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长白山瀑布长度? 长白山瀑布怎么去?英文双语对照


长白山瀑布长度? 长白山瀑布怎么去?英文双语对照








1. 拍照需要注意的事项2. 长白山瀑布是一处美丽的自然景观,但是由于瀑布水流湍急,拍照时需要注意安全。同时,由于瀑布水气蒸腾,容易造成相机镜头雾气,需要注意擦拭。此外,拍摄角度也很重要,可以选择在瀑布前方或者侧面拍摄,以突出瀑布的壮观和美丽。3. 如果想要更好的拍摄效果,可以选择在不同的时间段拍摄,比如黄昏或者日出时分,可以捕捉到不同的光影效果。同时,可以使用滤镜或者调整相机参数来增强瀑布的色彩和质感。


1 长白山的瀑布非常壮观,但同时也非常难以描述。需要亲身经历才能感受到其景观之美。2 长白山瀑布的壮观程度主要源于山区的湍急流水和陡峭的峡谷,这使得自然水流无法避免地产生了水声和水雾。长长的瀑布飞流直下,激起了一层层轻烟雾气,宛若一幅令人陶醉的水墨画卷。3 如果你想要详细地了解长白山瀑布,建议可以参观长白山的旅游景点。在那里,你可以近距离观看瀑布,听到水声和呼吸新鲜的空气。这是一次难忘的体验,也会让你更加了解美丽的长白山。








“有人问:山中何处有秀水? / 指尔为著,激石湍湍似卷帘。”——宋代苏轼《念奴娇·赤壁怀古》

























Grow length of white mountain fall?

Long white Shan Tianchi in have a little gap, lake water spills over from this, flow to fall via the one have diarrhoea after kilometre, the long white fall that formed what fall amounts to 68 meters.

How does fall of long white mountain go?

Because long Bai Shan has many fall,need concrete analysis, so specific it is which chute needs to make clear. If be the chute inside area of scene of pool of sky of long white mountain, can grow station of white hill travel to take long Bai Shan from loose Jiang Lu go to before car of scene area sightseeing is pedestrian perhaps; If be to growing Bai Shan the chute inside other condition area, can choose to head for means according to the position of particular situation area. Anyhow, head for long Bai Shan to visit need to make good program and preparation ahead of schedule, follow relevant provision and safe proposal, what travel in order to ensure is successful with safety.

Is fall of long white mountain optimal time?

78 month are optimal, long white fall group be located in sky of hoary head mountain to eat eat north, the fall of fall of long white mountain is achieved 68 meters tall, it is the highest crater lake chute on the world, at the same time he also is the mouth giving water with day exclusive pool, also be the Songhua River, graph people river, duck green river. The source of this 3 rivers. Weather good prospect is more delightful when 78 month come, fall of white mountain of be expected to rise is exceedingly grand.

How does fall of long white mountain take a picture?

1.Take a picture the item that needs an attention 2. Fall of long white mountain is the natural landscape that is in beauty, but because chute flow is rapid, the need when taking a picture notices safety. In the meantime, as a result of chute hydrosphere rising, cause mirage of camera camera lens easily, need notices to wipe. In addition, shooting angle is very important also, can choose to be in chute ahead or flank films, with highlighting chute grand with beauty. 3. If want better film the effect, can choose to be in different time paragraph film, for instance crepuscular or sunrise time, can take distinct smooth shadow effect. In the meantime, can use filter lens to perhaps adjust camera parameter to enhance the colour of chute and simple sense.

Does fall of long white mountain introduce in detail?

The chute of 1 long white hill is very grand, but at the same time very inenarrable also. Need experiences ability to experience the beauty of its landscape personally. The grand degree of fall of 2 long white mountain basically results from a mountainous area rapid running water and abrupt gorge, this makes natural current cannot avoid real estate to be born underwater acoustic with water mist. Grow long fall to fly flow to fall continuously, aroused one layer upon layer light aerosol to enrage, the wash that Wan Re makes a person be intoxicated coils. 3 if you want to know fall of long white mountain in detail, the proposal can see the travel tourist attraction of long Bai Shan. Over, you can view fall with close quarters, hear underwater acoustic with the air with fresh breath. This is unforgettable experience, also can let you understand beautiful long Bai Shan more.

Does fall of mountain of north of long white hill introduce?

 Chute of slope of north of long white hill is the fountainhead that coming down from day pool mouth is the Songhua River, height about hundreds of meters, no matter be,can see in vicinity and far in the voice that can hear him in very far place, special beauty and grand, be in our country is very famous it is the You Sheng with Jilin famous province the ground.

Grow the line of white mountain fall?

The chute on long Bai Shan is one of natural landscape with Chinese famous north, attracting numerous tourist and literary lover to come round to admire. It is the famous line that a few depict grow white mountain fall below:

"Green hill block does not live, after all east flow. " -- Tang Dynasty plum is white " cottage Shan Yao "

"Dusk smoke 1000 peaks are beautiful, endless flow one meander. " -- Tang Dynasty plum is white " Wen Di of Chun Yeluo city "

"Rise steeply of cliff of 10 thousand an ancient measure of length equal to seven or eight chi, the 1000 race that search water. " -- Tang Dynasty Bai Juyi " the ode gets Gu Yuan grass to send off "

"Somebody asks: Does the where in hill have beautiful water? / show Er is, rapid of the rapid that surge rock seems a sign. " -- Song Daisu Shi " meditate on the past of Chibi of · of charming reading aloud a slave "

"Name of one night float 15 carry, dragon door displays Qing Bo so. " -- yuan Dai Baipiao " give Cong Shuyu first "

These line, never be the same as angle, different style and form, those who describe a fall of long white mountain is strong beautiful, peculiar with attractive picture, the irregular change that took chute running water, rise and fall to feel with force, have very high artistic value and culture intention.

Long Bai Shan which chute is good?

Long white fall is located in side of day pool north, by raft at the river, take the fall that rafts the river forms fall to be 68 meters to 1250 meters of place, because fasten long Bai Shan scenic spot beautiful scene, friend name grows white fall. Long Bai Shan is China 10 names hill, it is divine territory of China from of old, also be the Songhua River, graph people birthplace of green Jiang Sanjiang of river and duck.

Arrive from hotel drive car long white fall, just arrived to issue fine drizzle, because day pool is shut, the tourist runs to long white fall here come.

Photography / Xiamen Airline Style

Go forth along a plank road built along a cliff, can pass region of a hot spring, waving mirage, the feeling resembles the feeling in feek giddy.

Photography / Xiamen Airline Style

Chute is the following, to bank of hot spring pool, relief submits the clough form of U glyph shape, about 300 meters or so wide, it is deep between 100-200 rice. This valley is by the Quaternary Period glacier moves, construction of the volcanic layer with dig inattentive corrode, deep sunken cave in is formed.

Photography / Xiamen Airline Style

Day pool all sides such moraine landforms numerous, size is differ, appear radiative model cloth is exhibited below Xiang Shan, with 2 gorge most broad big, river and hot spring exhibit cloth, it is the world cereal of the famous U on geology history ice. Green grass is like Gu Biqing by cold, cereal mattress, brook Chan Chan, hot spring vacates smoke.

In river of chute lower part, 2 spoken parts in an opera on the right side of, distributinging move the spring of high fever type group, water is warm in be awed family name 60 to 82 degrees between, exhibit about more than 1000 square metre, more than 10 is in spew mouth, also say to get together Long Quan.

Is fall of long white mountain wide how much be?

Answering question: 7Rice goes to 20 meters between. Chute of pool of sky of long white mountain flies flow to issue 3 rivers source continuously, mix in day break peak edge ladder is poured out of to differ a river to fly to chute among Tian Yunfeng shed straight whereabouts to differ many meters 60.

Does Li Bai grow the poem of white mountain fall?

Beautiful scenery, a winding path leading to a secluded spot.

Grow white mountain fall, attitude loftily.

White cloud flutters, drip waves medicinal powder.

Cataract does not cease, long take the world.

High mountain lofty, phonic musical sound is rising and falling.

Chan of running water Chan, sound loud and clear.

Li Bai is oblivious of oneself, endow with Shi Jiazhang.

Grow white mountain fall, too many beautiful things.

上一篇:花草的句子唯美短句? 路边的花草的唯美句子?英文双语对照