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 1. 南大港湿地位于沧州市东北部的渤海湾畔,规划总面积11590公顷,是一个由草甸、沼泽、水体、野生动植物等多种生态要素组成的湿地系统,有植物237种,昆虫291种,鸟类268种,其中丹顶鹤、白鹤等国家一级保护鸟类8种,是省级自然保护区和全国科普教育基地,

2.  吴桥县位于河北省东南部,是我国杂技发祥地之一,被国内外杂技界公认为中国杂技之乡。1993年,吴桥县政府与香港国旅合资兴建了“吴桥杂技大世界”,把杂技艺术作为一项独有的旅游资源加以开发利用。大世界占地200公顷,规模庞大,气势宏伟,内设十大景点

3.  东光铁佛寺是著名的名胜古迹,素以沧州狮子景州塔,东光县的铁菩萨闻名遐迩。据《东光县志》记载,铁佛寺原名普照寺,始建于北宋开宝五年(公元973年)至今已有一千多年的历史。因寺内释迦牟尼佛体态硕大而闻名,民国25年(公元1936年)直系军阀吴佩孚曾亲笔题匾为铁佛寺






Does dark blue city arrive which a few cities does double edition accept pass on the west?

Judge water, xing Tai, han Dan, pu Yang, an Yang, new rural area, unseal, xu Chang, mesa, nanyang, assist this world, jing Zhou, chang De, abide by justice, autonomous prefecture of Miao Zu of the Bouyei nationality austral Guizhou, guiyang, qu Jing, kunming, yu Xi, autonomous prefecture of the Yi nationality of red river the Hani nationality

Tourist attraction of travel of dark blue city?

Basically have 8 big tourist attractions:

It is macrocosm of Wu Qiao acrobatics - the county of countryside Wu Qiao that is located in world-famous acrobatics;

2 it is temple of Dong Guangtie Buddha - be located in inside town of Dong Guang county of city of dark blue state;

3 it is arrange of the government office between the river - it is the Ya of archaic government office with a long history, only then build at grand sight of Northen Song Dynasty 2 years;

4 be south big harbor wet ground - it is wet ground of the deposit of the river that retreat the sea with dark blue famous city seaside;

5 it is temple of Islamic Beijing University - those who be located in inhabit a region of the Hui nationality of southeast of urban district of dark blue city is new China area liberates a road;

6 it is area of scene of garden of Ji Xiaolan culture - by dark blue city travel of Ji Xiaolan culture develops limited company to be connotation with Ji Xiaolan culture, the culture travel place that construction of type of copy clear gardens is carrier.

7 it is bank of a thousand li of white foreign form sediment - be located in city of Ren Qiu of northwest of city of dark blue state, be apart from urban district holding the post of grave to be in 10 kilometers recently;

8 it is world of water of hot spring flourishing peaceful - the world of hot spring water that has style of semi-tropical rain forest to cover an area of 3800 square metre

Does double edition accept travel on the west tourist attraction?

 Now double edition accept is countrywide each district on the west a lot of like yearning travel to make calorie of place, come double edition accept does not play on the west 34 days play not to turn on the west of double edition accept everywhere tourist attraction, come above all double edition accept plays a few diurnal tourist attractions first on the west, arrived to play the tourist attraction of night in the evening again, can play very amused tourist attraction day and night so, can go by day intertropical flowers garden, still have graceful listen to a park, still have wild elephant grain, still have big Buddha temple these are the tourist attractions that play by day, every tourist attraction is the very amused characteristic that has of every description, return the urban district to go to what entire network likes most rambling in the evening the night fair that tell a banker, still can shop night fair barbecue of Jiang Bian, see you how bring eduction travel play.

Does tourist attraction of travel of double edition accept introduce on the west?

Garden of cereal of virgin forest, arboretum, wild elephant, flowers, Dai nationality garden, graceful listen to temple of temple of park, total Buddha, big Buddha, river of dark blue of night fair of lake of fountain of the night fair that tell a banker, music, peacock, Jiang Bian, billows, quicksand the river.

Does sea of Meng of double edition accept travel on the west tourist attraction?

Meng sea travels 10 big tourist attractions have:

1 Meng scene will travel scene area,

2 scene true anise wells balanced,

3 dozens of the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces cultivate Cheng Lin alone,

Reservoir of state of Meng of lake of swan of 4 Meng state,

5 dozens of Luo Xiaozhen,

6 museum of zoology of the Blang nationality is decided on the west,

7 dozens of Luo Fengguang,

Outline takes in 8 Wang Tianshu sky,

9 in park of remote border land,

Park of forest of 10 dozens of the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces.

The tourist attraction has distinguishing feature each, can choose to visit according to individual be fond of!

On the west is double edition accept classical travel tourist attraction?

Double edition Na Man listens to a park on the west travel tourist attraction is classical. Graceful listen to a park to be in double edition accept also can carry on the west most title. The oldest. His position is equivalent to the imperial garden in ancient time. The king that is Dai nationality builds for his princess place. A lot of sceneries in the park also became cameraman find a view to perhaps catch the place that take.

On the west the travel tourist attraction of double edition accept?

Wild elephant cereal, virgin forest park, arboretum of Chinese Academy of Sciences, dai garden, flowers garden, graceful listen to a park, total Buddha temple, big Buddha temple, square of fountain of music of river of billows dark blue, accuse village starlight night fair, peacock lake.

What travel tourist attraction does dark blue city have?

1. Big harbor is located in the bank of Bohai Sea bay city of dark blue state wetly south, program gross area 11590 hectare, it is one waits by system of meadow, fenny, water, wild vivid plant the wet system that a variety of zoology element form, have a plant 237 kinds, the insect 291 kinds, avian 268 kinds, among them one class protects the country such as red -crowned crane, white crane avian 8 kinds, it is provincial and natural groove guard and base of education of countrywide popular science,

County of 2.   Wu Qiao is located in Heibei to visit southeast department, it is one of birthplace of our country acrobatics, by bound of domestic and international acrobatics accepted the countryside that is Chinese acrobatics. 1993, government of Wu Qiao county and force of Hong Kong nation are joint-stock build " macrocosm of Wu Qiao acrobatics " , regard a particular travel resource as to try to develop acrobatics art use. Macrocosm covers an area of 200 hectare, dimensions is giant, imposing manner is grandiose, 10 big tourist attractions are set inside

Temple of 3.   Dong Guangtie Buddha is famous famous places and historical sites, element with tower of city of scene of lion of dark blue city, the iron a term applied to a kindhearted person of Dong Guang county is famous far and near. According to " Dong Guang county annals " account, original name of iron Buddha temple temple of illuminate all things, only then build at Northen Song Dynasty to open treasure 5 years (the Christian era 973 years) the history that already had more than 1000 years up to now. Because huge and posture of Buddha of the Sakyamuni inside the temple is famed, the Republic of China 25 years (the Christian era 1936) lineal warlord Wu Peifu ever inscribed plaque to be iron Buddha temple in one's own handwriting

What travel tourist attraction does dark blue city have?

History of dark blue state is long, travel tourist attraction is not little, the iron Bodhisattva of the iron lion that has dark blue state, Dong Guang, south the berth lotus of head of the haven of macrocosm of acrobatics of leather Shi Jingang, Wu Qiao, Huang Hua, berth the celebrity of city of state of temple, mosque, dark blue the government office between arboretum, zoo, river.

The travel tourist attraction near dark blue city?

The bank of the canal, wushu famous city, iron lion presses down the sea, cate is celebrated, city of ancient city dark blue serves as the countryside of the wushu of celebrated China and foreign countries, have lion of iron of dark blue city, night scene of the Grant Canal, have macrocosm of Wu Qiao acrobatics, civilized global, have gold-rimmed small jujube, have baked wheaten cake of flesh of the ass between the river, have display a county to show king grave, have temple of Dong Guangtie Buddha, have yellow Hua harbor, go to sea fish, see Bohai Sea gulf beautiful scene, watch canal scene surely to dark blue city, see Wu Qiao acrobatics surely, eat asinine flesh baked wheaten cake surely!
