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1.侧臂绕环:8拍,1--3摇臂摆动+3--8 侧臂绕环

2.前曲侧摆:8拍,1--3摇臂摆动 +4--8前曲侧摆












第三节:肩部运动(背景音乐: 放歌草原上)






耸肩要有力度, 动作结合紧密,加强节奏感,本节难点耸肩后造型准确,注意身体重心的平移。



2.摇摆叠臂抓手: 8拍,1--4摇臂摆动+5--8叠臂抓手


4.摇摆交叉摆动: 8拍,1--4摇臂摆动+5--8交叉摆动

5.摇摆曲臂轮转: 8拍,1--4摇臂摆动+5--8曲臂轮转


第五节: 腰腹运动(背景音乐:天下最美的草原)























































( 踢腿要有力度,表现出军人刚正不阿、意志坚定、雷厉风行的气概,背景音乐的选用反映出梦之队的,“不需要您认识我,不渴望您知道我,我把对的热爱融进全民健身的伟业中,愿梦之队健身操带给您快乐健康,这就是梦之队最大的心愿)


Is what you say south the team of fork dream the 7th setting-up exercise? The fault was written into male basin. I will help you.

The team of the dream the 7th setting-up exercise essentials of the 7th movement

The first: Warm-up (background music: Burn vegetable)

1. side arm circles annulus: 8 pat, 1- - 3 rocker swing + 3- - 8 side arm circles annulus

Side of the music before 2. places: 8 pat, 1- - 3 rocker swing + 4- - 8 before music side is placed

The hand breaks up on 3. side: 16 pat, 1- - 4 rocker swing + 5- - 8 left on turn over a hand + 9- - 12 on lift turn over a hand + 13- - 16 on the right side of on turn over a hand

4. arrange pace turns over a hand: 8 pat, 1- - 4 rocker swing + 5- - 8 arrange pace turns over a hand

The across before 5. body: 12 pat, 1- - 4 rocker swing + 5- - 8 before smooth across + 9- - the across before 12 body

Side ancon lifts on 6. : 12 pat, 1- - 4 rocker swing + 5- - 8 left go up the ancon that choose side + 9- - 12 on the right side of go up the ancon that choose side

The 2nd: Upper limbs moves (background music: Ask careless original be a guest)

1. straight arm answers annulus: 10 pat, 1- - 5 on the right side of straight arm circles annulus + 6- - 10 left straight arm answers annulus

Straight side is smooth before 2. on lift: 10 pat, 1- - straight side is smooth before 5 left feet start on lift + 6- - straight side is smooth before 10 right legs start on lift

3. straight arm swings side stretch one's legs: 8 pat, 1- - 4 straight arms swing + 5- - 8 two side average kick the bucket

Side of the music before 4. clap is smooth: 10 pat, 1- - 6 before. On. Side clap + 8- - 10 before music side is smooth

The stretch one's legs that choose side goes up continuously before 5. : 8 pat, 1- - 4 before go up continuously lift + 5- - 8 two side average kick the bucket

(powerful, the horizontal stroke makes the same score upend, notice stand point is reached erupt of force apply)

The 3rd: Humeral ministry moves (background music: On the prairie that put a song)

1. hangs down brachial side arm swings: 8 pat, 1- - 4 hang down the arm hunchs + 5- - 8 side arm swings

2. hangs down music of side of brachial left and right sides: 8 pat, 1- - 4 hang down the arm hunchs + 5- - music of 8 or so side

3. hangs down brachial side is smooth place a neck: 8 pat, 1- - 4 hang down the arm hunchs + 5- - 8 side are smooth place a neck

4. hangs down music of side of brachial single hand: 8 pat, 1- - 4 hang down the arm hunchs + 5- - music of side of 8 single hands

5. hangs down straight side is smooth before the arm: 8 pat, 1- - 4 hang down the arm hunchs + 5- - 8 before straight side is smooth

Hunch should have strength, behavioral union is close together, reinforce rhythm feeling, the modelling after this section difficulty hunchs is accurate, notice the translation of body centre of gravity.

The 4th: Sway motion (background music: The fish that dies yearningly)

1. sways the music before body extends: 8 pat, 1- - 4 rocker swing + 5- - the Qu Shen before 8 body

2. sways the grasper that fold an arm: 8 pat, 1- - 4 rocker swing + 5- - the 8 grasper that fold an arm

Arm of 3. rocker side swings: 8 pat, 1- - 4 rocker swing + 5- - 8 side arm swings

4. sways across swings: 8 pat, 1- - 4 rocker swing + 5- - 8 across swing

5. sways music arm cycle: 8 pat, 1- - 4 rocker swing + 5- - 8 arms cycle

Sway motion + place places coxa, sway motion notices body system side, the extent that place coxa should reach the designated position, model of sports of the upper limbs that place coxa wants accurate

The 5th: Lumbar abdomen moves (background music: The prairie with the most beautiful the world)

Side lifts to make the same score on 1. across: 6 pat, 1.2 before smooth across + 3.4 on lift 45 ° + 5.6 side are smooth

2. across folds brachial grasper: 6 pat, 1.2 before smooth across + the 3.4 grasper that fold an arm + 5.6 before music grasper

3. hands in akimbo shoulder to flap: 6 pat, 1.2 before smooth across + side of 3.4 pairs of arms is smooth + 5.6 waists shoulder flaps

4. across side makes the same score grasper: 6 pat, 1.2 before smooth across + 3.4 side make the same score grasper + 5.6 arms grasper

5. across pats an abdomen to take a leg: 6 pat, 1.2 before smooth across + 3.4 pat a stomach + 5.6 take a leg

Hold out a bosom to receive celiac double leg to stretch tight straight, the upper part of the body smooth waist sends force, palm of chela of body centre of gravity is propped up, calcaneal is small carry. Lumbar abdomen swings twice even and strong, this should be made soft in have strong withy aesthetic feeling)

The 6th: Body side moves (background music: )

1. side makes the same score side stage side to place: 6 pat, 1.2 side are smooth + 3- - side of style of 6 side stage

2. side is smooth on lift side to place: 8 pat, 1- - 4 side smooth side is placed + 5- - 8 go up the side that raise put oneself in another's position

3. side flatly music side places: 8 pat, 1- - 4 side smooth side is placed + 5- - side of the 8 body that make the same score music

4. side makes the same score the side that buckle a hand to place: 8 pat, 1- - 4 side smooth side is placed + 5- - side of the 8 body that buckle a hand

Flat arm side places 5. side: 8 pat, 1- - 4 side smooth side is placed + 5- - side of the 8 body that make the same score music

(hold out a bosom to receive an abdomen to maintain the upper part of the body smooth, double arm side is smooth flat, body side sends force to nod the waist, body side swings 45 ° , point of key control stand and waist erupt of force apply)

The 7th: Clap moves (background music: The deadline of love)

Clap one's hand raises on 1. side music: 6 pat, 1.2 on raise clap one's hand + 3 side music + 4.5 side take a leg + 6 flat

Straight clap side lifts before 2. : 6 pat, 1.2 before straight clap + 3- - side of the music before 6 clap is smooth turn over a hand

Side of arm of 3. clap music is smooth: 8 pat, 1.2 on raise clap one's hand + 3- - 6 arms side is smooth + 7.8 side take a leg

Straight side places before 4. turn over a hand: 10 pat, 1.2 before straight clap + 3- - 6 side are smooth turn over a hand + 7- - 10 side are placed turn over a hand

The abdomen pats to take a leg continuously before 5. : 8 pat, 1.2 before straight clap + 3.4 pat a stomach + 5.6 pat a back + 7.8 side take a leg

(force and beautiful perfect couple, clap is agile, of outstanding brawn and muscle show, master wrist ministry to erupt the essentials of force, enhance arm staying power, the strength that hit a bottom is moderate)

The 8th: Body have a change of luck moves (background music: )

Body of 1. music arm turns: 8 pat, 1- - 4 before swing continuously + 5- - 8 arms body turns

Body of arm of the music after 2. head turns: 8 pat, 1- - 4 before swing continuously + body of arm of the music after the head turns

3. music makes the same score body to turn: 8 pat, 1- - 4 before swing continuously + 5- - 8 smooth style turn

4. makes the same score music system to turn: 8 pat, 1- - 4 before swing continuously + 5- - 8 even music system turn

Body of 5. right and wrong turns: 8 pat, 1- - 4 before swing continuously + 5- - body of 8 right and wrong turns

(1- - 4 pat straight arm to swing antebrachium swings as flat as the shoulder, the arm swings after 30 ° , body thing upper part of the body turns 45 ° reach the designated position, private parts absolutely still, the palm that notices the body balances a gender accuses)

The 9th: The motion that circle annulus (background music: Jump spring scenery)

1. flaps across circles annulus: 8 pat, 1.2 pat costal region + 3.4 arms flap + 5- - 8 across circle annulus

Straight side arm circles annulus before 2. : 8 pat, 1. Before straight + 2- - straight arm of 5 thin arms circles annulus + straight arm of 6.7 pairs of arms circles annulus + 8 hind place

3. side makes the same score side arm to circle annulus: 6 pat, 1. Side is smooth + 2- - 5 side arm circles annulus + 6 hang down arm

Side of 4. even music is smooth circle annulus: 8 pat, 1. Side is smooth + 2- - 5 even music side are smooth + 6 circle annulus + 7 side are smooth + 8 hang down arm

Music of 5. clutch waist places circle annulus: 6 pat, 1.2 clutch waist + the across before 3.4 body + place 5.6 times circle annulus

(the arm keeps flat circle annulus, circle annulus full, the movement is easy and rich spark, the movement joins performance is smooth, those who make annulus arm change is beautiful the effect of round of beautiful Huan)

The 10th: Comprehensive campaign (background music: Row song. Folk song)

1. carries the pace that furl side on the back to swing: 16 pat, 1- - 8 backs fold side stage + 9- - 16 before music swings

2. back folds break up lift on the hand: 12 pat, 1- - 8 backs fold side stage + 9- - 12 break up lift on the hand

Music of the side before 3. back folds extends: 16 pat, 1- - 8 backs fold side stage + 9- - 12 before straight Qu Shen + 13- - 16 clap side is smooth turn over wrist

Before 4. back folds, make the same score on lift: 16 pat, 1- - 8 backs fold side stage + 9- - 12 on the right side of before smooth on lift + 13- - 16 left before smooth on lift

5. back folds side to kick a leg: 16 pat, 1- - 8 backs fold side stage + 9- - 16 side stage kicks a leg

(hold as perfect as dance confluence, pace of before half mat is walked out of lightsome, modelling of second half ministry has strength clearly, combinative background music shows beautiful air with body beautiful the lasting appeal that extend)

Eleventh section: (background music: Moon dance)

Music enlarge bosom makes the same score continuously before 1. : 12 pat, 1- - 4 before swing continuously + 5- - 8 before straight side is smooth + 9- - bosom of 12 smooth enlarge

Before 2. bosom of straight across enlarge: 12 pat, 1- - 4 before swing continuously + 5- - 8 before straight side is smooth + 9- - bosom of 12 across enlarge

Before 3. bosom of enlarge of straight music arm: 12 pat, 1- - 4 before swing continuously + 5- - 8 before straight side is smooth + 9- - bosom of 12 arms enlarge

Before 4. bosom of enlarge of straight side music: 12 pat, 1- - 4 before swing continuously + 5- - 8 before straight side is smooth + 9- - bosom of enlarge of 12 side music

Before 5. bosom of enlarge of straight right and wrong: 12 pat, 1- - 4 before swing continuously + 5- - 8 before straight side is smooth + 9- - bosom of enlarge of 12 right and wrong

(before swing continuously have strength, enlarge bosom should reach the designated position, two side bladebone draws close, can promote disease of remedial cervical vertebra, can eliminate lung depression effectively to feel, increase, improve appearance, the effect that has plasticity)

Dozenth section: Lower limbs moves (background music: The motherland won't forget)

Stretch one's legs of side of 1. move about arm: 8 pat, 1- - 4 arms swing + 5- - 8 side stretch one's legs

Side of waist of clutch of the music before 2. kicks a leg: 10 pat, 1- - arm of music of 3 right around + 4- - arm of music of 6 left from beginning to end + 7- - side of 10 clutch waist kicks a leg

The leg lifts continuously before 3. move about arm: 8 pat, 1- - 4 arms swing + 5- - 8 before lift a leg continuously

4. makes the same score music side to make the same score leg issueing pedal: 8 pat, 1- - 4 even music side are smooth + 5- - 8 side make the same score leg issueing pedal

Side of 5. music arm kicks a leg: 18 pat, 1- - 4 arms swing + 5- - 18 arms side kicks a leg

(kick a leg to want to have strength, show military upright not A, volition the lofty quality of sturdy, with the power of a thunderbolt and the speed of lightning, of the chooses report to give a dream group of background music, "Do not need you to know me, do not hope you know me, I have deep love for those who be opposite in the great exploit that be in harmony enters fitness of the whole people, wish the team setting-up exercise of the dream brings you happy health, the wish with the biggest group that this is a dream)

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