模与恢宏气势所震撼:与其说这是个村寨,不如说是一片森林,一片由吊脚木楼组成的森林,自山顶直铺到山脚,将整座山都严严实实地包裹起来。等到傍晚时分,寨子里炊烟四起,汇集在半空中如云如雾,那场景,就更加难以形容。寨子座落于河谷,四面群山环抱,重峦叠嶂。源于雷公坪的白水河蜿蜒流淌,穿寨而过。河水将西江苗寨一分为二,层层叠叠的吊脚木楼,从河两岸依着山势,迤逦向上展开,连绵成片的红彤彤板壁,在阳光照射下,一片辉煌。   西江千户苗寨是省级历史文化名城(镇),为全省13个保护与建设的民族乡镇之一、被誉为"苗族民族文化艺术馆",是研究苗族历史、文化的"活化石"。   西江有远近闻名的银匠村,苗族银饰制作具有极高水平。苗族银饰如大角银、小角银、银冠、银衣等的珍品大多出自西江。   西江鼓藏节(苗年),闻名四海,小节年年有,大节13年一次,鼓藏节集中展现苗族的芦笙、铜鼓、银饰、服饰、挑花刺绣、婚嫁喜庆、斗牛、斗鸡、对歌、年饭等民族风情,是观赏和研究苗族传统文化的最佳时机。苗寨,就像一个现代的人走进一座历史博物馆,当抚摸着那些历史文物的时候,就想到咱们人类祖先的一种生存状态













One, on the west does stockaded village of seedling of Jiang Qian door leave camp of seedling of Jiang Qian door on the west is Guiyang much further?

     Guiyang arrives distance of stockaded village of seedling of Jiang Qian door is 209 kilometers on the west. River seedling stockaded village is located in Carey on the west, be apart from Guiyang 209 kilometers. Drive a vehicle, pass by expends 125 yuan.

     The climate feature of Guiyang: Guiyang city is belonged to semi-tropical (subtropic) area of climate of embellish of downy season rheumatism. Total climate characteristic is the winter does not have freezing, Xia Mo the intense heat of summer, quantity of heat rich, frost-free period heat of abundant, rain is the same as longer, rainfall season, cloudy sunshine little, wind speed lesser, relative humidity is bigger, stereo climate is more apparent.

       Day of Guiyang city rain is opposite more, but basically center in two period of time: A period of time is in annual 5 ~ in June, group of foreign flavour of sea of Pacific Ocean tropics enters Guiyang with the form of summertime wind, right now the monsoon of Guiyang comes, day of overcast and rainy is accordingly more.

       Another period of time appears in annual will come in November second year in Feburary, fall south northward cold air at this moment, creeping the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau wants when air conditioning group moves to Kunming direction from Guiyang, floating rate is extremely slow, be in exact dormant position, formed famous Yun Gui to allow dormant sharp edge (say Kunming is accurate again dormant sharp edge) ;

       Guiyang is in accurate dormant sharp edge below frontal surface, because this forms the weather with unbroken overcast and rainy. And in annual 7 ~ September, sunshine is opposite more, some a particular year have half month not to have rain even, drought of occurrence bend over

2, is stockaded village of seedling of Jiang Qian door generalized on the west?

Stockaded village of seedling of Jiang Qian door is one saves the place with whole culture of Miao Zu former zoology on the west, by more than 10 natural village is linked together piece, it is village of China's oldest Miao Zu inhabit a region

3, on the west advantage of stockaded village of seedling of Jiang Qian door?

Rose 2008, stockaded village of seedling of Jiang Qian door is on the west on the inheritance, base that protects traditional culture, undertake to having advantage resource reasonable development is used, develop tourism of ethical culture characteristic energetically, from in former days impoverished village very quickly decay is become global famed scene area, the villager returns countryside to do poineering work in succession.

Stockaded village of seedling of Jiang Qian door is one saves Miao Zu on the west " primitive zoology " the place with whole culture, the natural village that depend on hill by more than 10 and builds is linked together piece, it is the village of Miao Zu inhabit a region with China and even the at present greatest whole world. It is appreciate and know Chinese Miao Zu the ground of long history and development. On the west the seedling with annual river year section, eat 13 years of new division, bull to hide a section to wait all well-known in the world, stockaded village of seedling of Jiang Qian door is museum of an open air on the west, a Miao Zu develops on view epic, make the big stand that view and admire and studies culture of Miao Zu tradition. On the west Jiang Youyuan is close famed silversmith village, miao Zu silver is acted the role of make for handiwork completely, its craft has extremely high level.

In December 2017, stockaded village of seedling of Jiang Qian door obtains pop chart of 2017 villages consequence on the west (300 beautiful) honorary. In Feburary 2020, after the affection that treat epidemic disease ends, come on December 31, 2020, scene area to countrywide medical worker free

4, is stockaded village of seedling of Jiang Qian door belonged to on the west?

Stockaded village of seedling of Jiang Qian door is located in the Thunder God the foot of a mountain county of Lei Shan of autonomous prefecture of the Dong nationality of Miao Zu of southeast of Guizhou Province Guizhou on the west, it is the village of Miao Zu inhabit a region with China and even the at present greatest whole world. Amorous feelings of the nation inside stockaded village colorful confused shows culture of full-bodied, Miao Zu, be known as art of culture of Chinese Miao Zu natural museum, be history of research Miao Zu and culture " activation stone " .

5, on the west good name of stockaded village of seedling of Jiang Qian door?

Stockaded village of seedling of Jiang Qian door is located in on the west county of hill of Guizhou Province thunder, it is the ground of inhabit a region that the Miao Zu on Chinese history migrates 5 times greatly, it is the biggest Miao Zhai on the world, be apart from already had 2000 old histories today.

Hill of annulus of here all sides, connect rows of mountains again, terraced fields connects Yun Tian continuously according to hill take advantage of an opportunity, bai Shuihe wears stockaded village and pass, xi Jiangmiao stockaded village one divides into two. Cascade of floor of foot of the condole inside stockaded village is folded, arrange hill and build, continuous into piece, imposing manner extensive grand. Formed the back green hill that has distinguishing feature most, foot to step the beauty with jade belt, one circumfluent water, agrarian, festival, silver act the role ofing, dress, food, singing and dancing reachs Miao Zu farming its relic ancient custom is here run in the family, be learned with folk-custom by anthropologist of China and foreign countries person praise to save Miao Zu " primitive zoology " the place with wholer culture.

6, on the west table of article of stockaded village of seedling of Jiang Qian door?

County of Lei Shan of autonomous prefecture of the Dong nationality of Miao Zu of Guizhou Guizhou southeast 1000 Miao Zhai, it is China is only, 1000 the world's incomparable Miao Zhai. The building of woodiness condole foot of 1285 seedlings home depends on hill and build, layer upon layer photograph is folded, row upon row of, great of imposing manner extensive. On the west river it is seedling speech interpret, meaning for Miao Zu the place that the family name raises a department to live on the west. Miao Zhai of Jiang Qian door is worn as a result of inhabit a region on the west numerous seedling clansman, be known as " seedling " . Fold in this cascade, in the Miao Zhai with strewn at random discretion, the legend with too much under cover and mystery. Alien comes on the west river, have not enter camp inside, all without exception is its vast scope and extensive place of grand imposing manner shakes: Say with its this is a village, be inferior to saying is a forest, a forest that comprises by floor of condole foot wood, spread the foot of a hill continuously from the summit, whole hill severe tight laps on the spot rise. When dusk time, rise from all directions of the smoke from kitchen chimneys in stockaded village, the assemble is in be like mist like the cloud in the air, that setting, more indescribable. Stockaded village reposes at river valley, on four sides group hill encircle, weigh hill rows of mountains. Result from the Bai Shuihe of Thunder God level ground is winding stream drip, wear stockaded village and pass. River water Xi Jiangmiao stockaded village one divides into two, the floor of condole foot wood that layer cascade folds, from river two sides by hill situation, meandering spreads out up, continuous into piece red wooden partition, below sunshine illuminate, brilliant. Stockaded village of seedling of Jiang Qian door is famous city of provincial history culture on the west (town) , for complete province 13 protect one of ethical villages and towns with construction, be known as art of culture of people of " Miao Zu house " , the " of " activation stone that is history of research Miao Zu, culture. On the west Jiang Youyuan is close famed silversmith village, miao Zu silver is acted the role of make have extremely high level. If large part is silver-colored, small part silver, silver-colored,Miao Zu silver is acted the role of coronal, silver-colored garment the curiosa that wait mostly out on the west river. River beat hides a part on the west (seedling year) , famed the four seas, bar has year after year, political integrity 13 years, embroidery of the Lu Sheng that rouses concentration Tibetan a part to show Miao Zu, timbal, silver act the role ofing, dress, cross-stitch work, marriage festival, bullfight, cockfighting, singing in antiphonal style, year the ethical amorous feelings such as the meal, it is the optimal opportunity that view and admire and studies culture of Miao Zu tradition. Miao Zhai, contemporary like person walks into museum of a history, when touching those historical cultural relic, live with respect to a kind when think of our mankind ancestor condition

7, is stockaded village of seedling of Jiang Qian door mixed on the west what does stockaded village of seedling of Jiang Qian door have to distinguish on the west?

Stockaded village of seedling of Jiang Qian door is mixed on the west stockaded village of seedling of Jiang Qian door is a place on the west, it is one and the same, be in Guizhou.

8, on the west altitude of stockaded village of seedling of Jiang Qian door?

Altitude of 1000 seedlings stockaded village is controlled in 845 meters probably. Stockaded village of seedling of Jiang Qian door is one saves Miao Zu on the west " primitive zoology " the place with whole culture,

The natural village that depend on hill by more than 10 and builds is linked together piece, it is the village of Miao Zu inhabit a region with China and even the greatest whole world. It is appreciate and know Chinese Miao Zu the ground of long history and development. On the west the seedling with annual river year section,

Eat 13 years of new division, bull to hide a section to wait all well-known in the world, stockaded village of seedling of Jiang Qian door is museum of an open air on the west, a Miao Zu develops on view epic, make the big stand that view and admire and studies culture of Miao Zu tradition. On the west Jiang Youyuan is close famed silversmith village, miao Zu silver is acted the role of make for handiwork completely, its craft has extremely high level.

9, does stockaded village of seedling of Jiang Qian door say on the west?

Jiang Shigui city travels on the west a very main tourist attraction, inside minority village, on the west river the prior that is development, the travel establishment nowadays already very mature.

But in a lot of had not arrived on the west the passenger of the river, think on the west river just be like the introduction on the net in that way, it is the biggest Miao Zhai on current world, it is the outdoor museum that understands Miao Zu culture, it is a primitive tribe that is full of former zoology. And come on the west river it is to have the following kinds of reasons, it is firstly understand Miao Zu culture for know clearly and come, hearing of on the net next is a net the red ground that play card, it is You Lu following a group thirdly this tourist attraction was included in the line, come vast and mightily to here as tourism group. No matter you are which kinds of reason,come to here, the most propbably of place feeling place in the heart after going back is come back with fruitful results surely.

10, is stockaded village of seedling of Jiang Qian door in on the west?

On the west stockaded village of seedling of Jiang Qian door, be located in the Thunder God the foot of a mountain county of Lei Shan of autonomous prefecture of the Dong nationality of Miao Zu of southeast of Guizhou Province Guizhou, be apart from 36 kilometre of county, seat of government of state of state of distance Guizhou southeast Carey 35 kilometre, city of Guiyang of distance provincial capital makes an appointment with 200 kilometre. Stockaded village of seedling of Jiang Qian door is one saves Miao Zu on the west " primitive zoology " the place with whole culture, the natural village that depend on hill by more than 10 and builds is linked together piece, it is the village of Miao Zu inhabit a region with China and even the greatest whole world. Stockaded village of seedling of Jiang Qian door is museum of an open air on the west, a Miao Zu develops on view epic, make the big stand that view and admire and studies culture of Miao Zu tradition. On the west Jiang Youyuan is close famed silversmith village, miao Zu silver is acted the role of make for handiwork completely, its craft has extremely high level. Patulous data on the west evolution of history of stockaded village of seedling of Jiang Qian door 1945, red river removes a county, on the west river change county of river putting in a stage 's charge administer. 1950, lei Shan establishs prefectural people government, on the west river belong to public place of the 2nd area. 1954, build municipality of Miao Zu of thunder hill county, seat of stockaded village of seedling of Jiang Qian door is belonged to on the west on the west river area, 1959, stockaded village of thunder hill, furnace hill, red, Ma Jiang merges into Carey is big county, on the west river belong to Carey prefectural Lei Shan piece. 1961, restore thunder hill county, the river that build red, on the west river, big pool, always happy 44 4 areas, communes, 1000 Miao Zhai are belonged to at that time river Ou Xijiang is pressed down on the west. 1992, evacuate an area and after countryside, 1000 Miao Zhai are belonged to on the west Jiang Zhen administer up to now.
